
Wednesday, March 20, 2013


in the Vigilant Citizen mode..
1.Rihanna has a chest wide tattoo of Isis below
both breasts as well as Horus on one ankle.
2.two of the Most Evil places i have encountered
in my life had the Masonic checkerboard floor,east & west coast.. let's assume that like many psychopaths or such groups,
using Illuminati as a catchphrase exist....How & When.
4.i have firsthand knowledge that such a group(s) exist.
be patient as i am still roughing this one out....
5.pause to Wikipedia this as i am going all multidisciplinary on this.

in Ancient Egypt between the Old Kingdom and the latter Middle Kingdom
was a terrible drought lasting decades,what few records remain
mention the populace literally eating their children to survive,
after killing the royals and priests who failed to save them.

now FREEMASONS like to claim a heritage
descended from the blue collar pyramid builders
of The Old and Middle Kingdoms
a nice image.but  let's suppose that during the drought
the priests of The Old Kingdom went underground
and recognizing the vagaries of the Nile Valley stayed there
(or at least some portion thereof).
under The Old Kingdom the sacred bull was Apis
(see St.Pats chronology link) sacred to Osiris,Isis and Horus
it was assumed this ended under the rule of the Ptolemy family
(see Cleopatra)  yet we find evidence of the secret cult
of Mithras among the Roman elites and even the Celts,
which called itself a revival of the ancient Egyptian worship.
(possibly bull dancers of Crete/Minoans)

so Old Kingdom Egypt to Roman Empire and
how do we bridge the gap from Rome to modern ages?

i was lost for a few seconds then the new Pope came
on TV again and again.The Roman Catholic Church,
or a subset thereof, bridges the gap quite nicely
thru The Dark Ages (ignorance fostered by the Church).
The Inquisitions and the witch burnings,
especially the persecuction of The Cathars
and later perhaps The Knights Templar,
always seem to extinguish the most Christian elements of the Faith.

BTW both Mary Magdalene (not a whore
look it up, defamed by the early Popes
and Judas preached a radically different and more
egalitarian doctrine than the sexist Church
was willing to recognize).

so the seeds of Mithras are buried amidst
the outer casing of the Church.
with a touch of Bacchus as well...
so we have worships,slavery,cruelty and
 the hidden sigils that
few would ever recognize

during The Age of Enlightenment,
for reasons unknown to me,a
more secular face was put on this.

Adam Weispaut (sp?) and The Rosy Cross
and the Freemasons but beneath this
in Europe we find the various Brimstone Boys and
Hellfire Clubs who joyously mocked Chrisitianty
indulging in slavery,licentiousness, Bacchic revels,
sacrifice (like the thousands of minors
sacrifriced in Roman Era Carthage).

Ben Franklin ( and maybe Jefferson)
have been linked to Hellfire Clubs
 in England and France and it is proposed
that Franklin  set up the first one here in the Colonies...
many US Presidents,starting with Washington
have been Freemasons (33rd degree)
and designed DC to reflect this.
...All Seeing Eye of Horus on our currency anyone?
and now  secret clubs like Skull & Bones and
The Bohemian Grove near here
openly flout their pagan roots amidst
 the rich & powerful Elites.

now if you recall the big flaps last century
about Satanic worship
and the FBI debunking this and snuff films.
hundred of thousands of people move and
some vanish each year in the US.
as in the TV series THE FOLLOWING
the minions of Evil run deep and they are scattered
where they will do the best job, whether it is
The Bilderbergers or Hollywood and all steps in between.
just do a mental list of  all the officials caught
with their pants down or hands in the till,
not all random Evils can be attributed to them but some perhaps...

this issue is multi generational and the problem is
they don't need 7 billion of us as
cannon fodder any longer.

look how quickly America was hollowed out
and The Middle Class evaporated under Bush 43
(Bush vs Kerry Skull & Bones vs Skull & Bones,jeez).
it is hiding in plain sight,mocking us with ridicule
and arrogance.chemtrails,Agenda 21,Georgia Guidestones ,
Alternative Three,etc etc

BTW   CIA MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control
fit nicely into the jigsaw i am building.
i have no proof that Rihanna or anyone else is a Monarch Sex Kitten
but doesn't the Christian Bible say some about
"by their deeds ye shall know them"?

this is what i think about while posting links and surfing the net.
look at the two Brit vids from a paranoid perspective okay?

"What you seek is seeking you."  Rumi


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