
Tuesday, August 30, 2011

2012 the musical....

aloha2u today,
this blogs title comes from the SF MIME TROUPE'S
new show which we saw Sunday, marvelous and
gently seditious.xlnt.if u are in or near KALIpornia
i urge u to go see it.

but that's not what i wanted to write about
the day of the DC Quake was also
the day the MLK statue was to be
offfically unveiled,you've seen the pose
on this 30 foot high monolith.
arms crossed angrily
legs half encased in immobile stone etc etc
SOUL MATE dislikes that they hewn
a vanilla colored granite
but when Dubya has mouthed
the words of MLK what can you expect?
me, i disliked the fact the statue and
the forty foot long walls of harmless platitudes
were made in China..sigh.

306 million peeps in these United Snakes
and they couldn't find one,even one, sculptor?
gimme a week and i could find
half a dozen or more in S'Cruz County alone..

which leads me to another thot,our War$...
there is a new series on Pay Cable
a hypervirile bare chested male oriented fantasy
of sex,violence and explosions.
its a pleasant enuff time killer
last weeks episode centered around
an armored car heist...
which brought back painful memeories
the armored car in this case was an MRAP,
at least i think that's the acronym for
the up-armored Humvees our Imperial troops
use in Iraqistan,this is long after the ad hoc
"hillbilly armor" the troops of our Empire
were forced to scrounge for themselves.
lil known fact
as the war criminals Cheney and Rumsfeld
book tour these United Snakes flogging their books
which our War$ Dept refused to buy
or supply until they could find
a US broker to build them from scratch
as soldier after soldier died or was
maimed by "insurgents IEDs"
(sigh & cry).
in the same jugular vein
a brief story on CNN in the last week or so
that at least 50,000 pieces of body armor
shipped overseas was either inadequate
or never properly tested ,this follows
a similar story from 2010.
who will go to jail for this?
neither Reichsfurherr Cheny nor
Field Marshal Rumsfeld as
"we are looking forward not back"

think it was Santayana who said
"those who do not learn the lessons
of history are doomed to repeat it."
Graveyard of Empire anyone?


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