
Thursday, July 28, 2011


$hit hits the fan,
O Bomber dances on razors,
weak prey to bombast.
( a haiku for these times)
aloha2u today,
RON COBB was a semi famous political cartoonist
of the 60s and 70s who went on to design movies.
i recall several of his toons vividly even without looking
at his books on my shelf.
one has two Black astronauts on the moon and
an Apollo 30 something logo on the lunar lander,
they are both janitors sweeping up the mess
after the White Men...

Rachel Maddow and made a comment about
wherein Blax become Mayor of Detroit or
Newark as it crumbles towards shrinkage or
economic Oblivion.of course O BOMBER was
mentioned in the next breath...

Maureen Dowd has dubbed him
"President Spock" this bloodless
technocrat, this empty suit who
fritters away Good Will
under the banner of Compromise and
re election triangulation.
i am disappointed but NOT
surprised as i told one of my doctors yesterday.

he is NOT the Black FDR
more like the Black Hoover
sucking all the oxygen out of the gloom
which has replaced the fabled American Dream.

but i wanted to talk about something else today
why has the USA never had a female head
of state when some many others have????
when Killary ran against O Bomber
i bet Soul Mate that sexism would trump racism
"the cunt versus the coon" a male comic once remarked
"i don't trust anything that bleeds for a week and doesn't die".
i think of this as i post webcam vids of young gurls
putting themselves on display for a faceless male audience.
if we posit wimmin as Arm Candy or Trophy Wives
or objects to be won via drinking a certain beer or deoderant
then we are de-humanzing them much as we dehumanize the
so called "urine colored races"
of Klansmen David Duke.

this is the whole
Sidekick Problem from another angle,
the Tea Party (bless their pointy lil heads)
is an astroturf movement (sic)
based solidly on this fear of The Other
and like most Paranoia and hatred it is
based on the fear The Others
will do to us what we'd do to them...

other than Sarah Failin or Michelle Barfmann
i would have no problemo voting for a female POTUS,
the brilliant earnest and honest
isn't it about time this country grew up?
how many times do The Elites have to
pick our pockets and kick us in the ass
b4 we get the Hint????
( & thanx to Longshot O'Leary
for his concise Comment)

"Within the first few months,I discovered that being President
is like riding a tiger. A man has to keep on riding or be swallowed." 
Harry Truman  (sadly O Bomber has been swallowed whole )

Peace Now?

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