
Tuesday, November 15, 2011


"When all one has is a hammer,one tends to treat everything you meet as a nail"  
folk saying

aloha 2u today,
this sunday i half jokingly asked SM is the FBI had declared
the Occupy Movement "domestic terrorists" yet
like Earth First on the Quakers.

i am reminded of the iconic image of the lone unarmed
Chinese man facing off with a tank at the long passed
Tianamen (sp?) Square uprisings.i recently read
a long scholarly treatise about The Politics of Repression
and how fascist fedsgov and staatgov uses any pretext,
howsoever flimsy, to stamp down dissent.

take Occupy Oakland and its recent murder which
CNN described today as "mere yards away from the protest."
try more like two blocks geography challenged pundits.
long time readers of this screed will note the congruenece
of what i have been bitching about and the Occupy protests.
at UC Berkeley ,at Sproul Plaze where Mario Savio once spoke,
well educated white gurls were brutalized with police batons
for the demanding some righhts to go with punishing tuition hikes.
good luck with really Good Luck.

this is what it lloks like when The Empire crumbles around you,
its no accidnet Dick Cheney has been compared to Darth Vader
with the Koch Bros-GOP playing The Emperor?

on a related tangent
if 2012 is NOT the End of the World it mayhaps
mark the end of the KALI YUGA
the Age of Iron and Blood
and the upwards ascent of mankind towards
a new Golden Age.
one can only hope so
on my better days.


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