
Saturday, June 18, 2011


"Train HARD, fight Easy."training advice from
Field Marshal Suslov, winning Soviet commander at Stalingrad...

aloha2u today,i just got thru wishing m,y eldest son Z Man (Zachary)
a happy Fathers Day as his dottir is due to be born this July.
this feels odd,not the whole sperm doner Daddy thing,
this is 2011 after all its just,its seems like yesterday
when i could hold him with one hand.(sigh)....

a vignette, the actor Micheal Douglas has a son named Zachary
and was telling the TV show host how he spoke to his son in
the womb at at the delivery comforted him when he was crying.
this sounded so Sweet so The Mirage and i did the same,
when Z was born via C Section he didn'tt know what hit him
and so he cried,i was there taking pix and the docs let me
cut the cord and hold he cried i said something soothing
and he turned,orienting toward my voice and fell asleep before
i could return him to his mothers side.that first nite The Mirage
was so zonked on morphine from the epidural Z
slept peacefully in my arms..(big happy sigh).

a severley disturbed coworker Dad was told me y
ou had to put the fear of God(parents) into your kids
other wise they would OWN you,for right or wrong
i sometimes followed this shady advice.
think of all the out of control kids and flustered futile
parents you have seen in your life...

you get the picture,anyway when M was about three or four
Sesame Street's ELMO was all the rage, parents got in fist fights,
and there was hoarding,lotteries, a grey market-it was chaos.
so a few fews before Xmas the four of us were in Toys are Us
and my youngest pitched a hissy fit tantrum becuz there were
no Elmo's available for Love nor Money.
so after a minute ot two i calmly advised him that we were
leaving him there and we hoped his next set of parents would
prove more acomodating to his demands then we walked away
... a few minutes later he came running up to us,tantrum free from then on.

as an infant M was a holy terror, totally inconsolable,
so it was with m,ore than a lil trepidiation that The Mirage
and i took him to his first outside Thanksgiving Dinner a
t the now defunct Good Earth Restaurant at Larkspur Landing,Marin
(near San Quentin).
the three of us watched in shick as M was the pluperfect
tiny little gentleman at the cloth covered table (happy memory sigh).

one thing i regret was not being more involved in raising my/our kidz
during their growing years due to illness and distance.when i was finally
diagnosed with diabetes in 1991 Kaiser further traumatized me with
dire predictions of blindness and amputations and adult diapers
and yearly hospital stays due to various causes.then we,
me and Soul Mate, took them took a feel-good family movie
where the Granny suddenly dies....of diabetes.
so for that and many other crippling health reasons
i found it impossible
to be more than a weekend part-time Dad
plus The Mirage and her new Man kept hopscotching
around Northern KALIpornia evern as me and SM did likewise...
(long weary parental sigh).

so say a prayer for your Fathers,living or dead,
and remember the sacrifices they made for you
and all your crap they put up with-from you and your Mother
and how proud they are of you now.okay?
(snark alert!)
is that uplifting enuff for a basically second class holiday?

Peace Now?

1 comment:

  1. Two daughters took me out for a "Fathers Day" lunch. I told them that I found it strange that a day is set aside to honor males who hump females without practicing proper birth control and then burden them with pregnancy. The day should be given over to condemnation of such irresponsibility!
