
Monday, August 15, 2011

cyber blockades

"Humility is no substitute for a good personality."Fran Libowitz

aloha2u today.  howyadoin?

"predictive programming" (sic)
from Jules Verne to the Jetsons
and even my son's namesake ISAAC ASMINOV
from his seminal 60's work I,ROBOT
(NOT the Will Smith actioner film)
are still used in robotics even now.
this is the "tin foil hat conspiracy" theory
that sci fi and fiction is general
are used to soften us up for future developments.
one of the few good IMHO Tom Cruise
puter tech which is in use today.
are we like rats being led thru a maze
like Sundays DILBERT toon suggests?
the premise being that worker bees are being tested
to see how much it takes to over work and frustrate
them to death whereas The Elites
are the untouched Control Group...

but thats what i intended to write about
altho it is relevant,for a change.

"cyber blockades"
in TAHRIR SQUARE Egypt during
the Arab Spring Revolt
Mubarak used KALIfornia puter tech
software to shut down all cellphones and WiFi
in hopes of shutting down the revolutionaries....
was that only this year?
anyway with the riots in the UK
they are doing the same and
now last week a local transit agency
BART (Bay Area Rapid Transit)
unilaterally did the same along its routes
in response to planned protests of local
BART cops uncanny tendencies
to shoot and kill unarmed men
including on handcuffed face on floor
black man (Oscar Grant) one News Years Day.
recently they shot to death a homeless man
in downtown Frisco and have so far put out
half a dozen conflicting tales about the lethal incident.
i see all this as a logical extension of yesterdays blog.

if you own a cellphone,even when it is Off
it broadcasts your location,as recent
MSM stories have pointed out.
we cannot leave our humble immobile abode
without encountering peeps screaming into cellphones
while walking,jogging,skateboarding,biking or driving.
we are slaves to our electronic umbilicals,
we are on a short digital leash and who is on the other end?
3 guesses...some peeps are known to be literally addicted
to their PC or game consoles.

i will confess to a sense of isolation/amputation
when my own ex steampunbk PC is disabled
or cheapo surge protector died yesterday,
a few days out of warranty,and as a parting gift
blew out my steampunk sound system.(sigh)
i thot my newish rebuilt PC was on FAIL
but using Sherlock Holmes' deductive reasoning
i worked back to the source,save me a $60 home visit.
will cost $40 to get new 'ears'...(sigh again)

just proofreading  a second,
and yes i do despite the evidence,
i think that about covers what i had in mind today.
still looking for the nano RFIDs article
among my thousand so unread e-mails.

"Humor is emotional chaos remembered in tranquility."  James Thurber

Peace Now?

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