
Wednesday, April 20, 2011


"Do what thou will.... is the only law."
Aleister Crowley,AKA "the Great Beast 666",sex magician etc etc etc

aloha 2u,
the blog title is a bad pun on BURKE & HARE 18th century
famous grave robbers.
no this blog is neither Pro or Con robbing graves
for Medical Research,maybe some other day.

first of all neither wearing the Hajab (headscarf)
nor Burka (total body cloak covering
is mentioned anywhere in The Koran.
zip,nada, no where at all...(.check Wiki).
there are Commentaries,forget the Arabic name,
written thru out the centuries which require
wimmin to shield their 'modesty'
which has generated a spectrum of interpretations;
no such edict is required of males.

i have been chewing on the subject of France
banning the Hajab and Burka in the name of Assimilation,
French-ifying if u will..

as noted b4 i am a Buddhist Nudist
and would be in favor of allowing peeps
to walk around nekkid 24/7.

BTW i reminded Soul Mate yesterday that we have
pictures of her massaging peeps in a Berkeley Park
(no not the Ho Chi Minh Park)
with The Naked Guy (Andrew Martinez)
standing behind her wearing only sandals and a silly grin.
you see, at the time Berkeley had NO LAWS against Public Nudity.
a group called The Explicit Players had often staged "top-free" sit ins
outside local bookstores near Peoples Park for several
or strolled around town totally nude,
the core group were both other wimmin who looked
normally aged not lean busty young hottie sexy Pin Ups.

Point of Information-i was an ad hoc member of The Explicits briefly
b4 discovering that they were indeed Exhibitionists NOT Nudists,
they wore clothes at home when there was no audience to titillate...

*back on point-
The Naked Guy was profiled on CNN with snickering incredulity
and did a Jerry Springer episode or two  (sigh)
and the Berkeley City Council managed to ignore him until
he was caught prowling outside the girls dorms at nite
and American Puritan met his and hers nudity at a Council Meeting
where the stodgy plump matronly Mayor was shocked,shocked i tell u!
(she shocked  fairly easily.i managed to both shock and aggravate
her often while fully clothed) so anyway nudity was made illegal,
which is how we solve most social ills in this uptight society.(deep sigh)

so in summary, i support the right to baRE ARMS AND ANYTHING ELSE
but i also support the rights of wimin to wear or not wear
anything they fell comfy in/or out of.
i am okay with wearing the Hajab or anything that does not cover the face
as this would make any Posiitve ID impossible,
(see burka wearing Male suicide bombers in Iraqistan.)

at one time it was Illegal to wear a Mask in KALIpornia,
even masked wrestlers couldn't work here,
which put a crimp in Luche Libre masked wrestling.
this has apparently changed while i was otherwise occupied.(sigh)
also MUNI, the transit agency in Frisco
had a court case in the 70s as i recall
which said Freedom of Expression extneded to drivers wearing beards
in contradiction to then current MUNI rules
so why not the Hajab,right?

hope this at least vaguely coherent,
not doing too well healthwise at the moment,
unexpected side fx to some recent new meds...
(deep deep weary sigh.).
so we are not France but we have our own homegrown dilemmas...
*see Glen Greewald Op Ed
posted here recently about O BOMBER.

namaste y'all

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