
Friday, April 22, 2011


today's CNN Talk Back query
think Carlin said its called the American Dream becuz u have to be Asleep to Believe it.....sheeple/sleeple
any ideas out there? am working on concise ideas and sources,
or you could just keep reading my rambling blog.(happy smile ;)

aloha 2u today,
the GOPlutocrats are crying crocodile tears of concern about "passing our the National Debt to our grandchildren" yet they oppose Climate Change on all fronts and altho Por Nuke Power not one word about nuclear waste which is toxic for eons....sigh.

O BOMBER, now flying killer drones over Libya-WWIII on the installment plan, has tasked the AG to stop "illegal speculating" knowing damn well that the laws are written such that it is not "illegal".AG Holder went off script by prematurely announcing this during the same news cycle..sigh.  ELIZABETH WARREN and her Proto Consumer Protection Agcy might be empowered   to decide otherwise but Treasury and Congress are working franticaslly to defang and defund this...huge weary $igh.

Kodiak bears are tall, ten to fifteen feet on average depending on gender,about the same size as the red haired pasty giants of Native American lore and evidence."experts" have argued that Goliath in the Bible was impossible as the human frame could not support such a height (see Guiness Records book).now Neanderthals were heavily built and if one notes their thicker musculature and slightly denser is what it is.
 Homo Ned;  the split between Homo Sap and Homo Ned about 600,000 to 300,000 years ago-leaves plenty of time for several worldwide civilizations to fall and rise and fall again.(see Vedic YUGAS cycle of 26,000 years per) it is only myopic human arrogance to assume that we are the First & Best mankind can do.
*how they wound up in America being feral cannibals i have no idea but i will keep searching..

posted a link about the story of a woman who woke up to a different reality.have noted that i felt this way after 300+ LSD trips in my youth,everyday mundane items were Slightly Off.....sigh, anyway last nite i had a Deja Vu moment where something on TV triggered a half memory that 'A'. happens then 'B'.Something Terrible happens..this time Nothing Happened.could this be related?could we be somehow linked to our Base Reality? i dunno but will keep looking.
CHARLES FORT reported several similar incidents to this.(Kasper Hauser and a odd English Inheritance saga which i forget the details of)

having a Senior Moment
meant to add something else....

if we accept the current multidimensional theorem,
including the idea that immediately after The Big Bang
the Universe was only two dimensional which is why
there is an Up and Down alone the Cosmic Plane;
then in one of the other 7 or 23 other dimensions
there are peeps of some sort who can cross The Bleed at will?
reports that UFO morph in many shapes and sizes then seem
to de-materialzie and vanish,could be?

BTW the myth of Faerie in that time passes more slowly there in other realms
*might that not be a dimensional shift?
*might not an advanced civilization facing catastrophic 
climate change move en masse to other realms?
or at least The Elites? (faerie sighs)

loved the concept in BABYLON 5
that there are some civilizations So Advanced
that we are mere ants beneath their notice.
somehow i like this better than The Hivekeeper
Hypthesis that we are being farmed
for precious metals, helium 3,heavy water and
bipedal Contactee lab rat experiments.
maybe that's just my myopic human arrogance speaking.
(long dim sigh)

BTW why hasn't Big Labor skimmed off a portion
of the many millions they pour into a unresponsive
DIMocratic Party to start their own Labor Cable Channel?
as counterpoint to Faux News?
just askin'.....

was there more? i dunno.
Peace Now

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