
Tuesday, May 24, 2011

MPD IS DID let it Bleed


per DSM whatever #

aloha2u today,
this may be a long sluggish slog but i may have stumbled on something...
all books and/or movies dealing with legit MPD issues.

severe childhood trauma is usually the trigger
like in the TV series THE UNITED STATES OF TARA
which i will take issues with in a moment.
when Sigmund Frued started his practice the term
HYSTERIA was in vogue for dealing with wimmin's issues
SF was deluged with complaints related to incest
among the/his bourgoise class, not the poor
who couldn't afford him,and decided that all those
wimmin were lying & Hysterical
versus real and continuing incest among
his own middle class burghers
and so built an entire doctrine based on DENIAL
of incest and lies (also see FLEISS,Rudolf)
....;(  huge long non Freudian Slip sigh.

back to Tara and MPD
in case you don't have SHOWTIME
Tara is a married mother of two,
  MPD based on some as yet unknown
sexual trauma which resulted in her splitting into
six diff personalities.seriocomic drama develops
as she is currently married with teenage children,
much like Wolf Girl is now.

now tests have shown that by the Conventional Wisdom
each identity within the MPD body/vessel is SANE
so the MPD/DID is fractured but NOT crazy.
MPDs display diff brainwaves patterns for each ALTER
ID  and a drug taken by one Alter will be ineffective
when the MPD shifts into a diff Alter,
by Conventional Wisdom this is impossible....
so much for CW vs. The Bleed.
ARROGANCE is an unattractive trait in humans,sciences and society
but esp. in Medicine, as i for one can attest....

when i was dating Wolf Girl i wondered,
what if the voices in her head were real?
what if what she heard was Unfiltered Reality?
(lets Pass on the imps and demons theories for today,
for your daily dose of Paranoia)
was reading some science blog this week which said
Most of our brains is devoted to screening out "noise".
this relates back to the recently posted  SCI Am article that artists
have more porous filters and allow in more "noise"
as The Muse or whatever Source of Wisdom they convey.

so on a spctrum analogy of "noise" filters
schizophrenics allow in too much and Aspergers too lil
and artists are somewhere in between....sigh,maybe?
so according to  many pundits The Occult is one way to
dissolve the filters and perhaps MPD is another,as is LSD.

now for the messy part
the CIA and MK ULTRA Mind Control
one of the "Best Methods" of producing unbreakable spies is to
send an MPD who can only be triggered by a code word,
if caught they genuinely do not know anything of value.
there are rumors that the CIA has scotched various
investigations into the kiddie porn and generational
incestuous netherworlds
in exchange for such agents.(sigh & cry)
in the 60s they used the easily hypnotized like Sirhan Sirhan
or dopplegangers like the many Lee Harvey Oswalds
now they have a 'foolproof' method of doing
dirty can only guess at the depths
of their depravity...SIGH.
heroin stashed inside corpses and body bags,
introducing crack cocaine into urban America, Ollie North,
drug cartels joint ventures,money laundering,mercenaries
etc etc etc...

what was my point?
there are Deep Paranoid rumours of Time Travel
trials at Montauk Long Island NY
(Google The Montauk Project)
which IMHO IS Possible using
Tesla tech Dark Energy but what if these
rumours are wrong and they are exploiting
The Bleed to breach other dimensions???
(see yesterdays blog)
this opens up rivers of some deep scary shit!

there are certain jarring things about this
Reality which don't quite jibe.
exactly who was the Rudolf Hess who died
in Spandau Prison & how did the Ayatollah Khomeni
regrow a missing finger while in exile in London
and who exactly died in
the Fuhrer Bunker in 1945 Berlin as the USSR
skull of 'Hitler" has now been confirmed as female.
plus a lot of other Bleed-y stuff as examined by
CHARLES FORT among others...

BTW did i forget to mention that we had a UFO over
Capitola in broad daylight (as opposed to narrow daylite?)
last year? we are in a flight path below Vanderberg AFB
in Santa Maria south so we get a lot of mystery air noises
at nite but daylite? it made the front page of the daily fishwrap
and earned a giggling mention on local TV.

BTW2 while injecting insulin this ayem i dropped my needle
from sluggish unresponsive fingers
and it landed like a dart into my calf muscle
as i stared in disbelief and did not feel a goddamn thing.
no pain no pin prick no nothing.
my calves and legs are less swollen now on a new med
but my formerly prehensile toes are wrapped in an invisble garden hose
which severely limit their movement as well as my ability to walk
any distance without extreme exertion.
so if this blog wanders down excessively labyrinthine
corridors of cerebration you know far
much of the brain still works.

PAGANI and G Man hope this blog was at least
somewhat lucid? any other Comments???
i know you're out there,
i can hear you "lurking",no not really ;)

Peace Now

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