
Saturday, November 17, 2012

Pathological Innocence

"A dissatisfied woman demands toasted snow." Arab Proverb

aloha 2u today,
bought a webcam a few weeks back and still unpacking
 from our pre-moving failure so have not quite gotten
around to setting it up yet.  soon...

there is a certain class of woman,lets call them SAM,
who used to be called Passive-Agressive but this is far worse.
no matter what the provacation
no matter how lethal or toxic
they are forever Innocent,in their own eyes anyway,
i have almost been killed by one of these in the past.
it's as if all thier venom and bile is
invisble to them and if they step on your foot in high heels
and you scream OUCH! and push them away then
it's your fault they fell.....i think this may be a leading cause of divorce
some divorces anyway
we all know what bastards men can be.

anyway no matter what you do for "Sam" its never
enough and she is always looking ahead for the New Fool
and in Macrocosm this is the USA
with our bellicose and omniverous
"foreign policy"..usually a slo mo genocide
and resources rape.
which is why i watch Oliver Stone's
on Showtime.if you subscribe
i urge you to watch, it's your homework
since what is taught today is shoddy and pathetic propaganda.
forgot who said it but (Carlin?)
"the Truth shall set you Free but first it makes you miserable." 
sounds like Carlin right?
Misery and bloggers love company


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