
Tuesday, July 19, 2011


"Missionaries are going to reform the world whether it wants to or not."  Oscar Wilde,
like The Crusades or The Bush Doctrine....

aloha2u today,
this blog grew out of an inspirng comment by SOUL MATE
yesterday which ended in "you should blog about this"
yes m'am.

last century when Soul Mate was a social worker
they gave classes about how NOT to care
so much about their welfare clients...
how NOT to care so much....of
course SM flunked this class.
(one of many many reasons why i love her)

me, i brought up the issue of CALVINISM
(see the Wiki Link i posted yesterday)
and the whole seminal issue of the Saved (Chosen)
and the Damned (depraved) who are slected by God
for all eternity to prosper or suffer.didn't JC say
something about "the poor shall always be with us"
and he would not as his feet were being washed
or something...

this has lead to a long train of thots on my part,
is we can posit CALVINISM as the bedrock
then it is not a far stretch to see our foreign policy
which leads to the trampling of others civis rights,warfare,
resources exploitation and home grown fascism.

i have written about how humiliating it was
to get SSDI and welfare before this
and how everyone treated me like i was
some variety of free loading scum
so tie this into Voter Suppression efforts of the
recently elected state GOPublicans govs
who scream Voter Fraud at every
turn even when it is practically non existent.
the irony being that in a country where
actual voter participation ranges from
anemic to pathetic
and voter intimidation of the poor
and brown skinned is rampant,
they claim that some peeps are
voting too many times.....
and usually Against them.
yeah right.

so like the fascist arab killing
governments of Israel,
if you believe in your darkest heart of hearts
that you are Chosen by God Almighty
to Prosper and Conquer
or Exterminate
(like a million plus Amerindians
Collateral Damage under Manifest Destiny
or the ousted Arabs of Palestine)
then like O BOMBER you feel no guilt
in stomping those less rich and powerful than you,
after all if God Almighty loved them.....

for some reason all this reminded me of JACKIE.
a lil backstory
SM found me a Pain Group in Oakland
in the early 90s back when i was doing
the SSDI ordeal....
.in those days KAISER had the rep
of never letting you get any sick leave,
a big guy i worked with broke his ankle at work,
Kaiser said it was just a sprain and
get back to work scammer.he got
an X Ray and second opinion,yup it was broken.

me, in 1991 i was in horrible pain,more than usual,
and-being me- i wrote down all my symptoms.
and after writhing in pain for five hours at
Kaiser Urgent Care (sic) i was told
i had "too many symptoms"
to take some Tylenol and get back to work.
a few days later when
The Mirage drove me back to Kaiser,
to the ER this time, i was told i was in
and then spent most of the next week
in the Kaiser ICU.

as a psychotherapist,
Jackie was dying of brain cancer
and Kaiser would not give her any sick leave
and she had to work until the week before
she died to keep her Kaiser coverage
(one of the joys of my life was that Soul Mate
got to meet Jackie,we took her and her hubby
to a semi lavish lunch).

speaking of food,
Jackie took hubby to a Sunday Brunch where
he was surprised to find several of her closest friends.
in a gesture of Absolute Selfless Love (IMHO)
Jackie did not want her hubby to mourn alone
after she died so had polled her friends
as to who would be his second wife....
i often wish i had her courage.

in the SSDI/welfare degrading years i often
thot of suicide via a drug overdose
at the Berkeley Marina
with a plastic bag taped over my head
and hands cuffed to the steering wheel
to make absolutely sure.(sigh)
i did not SM to find my body,
i wanted her memories of me to be
of Life not Death
.that was the best i could do...

now i have several steep local cliffs
along Highway One in mind
and now,compared to the 90s my pain
is so much worse and intractable(?)
but i made a choice back then
which i hold to
even today...pain-free
and mindless or
pain-full and mindfull,
and as you can see from
the wide range of this blog
how much i value my mind.
(long semi arrogant semi genius sigh).

GTG the Murdoch Gang is lying to Parliament

mega Pains

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