Tuesday, September 30, 2014
"A dissatisfied woman demands toasted snow."
fave Arab Proverb
",,because i have the pussy that's why."
a tee shirt for womyn
born without sleeves?
is it just me but today watching Al Jazeera,ESPB and NFL uyou repeatedly see these pretty womyn in sleeveless shifts and aging men adorned in multi layers of suit and ties
in a heavily air conditioned studio. the same studio.
better than burrksai presume but hey,lighten the fuck up.
naybe a bolero jacket or cardigan? watch for it in the future okay?
scary hairy?
okay i get the logical fallacy of hair being masculine which leads to waxing and denudations
as i appears that even Jenn Lawrence waxes her nethers but then why do mas macho pro wrestlers shave theuir body hair?
do the female fans demand. & appreciate it?
other than Gorerge THE ANIMAL Steeelein the 60s find it hard to recaLL MUCH BODY HAIR ON SAME..
the pits?
SF Chronicle ran a lingerie ad sunday where it seems the buff blonde muscle had tiny tufts of armpit hair,Cool. am sure there will be howls or protest.(Wolf Girl was all anaural unshaven blonde,no problemeo)
in the same vein, when did Nudiosm and Natural Body Hair become FETISH Catergres like nylons,girdles, corsets,BDSM,scat et al?. i fimnd this odd.
"interracial sex" (sic)?
aren't we all part of the human race? even Neanderthals could and did interbereed so...
anyway Masters of Sex last week introsduced a fenale blonde lead or
oreo sex and the blakc male commented that some womyn like chocolate sex
"just to debase themselves", ouch that hurt as many..okay some of my lovers could easily slot into this category. i am not one of those,obviously, who think that the melanin challenged can ever be authetnic with the rest of us altho have lost
many str8 wht males friend when they found out i was human too and i'd hazard a guess that a thrid of my lovers saw fucking me as akin to bestiality...and not in a good way.
live and learn and speaking of which what's with men who notch there belts for evey redhead,blonde,asian or brown nailed to a bed or against a wall? i was never a scalphunter but maybe it's bwecause i acrtually LIKE womyn. plus they and the gays GET MeE.
have been ion bed with three naked womyn who i did not have sex with,two white and one brown..(post rape schizophrenic and married Army Girl)
i would not be fun to have sex with the dead drunk or asleep despite the many fetish sites devoted to same and speaking of which...what with the GOP and heavy porn. my dead GOP bestie in Hawaii and my ex GOP bud now in Lil Rock both send me some of the mist mind blowing and putrid porn, i am not that niave but the ingestion of body fluids and large object insertions (shudder)...The Mirage was sexually adventurous and i followed along as it felt reasonable than she moved on and i breathed a sigh of relieif..when non menstrusal blood flow is involved,count me out,i'm just saying.
loving the skin i'm in and often on
fave Arab Proverb
",,because i have the pussy that's why."
a tee shirt for womyn
born without sleeves?
is it just me but today watching Al Jazeera,ESPB and NFL uyou repeatedly see these pretty womyn in sleeveless shifts and aging men adorned in multi layers of suit and ties
in a heavily air conditioned studio. the same studio.
better than burrksai presume but hey,lighten the fuck up.
naybe a bolero jacket or cardigan? watch for it in the future okay?
scary hairy?
okay i get the logical fallacy of hair being masculine which leads to waxing and denudations
as i appears that even Jenn Lawrence waxes her nethers but then why do mas macho pro wrestlers shave theuir body hair?
do the female fans demand. & appreciate it?
other than Gorerge THE ANIMAL Steeelein the 60s find it hard to recaLL MUCH BODY HAIR ON SAME..
the pits?
SF Chronicle ran a lingerie ad sunday where it seems the buff blonde muscle had tiny tufts of armpit hair,Cool. am sure there will be howls or protest.(Wolf Girl was all anaural unshaven blonde,no problemeo)
in the same vein, when did Nudiosm and Natural Body Hair become FETISH Catergres like nylons,girdles, corsets,BDSM,scat et al?. i fimnd this odd.
"interracial sex" (sic)?
aren't we all part of the human race? even Neanderthals could and did interbereed so...
anyway Masters of Sex last week introsduced a fenale blonde lead or
oreo sex and the blakc male commented that some womyn like chocolate sex
"just to debase themselves", ouch that hurt as many..okay some of my lovers could easily slot into this category. i am not one of those,obviously, who think that the melanin challenged can ever be authetnic with the rest of us altho have lost
many str8 wht males friend when they found out i was human too and i'd hazard a guess that a thrid of my lovers saw fucking me as akin to bestiality...and not in a good way.
live and learn and speaking of which what's with men who notch there belts for evey redhead,blonde,asian or brown nailed to a bed or against a wall? i was never a scalphunter but maybe it's bwecause i acrtually LIKE womyn. plus they and the gays GET MeE.
have been ion bed with three naked womyn who i did not have sex with,two white and one brown..(post rape schizophrenic and married Army Girl)
i would not be fun to have sex with the dead drunk or asleep despite the many fetish sites devoted to same and speaking of which...what with the GOP and heavy porn. my dead GOP bestie in Hawaii and my ex GOP bud now in Lil Rock both send me some of the mist mind blowing and putrid porn, i am not that niave but the ingestion of body fluids and large object insertions (shudder)...The Mirage was sexually adventurous and i followed along as it felt reasonable than she moved on and i breathed a sigh of relieif..when non menstrusal blood flow is involved,count me out,i'm just saying.
loving the skin i'm in and often on
Why Are So Many Black Towns Run by White City Councils? | Alternet
Why Are So Many Black Towns Run by White City Councils? | Alternet
see "GOP voter suppression" efforts
see "GOP voter suppression" efforts
Racism Is So Insidious, Even Black People Underestimate It | Alternet
Racism Is So Insidious, Even Black People Underestimate It | Alterne
Hell Yes this is a constant undercurrent in Black Life....
maybe one day it won't be? yeah right.t
Hell Yes this is a constant undercurrent in Black Life....
maybe one day it won't be? yeah right.t
Boston cop with racist, homophobic, pro-rape Facebook page busted by local TV
Boston cop with racist, homophobic, pro-rape Facebook page busted by local TV
ugh. "the rape train stopdsfor no one"?????
ugh. "the rape train stopdsfor no one"?????
Walmart doesn’t want to pay because SNL star Tracy Morgan wasn’t wearing a seatbelt
Walmart doesn’t want to pay because SNL star Tracy Morgan wasn’t wearing a seatbelt
nigger please! like blaming a RAPE Voctom
for not wearing a bra or panties(see Army Girl)
Wrong is WRONG!
nigger please! like blaming a RAPE Voctom
for not wearing a bra or panties(see Army Girl)
Wrong is WRONG!
Fox News: Obama’s gun control push could lead to more beheadings
Fox News: Obama’s gun control push could lead to more beheadings
y not? can we start at K Street and Congress? just saying....
y not? can we start at K Street and Congress? just saying....
Sunday, September 28, 2014
Over 22 Years Old? Men Find You Less and Less Attractive Every Day.
Over 22 Years Old? Men Find You Less and Less Attractive Every Day.
only the trolls & idiots looking for arm candy
and "jack off tissue with tits"....
only the trolls & idiots looking for arm candy
and "jack off tissue with tits"....
Tom Hiddleston Stands Up For Emma Watson And The #HeForShe Campaign | The Mary Sue
Tom Hiddleston Stands Up For Emma Watson And The #HeForShe Campaign | The Mary Sue
"A feminist believes that women are people too." claimed by vaarious
"A feminist believes that women are people too." claimed by vaarious
Tom Hiddleston Stands Up For Emma Watson And The #HeForShe Campaign | The Mary Sue
Tom Hiddleston Stands Up For Emma Watson And The #HeForShe Campaign | The Mary Sue
"A feminist believes that women are people too." claimed by vaarious
"A feminist believes that women are people too." claimed by vaarious
YouTuber Who Sexually Harasses Women Dropped By His Network Amidst Further Allegations of Sexual Harassment | The Mary Sue
YouTuber Who Sexually Harasses Women Dropped By His Network Amidst Further Allegations of Sexual Harassment | The Mary Sue
pls file under "troll male entitlement syndrome" like that shooter at UC Santa Barbara
pls file under "troll male entitlement syndrome" like that shooter at UC Santa Barbara
Vulvatron’s First Ever Interview Is Majestic and Wonderful | The Mary Sue
Vulvatron’s First Ever Interview Is Majestic and Wonderful | The Mary Sue
quick what does GWAR stand for? no not G Man nor G Spot...give up?
quick what does GWAR stand for? no not G Man nor G Spot...give up?
Vulvatron’s First Ever Interview Is Majestic and Wonderful | The Mary Sue
Vulvatron’s First Ever Interview Is Majestic and Wonderful | The Mary Sue
quick what does GWAR stand for? no not G Man nor G Spot...give up?
quick what does GWAR stand for? no not G Man nor G Spot...give up?
Watch Emma Watson launch a feminist campaign at the UN - Vox - All
Watch Emma Watson launch a feminist campaign at the UN - Vox - All
via G
and if NOT now
fucking when?????
via G
and if NOT now
fucking when?????
Thursday, September 25, 2014
Micaela Schäfer nude Ice Bucket Challenge -
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
We’re Doomed: Scientists Have Invented Shapeshifting Liquid Metal, the T-1000 Draws Near | The Mary Sue
We’re Doomed: Scientists Have Invented Shapeshifting Liquid Metal, the T-1000 Draws Near | The Mary Sue
uh oh? just like that found at Roswell or Keckberg?
uh oh? just like that found at Roswell or Keckberg?
Tuesday, September 23, 2014
Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition, Fighting in Iraq Until Hell Freezes Over | Alternet
Apocalypse Now, Iraq Edition, Fighting in Iraq Until Hell Freezes Over | Alternet
"no boots on the ground"....until next time....
"no boots on the ground"....until next time....
Advanced Beings Who Walked Earth Millions Of Years Ago -
Advanced Beings Who Walked Earth Millions Of Years Ago -
"The First Men" of Fringe and Game of Throbnes
or the long evolved humanoid reptoids dinosaur peoples???
any bets on Atlantis and HyBrasil being
pre human empires?
"The First Men" of Fringe and Game of Throbnes
or the long evolved humanoid reptoids dinosaur peoples???
any bets on Atlantis and HyBrasil being
pre human empires?
endless wars & bombing ideology
"Cut off an arm and two more take it's place."
motto of Hydra terrorists
thot of this motto when i heard the near gloating of CNN
and it's endless supply of military and ex miltiary talking heads.
"emdless war" slipped ferom the mout of Anderson Cooper or Jake Tapper.
when they spooled on endlessly i thot of the flaming bag of dogshit on the doorstep
and how when you stamp it out
iot gets on everything....
let me backtrack a bit
'Hydra" is a ruthless secret fascist organization which
used the Nazis then went underground after WW2..
(their logo is a glowing skull above octopi tentacles)
just like Al Qaeda which has morphed like weeds throu out the Middle East.
in non fiction The Allies "won" WW@ but now
facitic racists are winning votes up and down Europa
whilst the Wahabi (no NOT the sushi wasabi) inspired militias are running amok south..
now my understanding is that Wahabism is an angry secret inside Saudi Arabia and Islam,
imagine the Kock Bros funding say...armed Neo Nazis or Scientologist and making
all funds contingent on allowing those bastards into your sp[here of influnece,it's like that..
seem to recall the creation of Saudi Arabia (run by the House of Saud
say like Kock Bros's GOP et al).) entrenched the Wahabi sect after WW!
anyway Osama Bin Laden was a fruit of this poisoned tree and
now that he's dead? Al Qeadfa is no more right?
oh wait, we're still letting
O\Bomber drone strikes Pakistan,Yemen,maybe Libya and whatever
and just like the fictional Hydra whenever you kill a child or father or mother
(or fund Israel to do it) you make enemeise which last
the Arab concept of debt and blood debt esp. is deeply ingrained.
so we're fukt,again...
SM keeps asking what FLTUS Michelle has to say about
all this? how the Hell should i or we know?
and how does her homicidal hubby sleep at nite
or after Terror Tuesday when they review the kill lists?
anybody recall Poppy Bush's Peace Dividend?. and what the hell happened to it
the six minutes we weee between declared wars?
uyah, me neither.
latest from Al Jazeera is that O'Bomber is setting the
pace of escalating The Warm War with a trillion U$D in the pipelines
to refurbish the local nukes stockpiles...sigh.
well it's not like schools are failing,bridges falling people are sleeping in cars
and eating out of dumpsters or living in storm drains...oh wait.
yup we lost The War on Poverty too, something wesle malignant to leave ourt heirs
along with a toasty polluted plaanet
(Naomi Klein's new book on same is called
THIIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Capitalism vs The Climate
am looking forward to it, if even half as good as The Shock Doctrine...)
BTW vision is somewhat improved but glasses are obsolete
and "hunge assembly" fell off so they had to Rube Goldberg it
with a tiny bit of wirre and now it
flops like dog ears,such is Life.
as you were?
and despite fan fave Mary Lousie Parker The Blacklist felt a lil flat to me.
et tu?
BTW# and to the Comment about starting a discusssion board of the topics covered. just tell me how. maybe i could run ti thru a Facebook side group? just asking. try not to make more work for me okay?
motto of Hydra terrorists
thot of this motto when i heard the near gloating of CNN
and it's endless supply of military and ex miltiary talking heads.
"emdless war" slipped ferom the mout of Anderson Cooper or Jake Tapper.
when they spooled on endlessly i thot of the flaming bag of dogshit on the doorstep
and how when you stamp it out
iot gets on everything....
let me backtrack a bit
'Hydra" is a ruthless secret fascist organization which
used the Nazis then went underground after WW2..
(their logo is a glowing skull above octopi tentacles)
just like Al Qaeda which has morphed like weeds throu out the Middle East.
in non fiction The Allies "won" WW@ but now
facitic racists are winning votes up and down Europa
whilst the Wahabi (no NOT the sushi wasabi) inspired militias are running amok south..
now my understanding is that Wahabism is an angry secret inside Saudi Arabia and Islam,
imagine the Kock Bros funding say...armed Neo Nazis or Scientologist and making
all funds contingent on allowing those bastards into your sp[here of influnece,it's like that..
seem to recall the creation of Saudi Arabia (run by the House of Saud
say like Kock Bros's GOP et al).) entrenched the Wahabi sect after WW!
anyway Osama Bin Laden was a fruit of this poisoned tree and
now that he's dead? Al Qeadfa is no more right?
oh wait, we're still letting
O\Bomber drone strikes Pakistan,Yemen,maybe Libya and whatever
and just like the fictional Hydra whenever you kill a child or father or mother
(or fund Israel to do it) you make enemeise which last
the Arab concept of debt and blood debt esp. is deeply ingrained.
so we're fukt,again...
SM keeps asking what FLTUS Michelle has to say about
all this? how the Hell should i or we know?
and how does her homicidal hubby sleep at nite
or after Terror Tuesday when they review the kill lists?
anybody recall Poppy Bush's Peace Dividend?. and what the hell happened to it
the six minutes we weee between declared wars?
uyah, me neither.
latest from Al Jazeera is that O'Bomber is setting the
pace of escalating The Warm War with a trillion U$D in the pipelines
to refurbish the local nukes stockpiles...sigh.
well it's not like schools are failing,bridges falling people are sleeping in cars
and eating out of dumpsters or living in storm drains...oh wait.
yup we lost The War on Poverty too, something wesle malignant to leave ourt heirs
along with a toasty polluted plaanet
(Naomi Klein's new book on same is called
THIIS CHANGES EVERYTHING Capitalism vs The Climate
am looking forward to it, if even half as good as The Shock Doctrine...)
BTW vision is somewhat improved but glasses are obsolete
and "hunge assembly" fell off so they had to Rube Goldberg it
with a tiny bit of wirre and now it
flops like dog ears,such is Life.
as you were?
and despite fan fave Mary Lousie Parker The Blacklist felt a lil flat to me.
et tu?
BTW# and to the Comment about starting a discusssion board of the topics covered. just tell me how. maybe i could run ti thru a Facebook side group? just asking. try not to make more work for me okay?
Sunday, September 21, 2014
Alfred Bester’s The Stars My Destination Is Early Cyberpunk And Classic Sci-fiAt Its Best | Giant Freakin Robot
Alfred Bester’s The Stars My Destination Is Early Cyberpunk And Classic Sci-fiAt Its Best | Giant Freakin Robot

circa the same era as I,Robot n Blade Runner...back when i was a pup.
circa the same era as I,Robot n Blade Runner...back when i was a pup.
i z
"LIFE is what's happening while you're making other plans." -variouss
vision is sorta imrovomng but not somehow my regular glasses just broke.
BTW Kim KardASSian has just been seen in (yawm)
leaked nude expected of her..
more nudes of Jenn Lawrence have surfaced and she looks as wonderful naked as the yummy
Olivia Wilde (who is actually blonde?!
was pleased to see how playdful and comfy Jenn was with nudity
and oddly enuff that her place is as messy as mine. makez he happy?)
you know you're olde when half the celebs exposed
are unknown to me,all ex Disney?
and as G might ask WHERE'S THE BEEF (CAKE)?
womyn don;'t take pix of their hunks are are we to assume they
a happy merely to be the subject of The Male Gaze.
speaking of which OUTLANDER on Starz? is yummy and neautiful
amd INTRUDERS on BBC America is X Files aluimni creepy.
both worth a peek as the Fall inundation begins..
Gotham and Sleep Hollow mondays.. + Blacklist
a few new shows show promise.
SM N i watched The Red Band Society
and found it laced with the usual stereotypes and hollow Spielbergian cheer.
only if you're bored and speaking or boredom
UTOPIA was 5 minutes i shall never get back.
pleae stay tuned
vision is sorta imrovomng but not somehow my regular glasses just broke.
BTW Kim KardASSian has just been seen in (yawm)
leaked nude expected of her..
more nudes of Jenn Lawrence have surfaced and she looks as wonderful naked as the yummy
Olivia Wilde (who is actually blonde?!
was pleased to see how playdful and comfy Jenn was with nudity
and oddly enuff that her place is as messy as mine. makez he happy?)
you know you're olde when half the celebs exposed
are unknown to me,all ex Disney?
and as G might ask WHERE'S THE BEEF (CAKE)?
womyn don;'t take pix of their hunks are are we to assume they
a happy merely to be the subject of The Male Gaze.
speaking of which OUTLANDER on Starz? is yummy and neautiful
amd INTRUDERS on BBC America is X Files aluimni creepy.
both worth a peek as the Fall inundation begins..
Gotham and Sleep Hollow mondays.. + Blacklist
a few new shows show promise.
SM N i watched The Red Band Society
and found it laced with the usual stereotypes and hollow Spielbergian cheer.
only if you're bored and speaking or boredom
UTOPIA was 5 minutes i shall never get back.
pleae stay tuned
Tuesday, September 16, 2014
9 Mysterious Undeciphered Ancient Scripts, Tablets, Codes And Maps -
9 Mysterious Undeciphered Ancient Scripts, Tablets, Codes And Maps -
could we live well in a world without it's mystery?
could we live well in a world without it's mystery?
What Caused The Unexplained Change In Europeans' DNA 4000-5000 Years Ago? Scientists Say The Genetic Turnover Remains A Mystery -
What Caused The Unexplained Change In Europeans' DNA 4000-5000 Years Ago? Scientists Say The Genetic Turnover Remains A Mystery -
a re set for blue eyes n AB bloodtype,y?
a re set for blue eyes n AB bloodtype,y?
Casa Malpais Underground Catacombs In Arizona Can Shed New Light On The Grand Canyon Controversy & Archeological Cover-Up -
Casa Malpais Underground Catacombs In Arizona Can Shed New Light On The Grand Canyon Controversy & Archeological Cover-Up -
seem to recall a similar obscure discovery of ancient treasure
filled caves found then lost again above Death Valley KaliPornia...
seem to recall a similar obscure discovery of ancient treasure
filled caves found then lost again above Death Valley KaliPornia...
Mad Science: ‘Genetically Modified Micro Humans’ to be ‘Farmed’ for Drug Testing by 2017 : Dr. Leonard
Mad Science: ‘Genetically Modified Micro Humans’ to be ‘Farmed’ for Drug Testing by 2017 : Dr. Leonard
hokay, will freely admit that this mook make me look less paranoid.....
hokay, will freely admit that this mook make me look less paranoid.....
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Ray Riced batter up
"You beat eggs not women"
"He beat her like a rented mule"
southern Negro folk sayings
bear with me on this...domestic violence (sic)
1. unsure of current sttats but for decades the leading cause
of disability among womyn was MEN & male violence...
2. have told the story of JOY in L.A..
and how i woke up next to an unknown white woman,
naked in my bed wearing only dried blood and a smile.
Joy was a dancer at a club and the mistress of the club's married owner
the night beat before he had beat her badly so she fled,naked, and walked the streets of L.A. nude
to where i lived with my cousin Cheryl and her ex con robber dyke Bobbyy.
now the club owner beat both his wife and mistress,usually over some minor control freak shit,.
more than once Joy show up totally or half naked and bloddied, she co dependent and afraid to leave this violent man "He'll kill me" she often sdaid ,a s that was his promise and she feared him fully capable of this..
now as much as i liked waking up to her,naked as i was, and roaming around our apartment nude or.only in 21 i felt unready to embrace her and the drama that came with her.
so she embraced Mickey, another dyke ex con part of Bobby's Sybil Brand circlr (the L.A/.women's jail)udeso her new lover slapped her around often and they had loud violent sex in the other twin bed in my bedroom and Joy was...happy? comfortable in a familiare emotional Joy was clothed now and my cousin Cheryl was also routinely slapped and humiliated before being routinrely fisted at Hollywood sex paerties for coke and cash. what a world...
3. not counting the emotional verbal battles with The Mirage i have ol;y hot a wom,an in anger once in my life,aside from work. we were both on work study in a black TexASS junioir college and
she was a Jehovah's Witness, her and me working back to bakc and arguing The Bible...what could go wrong? anyway one day after i made a telling point there was silence, then my exploded and i felt my faces slamming violently toward the desktop where my 18 inch weighlifters neck stopped it mere incehs from impact...she had taken an unabridged dictionary and slameed it overhand against the back or my skull,i think she intended to kill me. so i knocked the wind out of hwer with a shoretseated punch and she sat down heavily and we never spoke again.
4. when the Ray Rice video duet surfaced i began to think of my blakc female nabes in the prokects and how Mother excaped injury as she was usually the one who provoked violence and injury. other wise a parade of fat lips,blakc eyes, broken jaws wired ashut, and twisted or broken arms was just about the norm. sex how did the womyn respiond to this? when they fpund out the chippie their men had on the side they'd brew up a big pot of lye and throw it in the face of the offender, scarring her for life."so that bitch won't be pretty no more".
5. look up "co dependence" which explains this much better than i could as my back is painfully compacting but suffice it to say that humans tend to have an emotional palette which reflects their upbringing and abused children tend to reeanat this pattern in adulrthood and most f the nabe in Harlem were first generation Great Migration refugees fro The Deep South including my Mother from TexASS and others from the Bible Belt and New Orleans.. think they call it The Bibel Belt cuz that's what they beat you with? Adrian Peterson,football player, was arrested for child abuse for beating his four year old with a switch he cut froma tree and causing open wounds and bleeding which is how he was raised... and even tho my Mother beat me naked with an electrical cord i never hit nor beat The Stone Boyz altho emotional scars were no doubt inflicted otherwise...
so anyways, that's my 3 cents.
as you were?
"He beat her like a rented mule"
southern Negro folk sayings
bear with me on this...domestic violence (sic)
1. unsure of current sttats but for decades the leading cause
of disability among womyn was MEN & male violence...
2. have told the story of JOY in L.A..
and how i woke up next to an unknown white woman,
naked in my bed wearing only dried blood and a smile.
Joy was a dancer at a club and the mistress of the club's married owner
the night beat before he had beat her badly so she fled,naked, and walked the streets of L.A. nude
to where i lived with my cousin Cheryl and her ex con robber dyke Bobbyy.
now the club owner beat both his wife and mistress,usually over some minor control freak shit,.
more than once Joy show up totally or half naked and bloddied, she co dependent and afraid to leave this violent man "He'll kill me" she often sdaid ,a s that was his promise and she feared him fully capable of this..
now as much as i liked waking up to her,naked as i was, and roaming around our apartment nude or.only in 21 i felt unready to embrace her and the drama that came with her.
so she embraced Mickey, another dyke ex con part of Bobby's Sybil Brand circlr (the L.A/.women's jail)udeso her new lover slapped her around often and they had loud violent sex in the other twin bed in my bedroom and Joy was...happy? comfortable in a familiare emotional Joy was clothed now and my cousin Cheryl was also routinely slapped and humiliated before being routinrely fisted at Hollywood sex paerties for coke and cash. what a world...
3. not counting the emotional verbal battles with The Mirage i have ol;y hot a wom,an in anger once in my life,aside from work. we were both on work study in a black TexASS junioir college and
she was a Jehovah's Witness, her and me working back to bakc and arguing The Bible...what could go wrong? anyway one day after i made a telling point there was silence, then my exploded and i felt my faces slamming violently toward the desktop where my 18 inch weighlifters neck stopped it mere incehs from impact...she had taken an unabridged dictionary and slameed it overhand against the back or my skull,i think she intended to kill me. so i knocked the wind out of hwer with a shoretseated punch and she sat down heavily and we never spoke again.
4. when the Ray Rice video duet surfaced i began to think of my blakc female nabes in the prokects and how Mother excaped injury as she was usually the one who provoked violence and injury. other wise a parade of fat lips,blakc eyes, broken jaws wired ashut, and twisted or broken arms was just about the norm. sex how did the womyn respiond to this? when they fpund out the chippie their men had on the side they'd brew up a big pot of lye and throw it in the face of the offender, scarring her for life."so that bitch won't be pretty no more".
5. look up "co dependence" which explains this much better than i could as my back is painfully compacting but suffice it to say that humans tend to have an emotional palette which reflects their upbringing and abused children tend to reeanat this pattern in adulrthood and most f the nabe in Harlem were first generation Great Migration refugees fro The Deep South including my Mother from TexASS and others from the Bible Belt and New Orleans.. think they call it The Bibel Belt cuz that's what they beat you with? Adrian Peterson,football player, was arrested for child abuse for beating his four year old with a switch he cut froma tree and causing open wounds and bleeding which is how he was raised... and even tho my Mother beat me naked with an electrical cord i never hit nor beat The Stone Boyz altho emotional scars were no doubt inflicted otherwise...
so anyways, that's my 3 cents.
as you were?
Saturday, September 13, 2014
Random pics of the week (Aug 26 '14) -
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Random pics of the week (Sep 2 '14) -
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
West Virginia cop caught threatening woman filming rough arrest of terminally ill man
West Virginia cop caught threatening woman filming rough arrest of terminally ill man
Randy Newman song lyric "let's drop The Big One and see what happens..."
Randy Newman song lyric "let's drop The Big One and see what happens..."
US denies threatening Foley family over raising ransom
US denies threatening Foley family over raising ransom
one of the few times i hope there really is a Hell....
one of the few times i hope there really is a Hell....
Bill Maher levels GOP Rep. Kline: He embodies D.C’s ‘easily-swayed whores and sellouts’
Bill Maher levels GOP Rep. Kline: He embodies D.C’s ‘easily-swayed whores and sellouts’
i disagree as there ares some things that even whore WON"T do....
i disagree as there ares some things that even whore WON"T do....
Ritual Magic, Mind Control, and the UFO Phenomenon - disinformation
Ritual Magic, Mind Control, and the UFO Phenomenon - disinformation
beware the entangled mind, even i warn of this...
beware the entangled mind, even i warn of this...
A Case Against Bombing ISIS - disinformation
A Case Against Bombing ISIS - disinformation
it took many "boots on the ground" to take and hold said ground in WW2 & 'Nam so....
it took many "boots on the ground" to take and hold said ground in WW2 & 'Nam so....
The Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart: Thoughts on Kafka - disinformation
The Shamefaced Lanky and Impure in Heart: Thoughts on Kafka - disinformation
even i can sometimes be out Grumpyed....
even i can sometimes be out Grumpyed....
No Sympathy for the Devil: Why People Fear Satanism - disinformation
No Sympathy for the Devil: Why People Fear Satanism - disinformation
can't be any worse than those Westboro Baptist creeps?
can't be any worse than those Westboro Baptist creeps?
Thursday, September 11, 2014
Activist Post: 10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop
Activist Post: 10 Signs That ISIS is a Scripted Psyop
sure y not? Patriot Act (sic) 2.0- should erase what lil is left of our freedoms....
sure y not? Patriot Act (sic) 2.0- should erase what lil is left of our freedoms....
Tuesday, September 9, 2014
"Men Explain Things to Me" by Rebecca Solnit
patriarchy+sexism+= male entitlelment+ rape culture+ Ray Rice....
very worth a listen SM & i agree.
"Men Explain Things to Me" by Rebecca Solnit
patriarchy+sexism+= male entitlelment+ rape culture+ Ray Rice....
very worth a listen SM & i agree.
Fox Is Doing a Female-Led Sequel to Minority Report | The Mary Sue
Fox Is Doing a Female-Led Sequel to Minority Report | The Mary Sue
hmmm, the same FOX who has a bad record with scif???
hmmm, the same FOX who has a bad record with scif???
Sunday, September 7, 2014
the 99th percentile Negro
" must be A Credit to Your Race".
....various Harlem teachers circa 1950e & 1060s
long frustrated sigh,
what does that even mean?
a House Nigger like O'Bomber or MLK
and WEB DuBois or a Feild Nigger like Malcom X?
still can't see for shit so have lotsa timne to reflect.
1964 and i,an immature 16, and branded as UA
(Under Achiever in bright red on all my school records)
i was set to graduate high school and cast myself u
upon the waves of Life...yeah right,silly me.
anyway this year began my loathing all school "guidance counselors'
as in...if you want to gove over a cliff then
follow their "guidance".
in those days and less so now
the SATs (Scholastic Aptiude Tests) more or less
determined your academic future.
and as a young brasj semi domesticated nigger from
the Harlem -Abraham Lincoln Projects i hadn't a clue.
so i went to the guiodasnce counselor asd many of my Jewish classmates
were getting tutors and facing the SATs woth sheer dread and anxiety..
amnd i was told to relax "it';s just a test of stuff you've already leanred" saith the old drunk
and like a foll i accepted this and went on being 16....
so i took the SATS and was demolished,
English was my strong suit so i figfurwed that that that
amd Reading Comprehension (sic)
would make up for my weak math skills
BUT on Shakespeare i was
blindsided as
whereas all we got in Hrlem were his Comedies
fuckme, didn't even know the bnames of his tragedies
and had not even heard of Othello...
maybe they didn;t want niggers getting jiggy with white womyn
who knows. ?
so anyway i washed out, didn't even qualify for
the local public schools,so basically i was screwed.
then aloong came The United Negro College Fund
which told me and my jealous Harlem running partnere
Ulysses Faison that we had scored in the
99th percentile of ALL Negroes tested in the SATs.
so what did that mean?
well for one thing it got a lot of white liberal colleges
offering mee a partial scholarship to attend.
now obviously i'm no dummy and
altho Mother said we were "Middle Class" (sic)
i knew from obseravtion of the TRUE middle class
at my mostly Jewish High School that
we were indeed the Working Poor.
and even with my Dad's VA death benefits
Life was a dog eat cat struggle.
so when these well meaning white liberals
painted a rosy future if only
we could come up with several thousands per semester
they might as well vbeem selling me
real estate on the moon.
Hello Sucker..
they were baffled about why i was hesitant
so i listend to bottom feeders, the all black colleges in the South
altho Mother said i should try Farleifgh Dickenson or Pepperdine
like that was even in the ballpark and they had not offered anyway.
so i stttled for a full ride at SHAW UNIVERSITY IN RALEIGH N.C.
where my Dad grew up as they had a glossy brochure oif their new campus
and offered to pay everything but fodd
which would run $100 per month,which i deemed do- able....
hello sucker 2..
aftwer a bus ride south i learned that
the beautiful New Campus the articlate blakv man had shown me
on the full color glossy brochure
had been CLOSED for 5 Years....
and all the classes i had wanted in Psych
were now off the menu
(only the older shabby campus was still functioning sorta).
so like any New York nigger i was deeply pissed at
being so gullible and i took it out
in many diverse ways as i soon realized
i was getting fish heads compared to the caviar
offered at the unaffordable white shcols....
so in an act of immmature revwenge my first eassay was oa
Miceky Spillaine inspireds
How To Get Away With Murder
from thew perspective of a serial killer
which is how i met Dean Cheek,
the smug younger brother
of University President Cheek,
i got off with a warning that time but
Dean Cheek decided that we 99 percenters
had too much time on our hands
so he formed a study gropu wherein
we would do a term papaer of our choice
Violence in America or
Barry Goldwater....
so the 8 of us voted for Violence in America
then were smugly informed that we would be
studying Goldwater as that was what Dean Cheek wanted
and my NYC mouth promptly proclaimed
the whole vot rthing was "Bullshit!!"
which was how i got expelled and got a bus ticket home.
thus began my Life of being
both pissed off and
frustrated by Bullshit and
smug assholes dumping on me
from "superior positions"
...sometimes you have to be smart to play dumb but
most times if you're big n black
people only see Field Nigger and
"reality" never gets pas the innate racisms....
so now yoy know how i,
long adrift in many ways,
became the bittersweeet man i am..
pls excuse thew typos still
hope to imptove after the 17th,maybe.....
now off to cull the sunday fishwraps and enjoy?
some football.
....various Harlem teachers circa 1950e & 1060s
long frustrated sigh,
what does that even mean?
a House Nigger like O'Bomber or MLK
and WEB DuBois or a Feild Nigger like Malcom X?
still can't see for shit so have lotsa timne to reflect.
1964 and i,an immature 16, and branded as UA
(Under Achiever in bright red on all my school records)
i was set to graduate high school and cast myself u
upon the waves of Life...yeah right,silly me.
anyway this year began my loathing all school "guidance counselors'
as in...if you want to gove over a cliff then
follow their "guidance".
in those days and less so now
the SATs (Scholastic Aptiude Tests) more or less
determined your academic future.
and as a young brasj semi domesticated nigger from
the Harlem -Abraham Lincoln Projects i hadn't a clue.
so i went to the guiodasnce counselor asd many of my Jewish classmates
were getting tutors and facing the SATs woth sheer dread and anxiety..
amnd i was told to relax "it';s just a test of stuff you've already leanred" saith the old drunk
and like a foll i accepted this and went on being 16....
so i took the SATS and was demolished,
English was my strong suit so i figfurwed that that that
amd Reading Comprehension (sic)
would make up for my weak math skills
BUT on Shakespeare i was
blindsided as
whereas all we got in Hrlem were his Comedies
fuckme, didn't even know the bnames of his tragedies
and had not even heard of Othello...
maybe they didn;t want niggers getting jiggy with white womyn
who knows. ?
so anyway i washed out, didn't even qualify for
the local public schools,so basically i was screwed.
then aloong came The United Negro College Fund
which told me and my jealous Harlem running partnere
Ulysses Faison that we had scored in the
99th percentile of ALL Negroes tested in the SATs.
so what did that mean?
well for one thing it got a lot of white liberal colleges
offering mee a partial scholarship to attend.
now obviously i'm no dummy and
altho Mother said we were "Middle Class" (sic)
i knew from obseravtion of the TRUE middle class
at my mostly Jewish High School that
we were indeed the Working Poor.
and even with my Dad's VA death benefits
Life was a dog eat cat struggle.
so when these well meaning white liberals
painted a rosy future if only
we could come up with several thousands per semester
they might as well vbeem selling me
real estate on the moon.
Hello Sucker..
they were baffled about why i was hesitant
so i listend to bottom feeders, the all black colleges in the South
altho Mother said i should try Farleifgh Dickenson or Pepperdine
like that was even in the ballpark and they had not offered anyway.
so i stttled for a full ride at SHAW UNIVERSITY IN RALEIGH N.C.
where my Dad grew up as they had a glossy brochure oif their new campus
and offered to pay everything but fodd
which would run $100 per month,which i deemed do- able....
hello sucker 2..
aftwer a bus ride south i learned that
the beautiful New Campus the articlate blakv man had shown me
on the full color glossy brochure
had been CLOSED for 5 Years....
and all the classes i had wanted in Psych
were now off the menu
(only the older shabby campus was still functioning sorta).
so like any New York nigger i was deeply pissed at
being so gullible and i took it out
in many diverse ways as i soon realized
i was getting fish heads compared to the caviar
offered at the unaffordable white shcols....
so in an act of immmature revwenge my first eassay was oa
Miceky Spillaine inspireds
How To Get Away With Murder
from thew perspective of a serial killer
which is how i met Dean Cheek,
the smug younger brother
of University President Cheek,
i got off with a warning that time but
Dean Cheek decided that we 99 percenters
had too much time on our hands
so he formed a study gropu wherein
we would do a term papaer of our choice
Violence in America or
Barry Goldwater....
so the 8 of us voted for Violence in America
then were smugly informed that we would be
studying Goldwater as that was what Dean Cheek wanted
and my NYC mouth promptly proclaimed
the whole vot rthing was "Bullshit!!"
which was how i got expelled and got a bus ticket home.
thus began my Life of being
both pissed off and
frustrated by Bullshit and
smug assholes dumping on me
from "superior positions"
...sometimes you have to be smart to play dumb but
most times if you're big n black
people only see Field Nigger and
"reality" never gets pas the innate racisms....
so now yoy know how i,
long adrift in many ways,
became the bittersweeet man i am..
pls excuse thew typos still
hope to imptove after the 17th,maybe.....
now off to cull the sunday fishwraps and enjoy?
some football.
Saturday, September 6, 2014
Bizarre google autofills -
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
Art Gallery Will Display Nude Photos of Jennifer Lawrence As Part of a Commentary On “Privacy In the Digital Era” | The Mary Sue
Art Gallery Will Display Nude Photos of Jennifer Lawrence As Part of a Commentary On “Privacy In the Digital Era” | The Mary Sue
huh, say what? even i sdid NOT post links,shesssssh.
huh, say what? even i sdid NOT post links,shesssssh.
Thursday, September 4, 2014
Mysterious Ruins Of Two Ancient Maya Cities Hidden In The Jungle Of Mexico - Rediscovered -
Mysterious Ruins Of Two Ancient Maya Cities Hidden In The Jungle Of Mexico - Rediscovered -
somewhere amidst this debris i have a list of 142 cities in
Mexico ans the Yucatan known only to natiuve graverobbers,
a disheveled expert at work gave them to me...
somewhere amidst this debris i have a list of 142 cities in
Mexico ans the Yucatan known only to natiuve graverobbers,
a disheveled expert at work gave them to me...
Should Scientists Resurrect Dinosaurs, The Neanderthal Man And Other Extinct Species? -
Should Scientists Resurrect Dinosaurs, The Neanderthal Man And Other Extinct Species? -
y not? doubt if any wouldfdo well with our current levels of pollution anyways...
y not? doubt if any wouldfdo well with our current levels of pollution anyways...
Tuesday, September 2, 2014
A Comprehensive Look Back At Our Favorite Swimsuits
A Comprehensive Look Back At Our Favorite Swimsuits
will not lie, have seen the various leaked nudes
but aside from a gross invasion of privacy
they have Nothing to be ashamed os showing but
then that's just me....
will not lie, have seen the various leaked nudes
but aside from a gross invasion of privacy
they have Nothing to be ashamed os showing but
then that's just me....
Study Says Social Media Is Making Us Unhappy and Distrustful | The Mary Sue
Study Says Social Media Is Making Us Unhappy and Distrustful | The Mary Sue
hey, thot that what news channels were for....and me.
hey, thot that what news channels were for....and me.
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