
Monday, September 26, 2011


"It is hard to fail but it is worse never to have tried to succeed." Theodore Roosevelt

aloha 2u today,
a lil backgorund DOW CHEMICAL made Agent Orange,
Blue and White in 'Nam.  it is now a part of Monstanto...

NUTRASWEET is an artificial sugar
with a Left Hand twist to the sugar molecule,
12% of peeps can taste the diff.
i am part of that 12%.
Saccharine ditto.

GMO foods and crops have been proven
to cause cell damage and much more more.
researchers who report this have been fired
and derided and purged from their jobs and work ethos.
80% of ALL processed foods found in US food are GMOs.
the AgriBiz and Monstanto lobbyists have squashed
all efforts to label these food as such...we have
evolved over millions of years to digest and process
certain natural food NOT artificial inventions of AgriBiz.
in INDIA a rash of suicides is rising after the
failures of many GMO seed crops.
collateral damage?

in these United Sankes the tail wags the dogs
and the fedgov apparatus is a wholly owned
subsidery of Wall$treet interests.all those
alphabet fedgov agencies which peeps think
protect their health  interests DON'T..
a quick peek at the snakepit of GOP
candidate wannabes reveals thie intentions

abolish the EPA,Clean Air Act,Clean Water
Act and propel the mythic "Clean Coal" agenda
of fracking and tar sands.
it is to weep...
and what has O Bomber done to alert the peeps?
(sounds of crickets in the silence)
he is too busy raising a BILLION U$D
for 2012....sigh.
how can he not be a blackface
coconut catspaw stooge?


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