
Monday, January 28, 2013

on Killers

apologize if today's blog is murkier than usual.
the first dark currents of Obamacare have thrown
a monkey wrench into my meds delivery system
so am operating on 20% of what i am required to be
taking until oversight snafu can be ironed out
"any day now" they lie...

but thats not what i wanted to blog about..
THE FOLLOWING is a new gritty gory intense series on Fox
where the main villain,so far, is a brilliant serial killer-blogger(?!)
also saw an Angelina Jolie semi classic TAKING LIVES
where she plays and FBI profiler who falls in love with
...a serial killer.

if you listen to talk radio,as i OFTENdo,
all the NRA apologists /2nd Amendment nuts
sprout the same party line
"guns don't kill people only "lunatics" kill people."
LUNATIC apparently being the talking point de jour
as well as the usual distancing meme between Sanity & Otherness.

many of the hit tv shows like Criminal Minds or CSI
state that at least 300 active serial killers
roam the USA and if you beleive tv they are all
inventive, sadistic yada yada yada

i have lost track of the number of killers,sadists,
soldiers,mercenaries,spree killers
i have met over these past 65 years.
just cuz you're a cold heartless sociopath
who would soon eat a sandwich as cut a throat
does NOT make you brilliant.
neither does that make you a "lunatic"
as aside from being inhumane they are fairly ordinary,
sometimes even banal,what i have noticed is
to a degree resembling hard core addiction.

was my roomie for five years
there were many many times when his first response
to any situation was homicidal.
there are many people alive today beacuse i said NO to Korak
(including a few i now regret)...

in some freakish ways resembling the autism spectrum,
sociopaths never know they have gone too far
while at the same time they crave recogntion and respect,
but on their terms.
i worked with a Golden Boy at a famous frisco
hotel, a handsome blond ex Navy guy
on the fast track to wealth and living large.
he had everybody snowed,except me,
and one night he called me into his office where
a large array of illegals pills were spread across his desk.
"You're not buying any of this bullshit are you?"
"So what are you gonna do about it?"
"Nothing,Guys like you always trip themselves up sooner or later
and when you do i'll be around to document it."

he laughed yet despite my warning a few months later he was caught
red handed in the top boss's office with two half naked whores and more pills.

as was common in the hotel industry
he was allowed to find a job on Nob Hill
where he was the main pill pusher at his new hotel
where a co-worker OD'd one night while he was out
making a drug run.think he went to jail behind that one.
yet another hotel i worked at a supervisor told me
about his life as a Marine then mercenary
the first shift we worked together.

he was both so dumb and so open about this
even Korak assumed he was just a liar
and not lethal,it was only after he lost his job
over some Chinese whore that
we found out he did indeed train Reagan's Contras
and work with merc base camps in Texas and New Orleans.

of all the lethality i have encountered
only Korak and maybe one other
could match me in sheer brainpower
and even Korak fell to pussy power and
lack of impulse control,like many of the Nam vets he often hired.

so the addiction to violence,serial murder and merc
"wet work" i found went hand in hand will drugs,sex,
booze or other compulsions.introspection was
rarely part of the package,altho Korak did pen a voulme of
maudlin poetry which i have around here somewhere.

have also noticed most of the screenplays are written by wimmin
so there may be an element of groupie-ism involved,
when i first met The Mirage she plainly stated that she figured to die
at the hands of a serial killer,which in retrospect
should have been a klaxon warning to me
on so many many levels 
but she got pregnant quickly and my biological clock
was ticking as i neared 40,so...

think that covers most of what i wanted to say.
aloha2u today

"The only thing I want to know is whether
 a person is kind or unkind."actress Butterfly McQueen


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