
Wednesday, November 7, 2012

are we there yet?

"Guns are like brains,better to have them and not need 
them than to need and not have.This country has enough guns..."
Ho Chi Zen

aloha2u today,
Pakalert Press bleated race riots after an O Bomber loss
and Trump bleated "revolution" after the win...
so are we there yet?

can we finally now deal with
The Poor
Climate Change
Student Debts
Corrupt Pols
dying unions
a corrupt MSM
a broken electorate system
our broken infastructure
or broken schools
irregular mismatched voting machines
the 1%
dirty deals
and on and on and on.
it doesn't matter which shill is in blackface or not
does not The Christian Bible say
"by their deeds ye shall know them"?

no matter who won last night
i still have oodles to bitch about.

apparently The Mittster
was NOT
"entitled" to be POTUS
now let him go cry in his magic underwear.
O Bomber,warm up the drones
i will resume soon.


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