
Friday, July 15, 2011

bleeding pickles tea party

the Mad BOMBER saw that the Untied Snakes of Amnesia is spending
$20 Billion USD a year on Air Conditioning for US troops
in Iraqistan and said that was Fine.
the Mad BOMBER polished his Nobel Peace Prize
as he noted that he was killing Muslims in six countries
Iraq,Afghanistan,Pakistan,Yemen,Libya and Yemen
and he declared this too Fine.
for we all know that Fighting for Peace is Always Fine.

so the Mad BOMBER decided to have a Tea Party
with the Mugwumps and Know Nothings,
they decided to count beans in a huge huge bottle
and call it a Budget Bottle Battle...

so the Mugwumps turned all truculent
and the Know Nothings sat on their hands instead of chairs
as the Mad BOMBER poured tea made of sweet lemons
with a side of humble pie.
this was not at all to the Mugwumps and Know Nothings
taste,so John the Orange Boner
huffed and puffed and threatened to turn blue in the face,
which would have been a terrible sight
in this truly imaginary fight....

one of the Know Nothings or was it a Mugwump?
said the Mad BOMBER had the right
under something called the 14 Amendment
to restore the FULL FAITH AND CREDIT
of the Untied Snakes by fiat
without a Budget Bottle Battle....

NONSENSE sayeth the Mad BOMBER
as , unasked,he served extra helpings of
Social Security and Mediscare
to the Mugwumps.
throwing granny under the bus
saves her more money for cat food
which keeps her hair shiny
and who cares about all those pathetic crips anyway?
let them all find jobs while they eat out of dumpsters
behind McSerfDonalds. why are we wasting money
to put them all in cheap housing when the money
could be better spent killing more  Muslims
in more countries for cheap oil
or pouring more honey and funny money
into WallStreet nest eggs for
vulture casino Capitalism
and if The Poor have no bread then
then let them, eat......
Ah Hell, the Mad Bomber declared
let them eat ethanol or carbon tax credits
the troops need the food
until the hordes of lethal cyborg killer
insects can hatch.

so John of Orange Boner said
he had just about enuff Tea
while his Cantor Eric said that
his bony hands were truly very comfy to sit on
and that there was NO Budget, No Bottle
and truly No Battle..
400 CEOs and the US Chamber of Commerce
stomped angrily into the Tea Party and demanded
that the Mugwumps and Know Nothings
settle the Budget Bottle Battle
and Mugwump McConnell,
of the Churchill Downs Mugwumps,
suggested that they give the Mad BOMBER
a Budget Battle Bottle sundae with cherries on top
so that they vote against it every six months saying that
it wasn't really a sundae at all so they couldn't go
to the Church of Budget Battle Bottles.

the fatted calves and banshees screamed at this,
they screamed liked gypped whores-not allowed
in the Church unless elected.

John of Orange Boner suggested
a half lemon half poison compromise
but the Mad BOMBER said NO and all his
PEACEFUL Muslim drones agreed
that the rules of this Budget Battle Bottle
Tea Party- as declared by his Slick Willie
bleeding pickles advisers, who helped throw
Welfare Queens under the bus in the 90s,
meant that his 2012 (s)Election
require him to pet the FAT CATS
and feed them Church Mice ....

NO NO cried the fearful Church Mice
Please don't throw us into the maw of the Fat Cats
for they have already stolen our tiny homes and all our cheeses.
but the Mad BOMBER declared that Everything was Fine
and like the Red Queen sayeth-the Church Mice
could have Jam Yesterday or Jam Tomorrow BUT
WTF? cried the Church Mice as they
cried and cried and cried.

and the immoral moral of this story is....

Peace Now????

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