
Sunday, December 16, 2012

samX redrum

oh boy,another massacre of the innocents.
we have come to accept the 30,000 who die in the us
each year from gun violence (about half are suicides)
plus the uncounted deaths
blamed on the Mex cartel$ due to our insane
for private profit War on Drugs..

my bile rose as i heard CNN pull out the body count scorecard
"Bigger than Columbine" Wolf Blizter
cackled ghoulishly,MSNC was slow to follow and they did
as did the BBC article i posted.

okay okay i am against killing moms and kids
but i shed no tears watching Attack O Bomber
weep about lives cut short and bright futures stilled
...HULLO,drone strikes anyone?
needless warfare and Tues Kill Lists?
is no everyone someone's child?

the mistransalted Christian Bible reads
"Thous shall not murder"
thanx King James for the rewrite,
what part of Murder is misunderstood?
the million dead Iraqi children who died of
dirty water and sanctions
the cluster bombed
the White Phosphorus of Fullujah?

c'mon peeps lets get real
we are a bloodthirsty country
and if Karma is real
then we are the Humpty Dumpty of the world.
china & india are already outpacing us
and the multinational have destroyed the middle class
this is one fight we are not making a comeback in.

welcome to Hard Times and Obsolesence.
it was "Fun" while it lasted wasn't it?
killing the natives,raping the land,pillaging the weak,
swaggering around like the bully on the block
...kiss those days good bye.we're toast
and merry fucking xmas to y'all too.

and here's our quote for the day
"To be stupid,selfish and have good health 
are three requirements for happiness,
though if stupidity is lacking,all is lost."
-Gustave Flaubert

aloha2u today

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