
Sunday, July 3, 2011


"No banker left behind!" on a bumper sticker we saw today...

aloha 2u today,
just how stupid do they think we are?
never mind the loads of 2 to 4 Billion in hundred dollar bills
somehow "lost" in Iraq during wartime,
we have witnessed (sort of) the Federal Reserve
pump Trillions of dollars,yes Trillions,
into the ongoing Ponzi Scheme that is WallStreet
while Main Street withers under the glare of "shared sacrifice" .

when exactly does the Sharing begin?
we are seeing unions and public workers demonized
then their pensions shredded or jettisoned all together
under the rubrik of "shared sacrifice'.

as usual i have CNN in the background
and they just had a Dim and GOPub
toe wrestling over tho
there are only 2 Legit viewpoints which cover
the entire spectrum of American Opinion
all 309 million of us.....
anybody out there old enuff to recall when
The League of Women Voters
ran most televised TV debates?
if u wanted to see something really
Fair & Balanced that was it.
everybody got a chance to speak.....
but as Ralph Nader has pointed out
we are governed,misgoverned, by a
corrupt two party duopoly
which seized control of the TV debates
to exclude other options and choices...
we look at the world thru a MSM duopoly keyhole.
"the Best Government money can BUY!"

why do other democracies have more than 2
legit parties and we don't????
the MSM presents a spectrum from
Ho to Hum and calls it complete
and then wrings its filthy paws in
fake outrage whilst shedding crocodile tears
that so few peeps vote.

we are sheeple NOT fools,
we see the Con that is fedgov and staatgov,
we see the
yacht tax, estate tax , phony Prop13
property tax loopholes and oil tax
and  the mythical "clean coal" B.S.
endures untaxed.

O BOMBER actually spoke the truth when he said
that no matter what the state of MainStreet
the Pharisees of the GOPubs will always demand
no tax increases and less or No Regulations
like their heydays under the Bush-Cheney Crime Family
when they ran amok and trashed the World Economy.
(why sigh?)

is Enough ever Enough?
apparently not.   now the hypocrites in Congress are
playing chicken and posturing about the fedgov Debt Ceiling
after hobbling the compliant technocrat O BOMBER
(and the passive sleepwalking Dims)
in his anemic efforts to insert a Real Stimulus into MainStreet.

jobs jobs jobs
all going to China or India,
our so called Economic Policy has been a boon
to offshoring and capital investments overseas
and offshore TAX LOOPHOLES
this is American Roulette wherein the dice,
the players and the guns are all loaded.

why do American consume more illegal drugs than everyone else?
becuz we know,way down deep in our lil sordid hearts,
that we are being screwed.
AFTER 9-11,that sacred date,fedgov
poured more money in to the airline industry
than it was actually worth,any rational fedgov
could have nationalized them cheaper...
now look at WallStreet and its Ponzi
i have read some online estimates that
an Unknown Amount of this unregulated
crap is floating around the World Economy,
possibly Trillions..Unknown Trillions.
and what does WallStreet demand?
-Less Regulations NOW!
(long weary sacrifical sighs)

how many way can i say this?
recent CNN polls (sic)
show Most Americans think this country
is headed in THE WRONG DIRECTION....
towards the Collapse of Empire?
it would seem that The Tipping Point
of the American Empire,like that of
Climate Change has come and gone and like
a soused stumbling drunk running uphill
it is inevitable that we will soon fall on our face
(doing a faceplant).

despite being given the recent evidence
of this year alone
Most American still do NOT
believe in Climate Change
while the SF Chronicle posts stories that some
local govs are planning omn a 16 inch to 36 increarse
in local sea levels within my lifetime
(maybe 20-30 years???)
long wet & weary sigh.

Happy? July 4th
i feel sad to see the lives wasting shoring up
this corrupt and moribund Empire
where we send our youth out to kill strangers...
"Be the first one on your block,
to see your boy come home in a box."
lyrics from Country Joe & the Fish

*Thomas Jefferson said something once that he feared
for our country that God is just and his Mercy might not last forever....

Peace Now?

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