
Monday, January 7, 2013

Activist Post: 9 Mistakes Typically Made by Preppers

Activist Post: 9 Mistakes Typically Made by Preppers

just in case,shit happens....


  1. Ϻaу I just ѕaу whаt a comfort to uncover a
    person that reallу knows what they are discussing oveг the internet.

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  2. thanx for the kind most of the 'net quantity seems to trump quality most of the time.

    to my knowledge there are not too many sites quite like mine,when i find them i link to them.just follow them down the rabbit hole to the source(s).

    not more popular? this too bothers me as i allot many hours a week,whenever possible, to keep this site fresh and interesting. a partial answer,perhaps, is that last time i checked i had 60+ followers on Facebook where my blog frequently is linked via a sporadic pattern unknown to me.
