
Monday, October 3, 2011


"Every man has the right to be heard, but no man
has the right to strangle democracy with a 
single set of vocal cords." Adlai Stevenson
gee, no wonder he lost...

aloha2u today....
i dream, i dream a Lot, rehearsals fro my writings SM says.
in my dream,i see taste smell hear and fells..just like "real Life" (sic).
once recent dream was of one of my fave childhood TV shows (see blog title)
9.30 PM Sunday nites starring the brilliant acne scarred Richard Boone
as an effete Palace Hotel dwelling all black wearing mercenary
gunslinger on the side of "the Good Guys"..
his tabloid ad read "Have Gun Will Travel. Wire Paladin,Palace Htl San Francisco"
this is a real 150 year old plus hotel scant blocks from where Mark Twain
contemplated suicide on the main darg Market Street.

i meant to write about this before but my screenplay
got in the way, finished it yesterday (i think).
so it occurs to me that this title also described
yeah yeah,you see it?
aside from the occasional Good War our history
is one of invasions,usurpations and exploitation of
foreign & domestic wealth for our domestic robber barons.
this is hand in hand with our cororatism hypocrisy,
and the long heralded Decline of the American Empire.
the only thing that lives forever is Cancer,
an all too accurate simulcara of American Empire
filling its endless maw like a Chinese HUNGRY GHOST...

so should i vote for Rick Scary or Mitt Zombie
to get us there faster  or allow O Bomber
four more years of lies,excuses and drone murder?
i've got a lot more to say on this,of course, but now have another screenplay to type up.


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