
Friday, March 22, 2013

oh Canada?

"Expectations breed disappointments."   Klik & Klak on NPR
talking with Z Man yesterday for two plus hours...
found out my youngest son Mega-mind;
my youngest almost entirely apolitical son
who i don't ever recall looking up  from
his PC and games to read a newspaper
or watch TV news, has decided with a friend
to move to Canada in 3-5 years
to avoid the inevitable collpase of the US economy
and the American Empire.
a situation that even Z Man thot was

i was gobsmacked and speechless
then i recalled that before S'Cruz
SM & i had considered Canada,Ecuador,
Brazil,Costa Rica and Lake Chapala Mexico.
not to avoid the Decline but
to get good weather and a safe retirement.

what happens  to the Untied Snakes when even intelligent
20 somethings see no hope for them here?
we have become/becoming a desperate
broke third world country.
kill the unions,destroy public education,
destroy the tax base,ass rape The Middle Class,
foreclose on The American Dream,
morally bankrupt gridlocked Congress
and have drone killer O Bomba
steering the USA Titanic closer to the iceberg.

i am not saying that my two bright clever sons
indicate a nationwide trend but
ask around,ask any young people you know
if hearing the constant MSM drumbeat of
has had any effect on their outllok
for the future.

i'm just saying.


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