
Tuesday, July 26, 2011

DEATH PANELS 4 realsys

"I call my breasts Boobs becuz that's the kinda men they attract."
a hard bitten ex Vegas showgirl peepshow stripper The Mirage met...

aloha2u today,
i now have "tennis elbow" to go with my Carpal Tunnel Syndrome,
overcompensating maybe?
just got creeped out as somebody on my FB posted
a creepy Casey Antony mask now available on eBay
(sigh) is there no tragedy Capitalism cannot profit from?

speaking of profits..notice how
O BOMBER is ready willing and mostly able to
throw Granny,and the rest of us on SSI or SSDI
under the bus under the rubrik of The Grand Bargain?

should we be at least grateful its not a drone strike?
still dead is dead and so far only Sen.Bernie Sanders
has detailed in dollars and cents how much
and deep these cut would be.

as we Unexpected (apparently) Boomers
age into our enfeebled dotage
we are become the "Useless Eaters" of
Hitler's genocidal  ideology.
(sigh & cry?)
saw something online that said O Bomber
can accomplish what Dubya could only dream of
remember Slick Willie and so called "welfare reform"?

we are still the terrified children held captive in the backseat
as the so called adults careen drunkenly along a narrow
unlit road into our collective futures.
"socilaized risks vs.Private Gains"
another tasty phrase i came across recently.

when the GOPublicans rail against the Dims
for raising the National Debt to multi trillion dollar levels
just recall that 13Trillion USD went to WallStreet
bailouts  and a trickle down to the peons of MainStreet.
for the Fake Right is yelling that the financial disaster
they created under Dubya
has been saved and aggravated
by the Fake Left/Muddled Middle
of O Bomber,seriously?

did i mention that CNN and the
other cable newsfeeds are
dancing like rats on a hot griddle as we observe the
crazed brinkmanship in DC?
well,they are.

sometimes i sound like a broken record
even to myself,saw something about nano RFIDS
in our food i wanted to check out.

Peace Now?

1 comment:

  1. Has anyone suggested that the U.S. should cancel the public debt? After the 1917 Russian Revolution the Bolshevik government cancelled the Czar's public and foreign debt. 21 countries invaded the Soviet Union leading to an incredibly bloody war in which most of the Russian working class who had made the revolution died in battle. Ever looked into who are the people and organizations who own the U.S. public debt? Fat cats, the useless rich, the corporations and Japan and China.

    Longshot O'Leary
