
Saturday, December 22, 2012

gotta have guns? arm the children?

one more thing,

i seem to be on some blog list of some kind
thanx. always forget to look as i see so few.

as to the site
designed it myself with Google widgets gadgets and templates
after all i am an "artist" cynic and smartass.

for you new readers this was designed to be a disability website
but the IT guy who was supposed to do the heavy lifting
died unexpectedly
so i was left on my own
and soon got tired of whining
(altho i do have a crip digest,data only blog now)
and decxided to link and comment on what sparks my interest you out there have note, is quite a lot.
thanx again Love Comments.

gotta say the NRA comments about a cop in every school are
ludicrous, was a rent a cop or secuirty for almost thirty
years and i know the absurd lack of quality therein.

i say this as a gun owner
someone who was armed at sporting events
(legally with inadequate training)
and someone who was armed as a taxi driver in frisco.

my father,a WWII vet, told me never to
pull a gun on a man unless you intend to use it
....i have pulled guns on men
less than five times......

as noted i find being armed makes you
 remarkably polite,unless
some fool pulls a knife on you  or
threatens to kidnap and rape your passengers.

there are at least 310 Million guns in the US
i have known peeps with 30-75 guns
and actually bought a .41 magnum from one of them
a man a gunsmith/security guard who had a
federal firearms license for his machine guns.
a scrawny but tough runt who shot a derelict
in the leg for attacking his dog.

when i was young i studied martial arts
and made my body into a weapon as
i don't favor knives and NYPD Stop& Frisk
 was a bitch in Harlem way back in the 50s and 60s.
am old fragile and disabled now so have to rely on
guns, just in case...

O WISE HOWARD joked darkly that when kids
 are as tall as an M 16
they should have one on them at all times.
that is the next "logical step"
in the NRA stated position.
you do not need an M 16/AR 15
for sport,hunting or home defense
it is a Weapon of War
and unless you're fighting
in one of our endless wars of Empire
you do not need one

"Life isn't fair,it's just fairer than death that's all."
William Goldman

i disagree, Death is Very Fair
one per customer
(despite our fractured healthcare system).

aloha2u today

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