#ToolsToDetectRapists Hashtag Mocks Sexual Assault Prevention Nail Polish By Dissecting Rape Culture | The Mary Sue
sigh RAPE IS /...............
Friday, August 29, 2014
Ariana Grande X-Rated 'Problem' Music Video
Ariana Grande X-Rated 'Problem' Music Video
warning to G nekkid gilry bits
not sure if this vid is real,spoof,parody or homage to Madonna et al
who or waht did the voice also unknown...
warning to G nekkid gilry bits
not sure if this vid is real,spoof,parody or homage to Madonna et al
who or waht did the voice also unknown...
Lingerie for Cosplay: What to Wear to Comic-Con | The Mary Sue
Lingerie for Cosplay: What to Wear to Comic-Con | The Mary Sue
a genimue and detailed article...de tailed?
a genimue and detailed article...de tailed?
Wednesday, August 27, 2014
Why the Multiverse May Be the Most Dangerous Idea in Physics - Scientific American
Why the Multiverse May Be the Most Dangerous Idea in Physics - Scientific American
see DC & Marve4l comix circa 1960s onwards...
see DC & Marve4l comix circa 1960s onwards...
The Secret Sun: Cult Fictions
The Secret Sun: Cult Fictions
drowsing to NPR this ayem and think i heard
about cultic chnild abuse in rurual england
involving 1400 children of 20-30 years
douswed in petrol and forced to watch the rape of others.
sound familiar? see Satanic Child Abuse
dismissed as a fallacy by our FBI and others repeatedly....
it''s REAL!
drowsing to NPR this ayem and think i heard
about cultic chnild abuse in rurual england
involving 1400 children of 20-30 years
douswed in petrol and forced to watch the rape of others.
sound familiar? see Satanic Child Abuse
dismissed as a fallacy by our FBI and others repeatedly....
it''s REAL!
Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown's Death | Alternet
Illinois School Bans Discussions of Michael Brown's Death | Alternet
forget you
UNtied $nakes of Amne$ia....
forget you
UNtied $nakes of Amne$ia....
forgetting Micheal Brown Jr.
pls excuse any typos.
in a year will we remember Micheal Brow?n.
have alreadt forgo names of tthe black guy
they killed in st louis and the ones in L.A.
and they black guy they jilled in NYC
for selling loose cigarettes
and the guy killed in lousiana last january
who was handcuffed with his hands behind his back
\when he committed "suicide"...
(using black magic?)
Oscar Grant was killed at Friutvale Station
(hence the name of the film)
years ago on new years day while
face down and handcuffed,
when a transit ciop "mistook"his taser
fir his handgun and unlikely enuff
actually lost his job
and did jail time.
usually nothing happens to the cops
just some desk duty or pauid leave.
some punishment eh?
Soul Mate's leftie comrades
are always porteststing bad shit
in other countries and IMHO rarely the bad shitr
happening here.
common mundanr atrocotoes are so easy to slough off
down The Memroy Hole..
bitter irony
Fruitvale Stattion is what i used when i
first lived with my first wife
The Mirage,so
Oscar Grant could've been me. .
(*bleeding inside while black)
"talk is cheap and so is black life." i say this
momento mori
in a year will we remember Micheal Brow?n.
have alreadt forgo names of tthe black guy
they killed in st louis and the ones in L.A.
and they black guy they jilled in NYC
for selling loose cigarettes
and the guy killed in lousiana last january
who was handcuffed with his hands behind his back
\when he committed "suicide"...
(using black magic?)
Oscar Grant was killed at Friutvale Station
(hence the name of the film)
years ago on new years day while
face down and handcuffed,
when a transit ciop "mistook"his taser
fir his handgun and unlikely enuff
actually lost his job
and did jail time.
usually nothing happens to the cops
just some desk duty or pauid leave.
some punishment eh?
Soul Mate's leftie comrades
are always porteststing bad shit
in other countries and IMHO rarely the bad shitr
happening here.
common mundanr atrocotoes are so easy to slough off
down The Memroy Hole..
bitter irony
Fruitvale Stattion is what i used when i
first lived with my first wife
The Mirage,so
Oscar Grant could've been me. .
(*bleeding inside while black)
"talk is cheap and so is black life." i say this
momento mori
Tuesday, August 26, 2014
Fox pundit: Images from Foley beheading video are ‘perfectly fair’ for GOP campaign ads
Fox pundit: Images from Foley beheading video are ‘perfectly fair’ for GOP campaign ad
nonononononon lower than whaleshit
in the deepest part of the ocean, until next time....
nonononononon lower than whaleshit
in the deepest part of the ocean, until next time....
Monday, August 25, 2014
Saturday, August 23, 2014
The "War on Terror" is a Fraud: One trillion dollars on domestic security
The "War on Terror" is a Fraud: One trillion dollars on domestic security
see "thug cops" and fabricated arab arreests....
see "thug cops" and fabricated arab arreests....
This Film Could Help You Understand How Some People Experience Autism
This Film Could Help You Understand How Some People Experience Autism
as an Aspy (low grade) i say OH REALLY?
as an Aspy (low grade) i say OH REALLY?
Mysterious Gobi Sea And A Huge Land Inhabited By The Real Sons Of God - MessageToEagle.com
Mysterious Gobi Sea And A Huge Land Inhabited By The Real Sons Of God - MessageToEagle.com
saw somwhere that Ark of Moses was made from gold
taken from "the walls of Eden"....
the roginal gated community?
when "God" is NOT GOD.
saw somwhere that Ark of Moses was made from gold
taken from "the walls of Eden"....
the roginal gated community?
when "God" is NOT GOD.
Sean Hannity Guest Has The Perfect Reaction To His Condescending Ferguson Question
Sean Hannity Guest Has The Perfect Reaction To His Condescending Ferguson Question
Faux News...victim blaming vivcim shaming. you decide.
Faux News...victim blaming vivcim shaming. you decide.
21 Numbers That Will Help You Understand Why Ferguson Is About More Than Michael Brown
21 Numbers That Will Help You Understand Why Ferguson Is About More Than Michael Brown
good 2 kno.
BTW vision NOT improved yet.
it's like blurry beer goggles only without beer.
maybe another needle away?
good 2 kno.
BTW vision NOT improved yet.
it's like blurry beer goggles only without beer.
maybe another needle away?
Wednesday, August 20, 2014
AboveTopSecret.com - Conspiracy Theories, UFOs, Paranormal, Politcs, and other "alternative topics" - home page for Wednesday, August 20, 2014
Tuesday, August 19, 2014
Fox News asks Laura Ingraham to analyze Ferguson unrest: ‘Thugs are thugs’
Fox News asks Laura Ingraham to analyze Ferguson unrest: ‘Thugs are thugs’
mere words cannot express my utter contempt.....
mere words cannot express my utter contempt.....
Missouri lt. gov.: We need ‘Anglo-American’ justice in Ferguson, not racial protests
Missouri lt. gov.: We need ‘Anglo-American’ justice in Ferguson, not racial protests
to quote Jon Stewart "Don't they know we can HEAR them???"
to quote Jon Stewart "Don't they know we can HEAR them???"
10 Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night | Alternet
10 Facts About Police Violence in Ferguson Sunday Night | Alternet
even with my current blurry double vision i can SEE this.....
even with my current blurry double vision i can SEE this.....
Why John Oliver's HBO Show Is Such a Huge Hit | Alternet
Why John Oliver's HBO Show Is Such a Huge Hit | Alternet
making FUN of our sugar coated EVILS for how many weeks now?
making FUN of our sugar coated EVILS for how many weeks now?
Only 37% of Whites Polled Believe Michael Brown Shooting Raises Race Issues | Alternet
Only 37% of Whites Polled Believe Michael Brown Shooting Raises Race Issues | Alternet
so G, there is a very faint hope that
the light at the end of the tunnel is..
.a colorblind society mirage?
so G, there is a very faint hope that
the light at the end of the tunnel is..
.a colorblind society mirage?
Possible Hybrid Skull In Tunnels Under Giza- MessageToEagle.com
Possible Hybrid Skull In Tunnels Under Giza- MessageToEagle.com
quick,somebody alert the Smithsonian so they can re bury it...
quick,somebody alert the Smithsonian so they can re bury it...
Sophisticated Vimanas Over Dwarka - Pre-Harappan City That Could Rewrite The History Of The World - MessageToEagle.com
Sophisticated Vimanas Over Dwarka - Pre-Harappan City That Could Rewrite The History Of The World - MessageToEagle.com
some myths say they suffer4ed an Pyrhhic victory
in the wars against Atlantis/Mu.... (maybe)
some myths say they suffer4ed an Pyrhhic victory
in the wars against Atlantis/Mu.... (maybe)
Sunday, August 17, 2014
Saturday, August 16, 2014
Friday, August 15, 2014
Work Related Humor to Make You Smile (39 pics + 1 gif) - Izismile.com
Work Related Humor to Make You Smile (39 pics + 1 gif) - Izismile.com
u smile more if you're RETIRED....:)
u smile more if you're RETIRED....:)
Awkward pregnancy photos - leenks.com
This summary is not available. Please
click here to view the post.
11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces | Alternet
11 Shocking Facts About America's Militarized Police Forces | Alternet
a fedgov POLICE STATE, are we there yet? heheheeee
a fedgov POLICE STATE, are we there yet? heheheeee
L.A. Man Was 'Lying Down' When Cops 'Shot Him In The Back' | Alternet
L.A. Man Was 'Lying Down' When Cops 'Shot Him In The Back' | Alternet
(snark) i'm sure the cops involved
"feared for their safety" yeah right.
(snark) i'm sure the cops involved
"feared for their safety" yeah right.
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!
worth your time
1."from warfighters to crimefigthers" fedgov 10-33 motto ,
as heard on Al Jazeera thursaday
the 10-33 program financed by DoD &DHS funnels
surplus and new military hardware and armor to US police districts.'
Every 28 hours a ablakcv male is killed
via police,security guards or self appointed vigilantes.
so it's NOT "Help Police!"
it's "Help it's the Police!".
2. Ebola outbreak deep background,
shit you have not encountered mediawise elsewhere.
so now you know
worth your time
1."from warfighters to crimefigthers" fedgov 10-33 motto ,
as heard on Al Jazeera thursaday
the 10-33 program financed by DoD &DHS funnels
surplus and new military hardware and armor to US police districts.'
Every 28 hours a ablakcv male is killed
via police,security guards or self appointed vigilantes.
so it's NOT "Help Police!"
it's "Help it's the Police!".
2. Ebola outbreak deep background,
shit you have not encountered mediawise elsewhere.
so now you know
Thursday, August 14, 2014
New Arrest Data Under de Blasio's First 6 Months Reveal a Racial Police Bias Similar to Bloomberg | Alternet
New Arrest Data Under de Blasio's First 6 Months Reveal a Racial Police Bias Similar to Bloomberg | Alternet
the laye great Richard Pryor said Jusitce=Just Us in jails...
the laye great Richard Pryor said Jusitce=Just Us in jails...
eye anxiety?
"See light?" my first words,no lie
okay okay despite the metal
Clockwork Ornage eye spl;itns
(shudder) i think the eye needling went well.
i could make out sdome faces on The Bridge series.
but i have to go back in four weeks for another shot...or tow?
so in 7-10 days the cysts/tumors should stablize...maybe.
went to be early and woke around four
fot no apparent reasosn so
oi decided to blog until Tradr Joe's opens...
okay okay despite the metal
Clockwork Ornage eye spl;itns
(shudder) i think the eye needling went well.
i could make out sdome faces on The Bridge series.
but i have to go back in four weeks for another shot...or tow?
so in 7-10 days the cysts/tumors should stablize...maybe.
went to be early and woke around four
fot no apparent reasosn so
oi decided to blog until Tradr Joe's opens...
Google’s “Hey, Let’s Just Cure Death” Company Calico Launches New Website | The Mary Sue
Google’s “Hey, Let’s Just Cure Death” Company Calico Launches New Website | The Mary Sue
say what? is this a spoof????
or immortality for the 1 %?
wither way this cannot end well(pun intended)
say what? is this a spoof????
or immortality for the 1 %?
wither way this cannot end well(pun intended)
18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be | RiseEarth
18 Ways You’re Making Your Life Harder Than It Has To Be | RiseEarth
19. you live in a <atrix stle police state
where it's always Open Season on
your black ass...
19. you live in a <atrix stle police state
where it's always Open Season on
your black ass...
Cyber war program ‘MonsterMind’ could ignite accidental conflicts, warns Edward Snowden
Cyber war program ‘MonsterMind’ could ignite accidental conflicts, warns Edward Snowden
tick tick tick
what could possibly go wrong again?
tick tick tick
what could possibly go wrong again?
iPhone’s Siri thinks a swamp is a good place to hide a murdered man’s body, trial reveals
iPhone’s Siri thinks a swamp is a good place to hide a murdered man’s body, trial reveals
here4 we have a perfectly good ocean
you just have to check the tide tables
and weight it down properly...
here4 we have a perfectly good ocean
you just have to check the tide tables
and weight it down properly...
LAPD fatally shot an unarmed black man lying face down in the street, say his family
LAPD fatally shot an unarmed black man lying face down in the street, say his family
yeah yeah yeah, we're always a threat
and the dam cops feared for their safety yada yada....
yeah yeah yeah, we're always a threat
and the dam cops feared for their safety yada yada....
Regulators: Mega-Banks Like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs Still a Giant Threat to America | Alternet
Regulators: Mega-Banks Like Citigroup and Goldman Sachs Still a Giant Threat to America | Alternet
tick tick trick
where will you be when the next Bubble bursts
and we all klnow it willl
"lipstick on a dad pig" still rules....
tick tick trick
where will you be when the next Bubble bursts
and we all klnow it willl
"lipstick on a dad pig" still rules....
5 Things the U.S. Can Actually Do Instead of Complaining About the New Iraq War | Alternet
5 Things the U.S. Can Actually Do Instead of Complaining About the New Iraq War | Alternet
Just Say NO to War Whores....."Don't do stupid shit" indeed.
Just Say NO to War Whores....."Don't do stupid shit" indeed.
Cannabis-Based Batteries Could Charge Your Phone in Seconds—And Change the Way We Store Energy | Alternet
Cannabis-Based Batteries Could Charge Your Phone in Seconds—And Change the Way We Store Energy | Alternet
say what? the obnoxious DEA will never stand for it.
say what? the obnoxious DEA will never stand for it.
Activist Post: Shopper Tracking Device Embedded in Store Mannequins
Activist Post: Shopper Tracking Device Embedded in Store Mannequins
privacy, as theory, is dead dead dead....
privacy, as theory, is dead dead dead....
Saturday, August 9, 2014
The Disappearance Of The Children Of Viracocha - Part 1 - MessageToEagle.com
The Disappearance Of The Children Of Viracocha - Part 1 - MessageToEagle.com
some thing happened this week.
The Starchild Skull was tested as sorta human wioth
a fifty percent larger brwin capacity than average homo sap
and a theorist about The UFO Greys
coming from a future showed an image of a future humun which
looked almost identical to tht elongagted skulls of egypt
and Peru.
coincidence?? or synchronicity?
some thing happened this week.
The Starchild Skull was tested as sorta human wioth
a fifty percent larger brwin capacity than average homo sap
and a theorist about The UFO Greys
coming from a future showed an image of a future humun which
looked almost identical to tht elongagted skulls of egypt
and Peru.
coincidence?? or synchronicity?
Some Jerk Crashed a Drone Into Yellowstone National Park’s Hot Springs | The Mary Sue
Some Jerk Crashed a Drone Into Yellowstone National Park’s Hot Springs | The Mary Sue
last month a private drone crashed into a NYC skyscraper
and injured a pedestraibn below.
tick tick tick
last month a private drone crashed into a NYC skyscraper
and injured a pedestraibn below.
tick tick tick
Friday, August 8, 2014
The Wonders of Movie Makeup (16 pics) - Izismile.com
The Wonders of Movie Makeup (16 pics) - Izismile
.com "chronic low grade viral infection" is my latest diagnosis.
feel flattered? the Russian mob phishers thot i was gullible...
feel flattered? the Russian mob phishers thot i was gullible...
Saturday, August 2, 2014
eye aye 2
aloha 2utoday,
last weds had eye drops and eyes still blurry.
two weds from now they are going to stick "a long thin needle"
directly into my eyeball to introfdce a tumor reducing drug
to quiet the micro cysts distorting my vision.
it isd VERY diccult to focus on anything as of now
so i intend to see Guardians of the Glaxy
which has been criticized for being a loud unfocused mess :)
pleease stay tuned.
will attempt to post some relevant links over this weekend.
last weds had eye drops and eyes still blurry.
two weds from now they are going to stick "a long thin needle"
directly into my eyeball to introfdce a tumor reducing drug
to quiet the micro cysts distorting my vision.
it isd VERY diccult to focus on anything as of now
so i intend to see Guardians of the Glaxy
which has been criticized for being a loud unfocused mess :)
pleease stay tuned.
will attempt to post some relevant links over this weekend.
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