
Saturday, February 9, 2013

about BABIES

"This is SPARTA!" from the movie 300

have been MIA of late due to heart problems.
hope this changes as i tend to fell guilty when not posting...

what got me got of my sickbed this ayem was a report i saw on NBC last nite.
some current study advised that it was best to let your infant cry
and feel abandoned in its crib rather than tend to them and comfort them
to teach them "self reliance" and that fussy infants were mostly males....

WTF? one of the many things The Mirage and
i agreed on in child raising that the children; cribs in another room
2.slept in our bed next to us
3.we were always naked
4. let them see us having sex.
5.let them decide when to sleep in another room
 (getting a color TV helped)

you do realize that most of the world doers not give infants
 their own room and own crib,i have always regarded this
as a barbaric practice.when i was raised in the 50s parents
 were warned not to "spoil" their children
with "too much affection".....yeah
too much affection.

what is this Sparta?
raising generations of isolated
children with abandonment issues.
if this is how one builds Empire
all well and good
but if you want to raise a concerned active citizenry
i think this all wrong.
i think LOVE is the coin of the realm when raising kids
and anything that distances you and your children
is totally fucked up.


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