
Monday, August 1, 2011

The myth of Obama's "blunders" and "weakness" - Glenn Greenwald -

The myth of Obama's "blunders" and "weakness" - Glenn Greenwald -

'no drama" O Bomber?
yeah right....

1 comment:

  1. Well, as your sister, I'll just pass along my summary and rewording of the Randi Rhodes defense. And I'm no Obama shill, as you well know! :)

    I hate social service cuts too but this one seems to put off almost all of those other than a 2 percent cut to medicare PROVIDERS (not beneficiaries) - that's not good but it is way better than you could expect with a Republican-controlled congress! Elections have consequences.

    The best thing one can say is that it has kind of a poison pill in it for the Republicans:

    FIRST, there are no immediate cuts to social services, according to what Randi says; no beneficiary-side cuts in Medicare, Medicaid, Social Security or food stamps. All potential cuts are put off for over a year for a bipartisan commission report on deficit reduction.

    You know, for a Republican Tea Party congress, this must be equivalent to being forced to swallow a giant black cock! (I mean, they'd at least want to bleach it first ...unlike myself ;)

    So the commission report that comes out in a year has to be accepted in its entirety or there are automatic across the board cuts in programs that - get this- come 50 percent from defense, 50 percent from domestic spending.

    It's a sure bet that the commission report WILL in fact recommend tax increases and/or letting the Bush tax cuts expire, because there isn't another way to achieve their mandated goals. For instance, you couldn't hit the target for deficit reduction even by eliminated all discretionary spending, so there will be tax increases/loophole closures in there.

    We both know that Republicans will never accept cuts in defense because wars and military is pretty much all they care about SO they WILL be forced to accept the commission report. Now for them, that's like butt sex with no lube.

    ...So yeah, that's my "look on the bright side and screw Republicans" argument.
