
Friday, February 22, 2013

faerie the fey.... some random thots

"If I owned Hell and Texas I'd rent out Texas and live in Hell." 
General Phillip H.Sheridan  
i agree having lived in TexASS

in my research i have found some ideas that would leave me
to believe that the so called faerie worlds/realms are
actually hidden parallel dimensions.
there is a passage in The Bibles OT
about people like Enoch and other visiting angels
and returning hundreds is not thousands of years later
like Rip Van Winkle. there are also several  Japanese
 legends relating the same events.
of people visiting their "gods" and returning hundreds of years later.

as a rough yardstick it wouild seem that
one 'day" with the "gods/faerie"
is equal to 50 to 200 years here.
why the discrepancy?
 unknown. different realms perhaps?

does this relate to the famous "missing time"of UFO Contactees?
i am reminded to a BABYLON 5 episode where they posit
civilizations so far advanced beyond ours
that our contextual reality was ant-like by comparison.
this is probably so but whatever context it is  which presents itself
to us as  gods,monsters,demons or UFOs is
extremely interested is our physical humanity.

they will not let us ignore them.why?
the djinn of Islam are sexually linked to humanity
much like the UGO Greys.
here's a thought
the incredible lifespans of The Bible might be possible
 if the beings involved shuttled  back and forth between realms.

look up THE BOOK OF ENOCH on YouTube
and you will find it sounds like science fiction eons
 before there was anything we recognize as science.
on that note, i have published many links on giants
and ancient civilizations before our own,pre Deluge as it were,
what if...these adjacent realms had
retained all this knowledge that humanity forgot?
might not we think them divine or otherworldly?

some UFO visitors were referred to as"teasers"
how about TRICKSTERS?
like Coyote of Amerindian mythos
of Loki of Norse infamy
or others of this ilk. look hard enough and
you will always find one of this archetype.

George Adamski and Grey Barker
are the forgotten fathers of modern UFOology
and i found their books in used bookstores
for next to nothing. Adamski,the open hearted,
accepted everything he was told and was ridiculed
 as a fool and charlatan.Barker took a more
clinical approach decades before Vallee.

tales of UFO obsessions leading to doom or ruin
 are common fodder among the X Files set
(of which i am one) see  CE3K
Close Encounters of the Third Kind
for a syrupy Spielbergian variant.

let us accept that UFO Contactees and watchers
are NOT crazy
and that something is going on...
in their minds,virtual reality,hallucinations,
adjacent realms or wherever.
(see the creepy The Fourth Kind film CE4K
for a dramatization of some of our deepest fears,
i loved it)

 something that we have
 documented since our Bronze Age at least,
something that demands/needs our attention.
 something that effects our notions of reality
something that binds us to them via
myth,history and possibly religions.
something that may need us to reproduce or
sustain their own existence (like the mythical? djinn)
something that feeds on our fears or adoration.
Charles Fort recounted the legend of PIRIS
spiritual creatures which lived in the Moon who feed on our fears.
why not?

like the existence of Dark Matter and Dark Energy
which are allegedly 94% of the physical universe
i tend to go with the Gnostic notion that like visible light
there is much in our reality context which are
beyond our ordinary perceptions.
are prehuman inorganic intelligences (another Gnostic notion)
the Archons, the true rulers of this planet or are they
steering us towards our inevitable destruction?
or they merely beings driven insane by theit own immortality
wasting time by screwing with us?
teasers indeed.

when one attempts pattern recognition of these events over time
it seems to go in a thousand different directions,
even descriptions of UFO occupants is all over the map.
 the only thing in common is that there is some version
of intelligence involved which has a need to overlap with humans.
like Satan tempting Jesus in the desert
are we not deceived?

there are many references across cultures
to The Watchers, angelic beings of some kind
who observe the Fate of Mankind.
maybe from adjacent realms?

what do you think?

just a few thots on a crisp winter's day.....

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