
Monday, August 1, 2011


no really, this alleged Debt Deal,are we there yet?

one good thing has come of this shitty 'deal'
The John Boner played a clip from THE TOWN
to motivate his grunts,so i caught it on HBO this weekend.
if you like a lean and mean,no frills heist drama
then THE TOWN is your meat n potatoes.
i give it 5 stars (out of 5).

on the other hand
if you like 3 Stooges style frat boy low brow
no thinking required potty mouth "comedy"
then you will be thrilled at HORRIBLE BOSSES
with Jen Anniston twice in her lingerie as a
potty mouthed sex crazed dentist.
remember my thesis of White Males living in a
Sidekick Culture wherein minorities and wimmin are
either sidekicks,dupes,sluts & nuts or comic foils?
its all there, 3 out of 5 stars moslty for JA cast against type
and her Personal Trainer  toned body.....of work.
Kevin Spacey and Colin Farrell are wasted here as is Jaime Foxx...

when we went,as SM is a big JA fan, only peeps in their 20s
seemed to find this at all funny.  having worked for most of the
creeps lampooned in this film.....we did not.
ah youth.

aloha 2u
"If this world were a logical place,
men would ride side-saddle."   Rita Mae Brown,author & wit


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