
Saturday, April 23, 2011

BEKs n Very Bad Things

okay by now a lot of you,esp. new readers, have assumed that
my interest in ourtre and creepy things is purely theoretical.
in that case hope you perused the link yesterday
and it led you to tales of BEKs(Black Eyed Kids).
two short tales of my own...

1960s Los Angeles
during an episode of INTENSE LSD Usage
i picked up two young homeless broke hitchikers
and made them my house guests,
Rita Whitecotton and her new hubby Rick
a battled scarred Viet vet doper/musician.
anyway after i got fired for political activism,
anti war & anti LAPD corruption,
we took a foolish trip to Mexico
then came home wherein Rick disappeared
with all our cash and some of my best clothes...
Rita W. waas frantic with worry so after two
or three days we went Beyond Foolish and i
went into Trance Mode to find her Rick...
now Rita W. was a freckled albino and psychic
and the megadoses of LSD we were both taking
had shredded the bounds of Consnesus Reality so...

anyway we sent out a SEEK command hoping for
visions of Rick and his whereabouts or safety
now there was already a benign sad ghostly presence
under the stairs near my rear apartment , it lived there,
and the old flooring in the main hallway creaked
with each footstep from the front door to the rear
and then we sensed Something Terrbile which came
down the hallway without a sound then stopped radiating
Menace and Malice outside my front door waiting to come in..

let me define The Ultimate Terror for you
THE ULTIMATE TERROR is so Terrible when you realize
that DEATH IS NO ESCAPE,chew on that a second....
.i'm getting bone deep chills now just thinking about it.
so by this time me and Rita W realized that we'd fucked up
Really Really Bad and assembled our scrambled wits to keep
that damn thing Out.....,it eventually retreated leaving us both
exhausted and terrified,if it had chosen to return at that point
we'd have been toast.

*so we have my glowing Jesus see thru apparition in my puberty pre LSD days,
a mysterios traveller with odd eyes ,in the 70s,who joked about his brother
getting joint pains from flying fedgov UFOs
and my Out of Body LSD Cosmic voyages
and then virtually nothing for quite a while.

1991  Oakland Kaiser
me and The Mirage had dabbled in LSD
over our 5 year train wreck marriage
but that did not lead to my waking diabetic
coma of April 1991.anyway i ketone crashed
and wound up in the Kaiser ICU for several days
then when stabilized they moved me to a room
with a dying man,yeah right.
our beds were maybe 12 to 16 feet apart on opposite walls
but still close enough for me to hear him gasping his life out with every breath.
there was the palliative care,his family coming to weep and apologize,
all the usual stuff until one night...
i had trouble sleeping,still do, and an odd nurse entered around 2 or 3 ayem,
i say odd cause she made the hairs at the nape of my neck stand up and
bone deep chills of fear and dread run thru my i have faced
down creeps with knives and guns,survived an ambush or three-No Problem
but here i am helpless in bed with IVs in both arms and this Thing enters...
it looked almost human in a 50s style starched white nurses uniform and
squeaky white shoes which didn't, its skin was oddly waxy looking
shiny white and hair a deep clotted blot red.she ignored me and
sat next to the bed of the dying man whispering to him for what seeemd like hours,
i couldn't quite hear her (good) but i sensed that she, was not there to console
him but rather to suck the Life out of him.    after an eternity i fell asleep and
when i awoke he was dead, luckily i neveer saw the Odd Nurse or her dark eyes again.
BTW in the 7 days i was there,never saw anyone else dressed remotely like that...

so after that i tried to piece the jigsaw puzzle of my life together,
fretted about going blind,eating rice cakes forever and future
amputations-Kaiser post ICU, not so good.
by then The Mirage had hooked
her next hubby and we did the Divorce Dance apart,oh and i had her
committed during a psychotic episode somewhere in there,
ever had sex in a locked ward?  groovy...sigh.
our divorce,don't think the kids ever forgave me,
how could they know how desperately unhappy we both were?
long weary sighs....

"Death is Nature's way of telling you to Slow Da Fuck Down!"  attributed to Richard Pryor

hope u sleep well tonite...look under the bed first okay?

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