
Sunday, April 24, 2011


 "Is is Human Nature to think wisely but act foolishly."   Anatole France
"It is easier to denature plutonium than to denature the evil spirit of man.." Albert Einstein

aloha 2u
and welcome 'suki5150' to our ranks,
Love the '5150', painted a tee with that on it last year.

IMHO   IS wONDERFUL. like my all time fave TV series
this film is The Hero's Journey (see Joseph Campbell)
as shown from a female perspective..unlike SUCKER PUNCH
which is a flashy albeit soulless meringue,
this film has humanity warmth and humor
if you're into fine filmaking in the action genre,
i urge thee to go see it
(Clockwork Orange ref)

had another of my usual odd dreams last nite.
.i was/am a writer who belonged
to the National Writers Union (which i was, still have the tee)
who had a black wife who was waiting for me to die
from yet another heart attack  (where did that come from?
spent last nite watching nudity  positive "i Naked" site vids)
while i worked on my masterpiece,
a social commentary on Jack The Ripper
(and yes i am indeed a Ripperphile).

what is it about Jack The Ripper (JTR)?
not the killings, Vlad Dracula, Giles de Rais and
Countess Bathory killed hundreds more
in as gory and obscene a fashion.
no, like JTR's modern progenitor THE ZODIAC
it is the arrogance, the taunting letters,
the Mystique of Murder of this Modern Age.
SOUL MATE asks me on an almost daily basis
Criminal Minds,L&O:Criminal Intent, The Event,
Sherlock Holmes,Poirot,Justifed,The Cape,Castle
and so on.
i am an "Anthropologist from Mars" (metaphorically)
studiously observing and noting the Human Condition in
my own skewed but honest way...
what have i learned....

that being a 'nigger' (or the gay 'cocksucker faggot')
is bad  but being a 'cunt' is worse.
 at one time recently the leading cause of disability
among wimmin was MEN....(long XX aggressive sigh).

HANNA showed this in a delicate but creative way
esp. from a male director Joe Wright.
i think it was Ursula LeGuin and another sci fi female
writer who posited a world of wimmn without men
(it IS possobile via in vitro and electric stim of the egg,
only new wimmin are produced)
like the pre historic Matriarchal Socities teach us.
.it is a world without battlements
without emotional nor personal armor,
a world withour rape and pillage
and domestic violences
a world where wimmin do not walk in fear
whilst sleeping with The Enemy.

in short, it is a world i would want to live in,
as a woman.

is it shocking that in dreams i am often a woman?
shorter and less brutal, alert and wary to every threat
or male nuance. i would like to think i would be,
in some small way, a Heroic Woman
and NOT timid and cowed by the
looming threat of physical abuse.
( i am a Scorpio after all , like Hillary C.)

BTW when did RAPE become "sexual assault" on MSM?
to equate it with jostling,fondling, frottage  or sharking?
just as recently i heard fedgov speak that Dead Dolphins
in the Gulf were "a mortality event"...sigh & cry.
this amputates the emotional impact and imagery,
this is NOT good....

IMHO Humanity still has a looooong way to go,
my oldest son Z Man (see FB badge)
thinks the double standard betwixt Sluts Vs.Studs
would not end in his lifetime,
120 years was his depressing estimate...
huge weary Sigh.

sigh,if there was more to say i've lost it,

"If i could get my membership fee back ,I'd resign from the human race." 
Fred Allen caustic radio host of the 1940s
Peace Now!

1 comment:

  1. Message from SM to clarify. I make a distinction
    between mindless, noisy violence and interesting
    detective films. I like Sherlock, Poirot, Justified, Buffy . . .
    and I'm glad that megalith can get into women's
    shoes and even feet!

    ;-D SM
