
Saturday, November 10, 2012

UN funny pages

"People want STUFF..." Bill O'Reilly
"Nobody votes against Santa.." Rush L.
"Nigger nigger nigger nigger!" Richard Pryor

aloha2u  today,
speaking of racism and demographics
quick, name the daily comics pages you read
which have black/brown side kicks...tick tick tick.

Dilbert,Doonesbury,Zitz, Foxtrot and  ?

next name the same strips which have Major black characters
with their own hopes dreams and conflicts.....
Candorville and K street
both drawn by black artists
as was Krazy Kat one of the original strips.

the GOP is learned about flawed demographic outreach
and can we hope that MSM conglomerates will eventually do like wise???
since GORDO stopped publishing the window into
 Latino culture has closed to be replaced by....

the daily fishwrap here publishes Candorville only on Sunday
which i guess is something given a black populace of 5%
25-35% Latino and 1% Asians.

the country is changing,
evolving one hopes despite
yesterdays racists blogs
shouldn't our entertainments do likewise?

two more things
the states with the highest usage of porn Hawaii and...
favor black men atop white wimmin and lesbo actions.
and if you're old enuff to rememebr the heydays of
where black autuers and film makers gained ground
why did it end?
the studio focus groups showed that blax would endorse
and pay cash money to watch white heroics
but whites would not do the reverse
hopefully Denzel and Wesley
have changed a few minds since then.

as you were?

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