
Friday, February 22, 2013

frack ME?

"...nothing wrong with Southern California that a rise in
the ocean level wouldn't cure." Ross McDonald

aloha2u today,
recently i read with mild distress a column which boasted of the coming KALIpornia
energy boom from fracking. it was PR, paid or unpaid,
which promised all budget problems in KALI could be solved via fracking
much like the booms in Montana and North Dakota.

now i have been following the evolutuon of fracking since i first saw GASLAND
which clearly showed the fracking byproducts of polluted undrinkable and Flammable water
this was long before the possible link to Earthquakes along the New Madrid Fault
due to fracking along the Gulf of Mexico.
the they started fracking along the Marcellus Shale Formation
along the East Coast with promises of instant riches to struggling farmers.

the usual treehuggers where the first to protest
that the entire east coast could soon be waterless
as far as potable water was concerned
as fracking uses an incredible amount of chemical laden steam driven water
(hydraulic fracturing) to release innate natural gas
and when the operations finish
this toxic soup is left behind untreated.

so my interest was purely academic so far until
last Xmas when i noticed a tiny article
that exploratory drilling for fracking
in the Monterey Shale Formation
below Aromas (Monterey County south of S'Cruz)
had begun then over the Xmas holidays
federal leases were auctioned off....
it should be  noted that as of this date
KALIpornia has ZERO regulations vis a vis fracking
nada zip bumpkiss.

so even tho s'cruz is primarily river and well water
the so far unadressed issue of contamination looms
despite futile efforts to
build a de -salinisation plant for future water shortages.
my health is bad so i am unable to go marching
and protesting this future disaster but
 i can still blog about it.


what could possisibly go wrong?
it's not like we live in
oh wait....


"I always pass on good advice. 
It is the only thing to do with it.
It is never of any use to oneself." Oscar Wilde

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