
Wednesday, July 6, 2011


"Give me Liberty or give me Meth!" local bumpersticker

just a quickie today as even my fingertips ache today.
there is a scene in The Dark Knight (TDK)
wherein the Joker has planted an explosive in the stomach
of one of his crazed henchmen..."I just want my phone call." Ka Boom!
so imagine my dismay when,after running some errands outdoors,
i tune into CNN amidst a churlish and ghoulish gabfest devoted
to Casey Anthony; many millions does she stand to make marketing
the story of her murdered toddler
2.who is best placed to play her on film,8-10 actors
were named.....sigh.
FAQs   did the Know Nothings jury who thot OJ
was innocent move to Orlando?????
were they all Sarah Failin faNS?

next there was more hot air devoted to whether Al Qaeda
is going to implant explosives out of the reach of TSA body scanners
via surgery...WTF?
and here we  thot TSA searches were invasive up until now....
u can't make this shit up folks.

Peace Now?

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