
Saturday, June 4, 2011


"Death is very fair, no matter how rich you are -you only get one per customer."  old Zen saying

aloha 2u,
i have been remiss in my prior blog.i got distracted.
a Comment by my Eldest Z Man, reminded me...

me and Korak the Killer were doing a night patrol
outside the hotel
where i first met The Mirage.
some hare brained crackhead kept yelling insults at us
motherfucker this,nigger that, cracker ass whatever.
even tho a deadly combat vet of several tours in 'Nam,
where Korak explored exactly how much he enjoyed killing
at Khe Sanh and other battles,Korak always deferred to me
as the ALPHA DOG in our relationship,
The Mirage calls him my FIRST WIFE
(5 years with him,5 with her,19+ with SM;)
3rd times the charm.).

so as usual i was the cooler head and said
BE COOL, but this crazy ass nigger crackhead
followed us around an entire city block yelling insults
and we had a rep to manitain & build in the dangerous
and merciless Tenderloin where some rich fools
& the City Fathers
decided to build a luxury hotel....
so finally i had enuff and as Korak smiled i said GO!
and we turned to demolish this fool.

now both of us
were around 200 pounds six foot tall and masters
of armed and unarmed combat
so a plea of Self Defense in court  would be hard
to hold up in court but there are ways around that....
esp. if this fool nigger was dead and in a dumpster.....
so we turn as one and approach this fool. alone
and unafraid of us on this empty street.....
when out of nowhere another crackhead appears
and grabs his arm,dragging him away from us.
"No,no man. they ain't like them others hotel cops, 
these guys will KILL you!"
who he was, or how he came to be watching
i will never know but somehow he managed to
convince the now silent
crackhead of our deadly intent.
i have to admit that it was with a feeling
of regret/loss that
we taunted the departing crackhead to return
to his foolish and deadly ways...;(

this is proably a good place to mention
that is a combat Vet says
"I've got your back."
it is the highest compliment he can give.
there were times Korak and i faced off
10 or 15 to 1 odds
and i knew the only way i could be struck
from behind was if Korak was dead.
THAT is something i prized beyond
measure or mere words,
just like in '7 Samurai'....

i was raised for battle,
a child of urban warfare.
this is no exaggeration,
as longtime readers will recall, an untold tale
in High School i wore a white snapbrim cap,
like those worn by Longshoremen.
in Harlem this cap was also the cap/badge
of a deadly street gang called The Assassins,
whose leader Shorty had killed a rival gangster
in front of NYPD cops, they were That brazen.

anyway i'm riding the subway to school one day
when i was bluntly informed that
i Should,for the sake of my Health,
remove the cap/badge of the Assassisn
from my noggin
OR ELSE......

my reply?
"i wear wear this fucking cap until it falls off.
i ride the same train everyday,if you don't like it
-you know where to find me."
i wore the cap,unscathed,until it fell apart....
this is the lessons of the Ghetto and combat
that sr8s don't appreciate.

as a child of Harlem
i never expected to live past 21
so the 42 years since then
of love,children
and LSD have all been gravy,
an unexpected gift.

i love SM beyond words
but Live Together but
Die Alone.

Peace Now

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