
Monday, April 18, 2011

water water everywhere....

"Water will be the coal of the future." 
Jules Verne from the docu THE FUTURE OF WATER

aloha 2u,
BP OIL SPILL one year later
Gulf Of Mexico still mostly dead,
fedgov has done zip to prevent more of same
or clean up the Gulf.
labyrinthine BP Claims Liability Billions still mostly unspent
(60% unpaid) but the legal dispenser just got a fat raise....sigh.

damn, i was trying to be Positive today.
anway after watching HBO"s new GAME OF THRONES
and AMC's the Killing,
caught the tail end of a docu THE FUTURE OF WATER....
.FASCINATING!(hope u get the Documentary Channel too)

next time someone tells you Nuke Power is "Green",
after you snort loudly in derision tell them this...

1.Iceland is a pioneer in geothermal hydropower
en route to being a totally fossil free economy.
2.we can use current technology to drill the Black Smokers
hydrothermal magma vents along tectonic plate boundaires,
like The Ring of Fire power steam turbines,
as used in Fukushima and elsewhere
and the only byproduct is fresh water and brine.
as i may have mentioned there is a Silicon Valley
start up which has found a way to make cement using brine.
3.the huge aquifer under Brasil,Uraguay,Paraguay has
enuff water,clean fresh water, to sustain 6 BN peeps for 200 years
if they don't pollute it beyond all saving...long despairing sigh.
is it 2 lil 2 late,time will tell.

Problem Solved?
now if we can only find the cojones to buck Big Oil
and "make it so" (Trek trivia).
BTW didn't see ALL this in the docu,
components of this blog found strewn around inside my brain too.

BTW 2 what i'm watching now
1.Game of Thrones HBO (zesty first episode)
1a.the Killing on AMC ( a bit plodding now)
3.Camelot on Starz (fluff except for Merlin)
4.The Borgias on SHO  ( a bit dry)

another medico visit today

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