
Friday, March 1, 2013

MST n 'food scarcity'

"Life is a disease,and the only difference between one man 
and another is the stage of the disease at which he lives."
George Bernard Shaw (like a sr8 Oscar Wilde my hero too)

its 70+ degrees here in bullet riddled "Paradise",
and yeah we made the MSM national news
for our bloody cop killings a few days ago.

but what urged me to write today was two arrticles
i found in today's SF CHRONICLE.
a new term to me MST
"military sexual trauma" for those
who join and don't get PTSD from combat
there MST from getting raped.assaulted,
or stalked or whatever
from the 'don't ask n don't tell'
all volunteer (sic) army.
aside from that the main thrust
(no pun intended) of the article
was homeless female vets.
sigh...the VA apparently is lacking
when it comes to housing, accomadating
homeless female vets with kids.
with kids if you can imagine that....

"food scarcity" is the new euphemism
depending upon your source
either 1 in 4 or 1 in 6 children in
"the greatest country in the world"
go to bed hungry.either number is
unforgivable and appalling.
takes an in depth personal look at this.

i have written that,aside from
illegal drone strikes,
the US produces enough food
for every person on the planet,
all 7 billion plus.but the reason (sigh)
for "food scarcity" is both greed and
access. enough food is thrown away
from grocery and food servers
to feed all of the US hungry
adequately. there are laws against
re-selling food but not against giving it
to the Food Pantry nearby.

 NBC ran a story recently about college kids
 doing just this from school cafeterias.
i used to work a block from the SF Opera
and after the shows
the caterers would bring
platters of goodies to the legions of homeless
camped in our doorways. i have already
detailed the idiocy of the SFPD
kicking over kettles of fresh made soup into the gutters
for lack of unobtainable 'permits'.

what else?
apparently Mayor Jean Quan
if Oakland is an idiot
for posting,or allowing to be posted,
on her website complete details on lock picking
-in case you get locked out of your house
or do not carry a second set of keys.....
need i mention that Oaktown
has been a haven for burglars

be kind

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