
Thursday, July 21, 2011

Gene Watch Page

Gene Watch Page

brand new? Synthetic Biology Labs at UC Berkeley/Davis....
like we don't already have enuff problems.
just for kicks
some strange life form RNA falls from space and
everyone pooh poohs it.maybe cuz its just in India???
and it has happened before.

tried to get NEXUS zine intrigued awhile back
but no takers.

THE BLEED expands...
are you guys watching THRU THE WORMHOLE on the Science Channel yet?
on weds,it nice to know what we DON"T know
esp.quantum physics where the predicitions
of the Vedas is apparently true, we are all but
facets of Godliness
and Dark Matter and Dark Energy swamp
what lil of the universe we Think we know...
still bleeding

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