
Tuesday, August 23, 2011


aloha2u today,
POLYAMOROUS  the headline in rthe sunday fishwrap was
":Can you love two people at the same time"
adults that is not children.
half my life ago is isuedta joke that
i lived in one half of an Open Marriage, wife's half.
when i married The Mirage i did not demand
nor expect sexual fidelity
but i asked her that if she ever
Fell in Love (soc)
to tell me and she did.
aan who is her BFF still today
and a  man who later became
her next husband  of 3 heart attacks
and 20 odd years. 
SOUL MATE has known a woman
in Bezerkeley. who lives a polyamorous
 lifestyle and even has written
a self published book about it.
(this program is running molasses slow
and hiccuping commands so i'm gonna wrap this up now)
she comutted between the houses of a first a woman and man
and when the flannel lezbo community raised a banshee howl
between the nearby houses of two men..
so the correct answer is YES
but only for someone peeps,
i myself have been invited to join
sexual coomunes of 60 or more peeps
and at that time flelt i did not have
the sexual maturity to do so and declined the invite.

GTG this delay is
driving me crazy.

1 comment:

  1. I don't know if I could do that or not but when I was young I was probably too prim and now that I'm old and nobody would want me I'm turning into a nympho ... such are the ironies of life, I guess.
