
Friday, February 15, 2013

on Comments

1. i do not check Comments as often as i should as usually there are few or none.

2. am delighted to have such good feedback is this blog
is it hard work? no,more a labor of love.12-20 hours a week usually.
yes i do post to Facebook but mostly inconsequential fluff.
only on it cuz my children are.

3. i did the entire blog from concept to design templates to misanthropic quotes myself.
no idea what the role of an apprentice would be.

4. tips for new bloggers?
be yourself,be honest, don't put on airs or inflate you worth.
tell the truth -warts and all but have a few friends\relatives to keep you in check.

5. remember to have fun.

6.please stay tuned,webcam adventures loom.

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