Scientists use biological tissue to recreate main computer component inside E coli bacteria | The Raw Story
SynBio synthetic biology
on the same day as self repairing computers
has no one at MIT Caltech or Carnegie Mellon
seen Terminator????? The Sarah Conner Chronicles?
all easily avaiable on Netflix....
Friday, March 29, 2013
Vial of easily weaponized virus goes missing in Texas | The Raw Story
Vial of easily weaponized virus goes missing in Texas | The Raw Story
we should really look for this...after it wipes out TexAss hehehehehhe
we should really look for this...after it wipes out TexAss hehehehehhe
Former S.C. Republican official: ‘C*cksucker’ anti-war vet should have ‘come home in a body bag’ | The Raw Story
Former S.C. Republican official: ‘C*cksucker’ anti-war vet should have ‘come home in a body bag’ | The Raw Story
in the 50s controverisal comedian Lenny Bruce
considered COCKSUCKER
the highest compliment, i hardily agree,
this was before "I <3 anal="" br="">3>
in the 50s controverisal comedian Lenny Bruce
considered COCKSUCKER
the highest compliment, i hardily agree,
this was before "I <3 anal="" br="">3>
Spontaneous Combustion: Can Bodies Burn From the Inside Out? | Alternet
Spontaneous Combustion: Can Bodies Burn From the Inside Out? | Alternet
like Fox Muldar of The X Files "I want to believe".....
like Fox Muldar of The X Files "I want to believe".....
Aldous Huxley Describes The Ultimate Revolution | Disinformation
Aldous Huxley Describes The Ultimate Revolution | Disinformation
1962??? so we were warned.....when was O Bomber born??
(not a birther comment,they are idiots)
mass media,videogames, drugged students
and prisoners and street drugs
"get people to love their servitude"
with a gridlocked fegov Congress declaring
"nothing can be done"...
1962??? so we were warned.....when was O Bomber born??
(not a birther comment,they are idiots)
mass media,videogames, drugged students
and prisoners and street drugs
"get people to love their servitude"
with a gridlocked fegov Congress declaring
"nothing can be done"...
Scientists Invent Self-Healing Computer Chips That Repair Themselves | Disinformation
Scientists Invent Self-Healing Computer Chips That Repair Themselves | Disinformation
ask not for whom the PC tolls,it tolls for thee...
ask not for whom the PC tolls,it tolls for thee...
Creating torture centers and death squads in Iraq: Allowing psychopaths to abuse and rape children in the United States | Disinformation
Creating torture centers and death squads in Iraq: Allowing psychopaths to abuse and rape children in the United States | Disinformation
being Easter WWJD?
use Jesus or Judas if you prefer.
without Judas and the agitrpop
of The Resurrection
Jesus is just another Charlie Manson
like cult leader ,i'm just saying...
being Easter WWJD?
use Jesus or Judas if you prefer.
without Judas and the agitrpop
of The Resurrection
Jesus is just another Charlie Manson
like cult leader ,i'm just saying...
The Reason Stick: “The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense” | Disinformation
The Reason Stick: “The Venn Diagram of Irrational Nonsense” | Disinformation
methinks NOT all this is irrational ,IMHO .
methinks NOT all this is irrational ,IMHO .
Tea Party Activists Boycott Fox News for Being ‘Too Liberal’ | Disinformation
Tea Party Activists Boycott Fox News for Being ‘Too Liberal’ | Disinformation
and here with tonight's news is Satan,Charlie Manson,
Judas,Savanarola,Rush and Sean Hannity .....
and here with tonight's news is Satan,Charlie Manson,
Judas,Savanarola,Rush and Sean Hannity .....
Most Inappropriate Ad of the Year? | Disinformation
Most Inappropriate Ad of the Year? | Disinformation
maybe Hannibal 'The Cannibal" Lecther will be the new spokesman?
maybe Hannibal 'The Cannibal" Lecther will be the new spokesman?
Lingerie Company Uses Pussy Riot To Sell Sexy Underwear | Disinformation
Lingerie Company Uses Pussy Riot To Sell Sexy Underwear | Disinformation
"They steal our dreams then sell them back to us." NYT circa 1970s
"They steal our dreams then sell them back to us." NYT circa 1970s
Police Spend Millions Of Hours On Low-Level Marijuana Arrests | Disinformation
Police Spend Millions Of Hours On Low-Level Marijuana Arrests | Disinformation
guess it's not like anything else is wrong in the Empire...
guess it's not like anything else is wrong in the Empire...
Schiavello – My Anus is Relaxed – RFA 7 | Disinformation
Schiavello – My Anus is Relaxed – RFA 7 | Disinformation
SM sez i am not quite as gloomy as the blogs
would indicate,so here is some funny. G Man style...
SM sez i am not quite as gloomy as the blogs
would indicate,so here is some funny. G Man style...
NYPD’s New Facial Recognition Unit Using Instagram And Facebook Photos To Identify Suspects | Disinformation
NYPD’s New Facial Recognition Unit Using Instagram And Facebook Photos To Identify Suspects | Disinformation
ah,should have seen this coming when
the CIA assigned people to monitor Facebook.
ah,should have seen this coming when
the CIA assigned people to monitor Facebook.
A Cheat Sheet For Dealing With Police | Disinformation
A Cheat Sheet For Dealing With Police | Disinformation
if you are black,gay or female this may be worthless....
if you are black,gay or female this may be worthless....
Occult Feminism and the Psychic Superiority of Women | Disinformation
Occult Feminism and the Psychic Superiority of Women | Disinformation
ahem NOT "gay rights" nor "women's rights"
can we try non fragmented HUMAN RIGHTS
anyone? hola anyone?
ahem NOT "gay rights" nor "women's rights"
can we try non fragmented HUMAN RIGHTS
anyone? hola anyone?
Bee Colony Collapse Rapidly Accelerates – Pesticides Blamed | Disinformation
Bee Colony Collapse Rapidly Accelerates – Pesticides Blamed | Disinformation
G Man has once again pulled my coat on Archons involved,i think...
G Man has once again pulled my coat on Archons involved,i think...
Thursday, March 28, 2013
Roswell: The Area 51 Connection | Mysterious Universe
Roswell: The Area 51 Connection | Mysterious Universe
one flw in this Cold War story is that the Horten Brothers
of Nazi "flying wing" design fame were brought
to the USA under Operation paperclip so....
one flw in this Cold War story is that the Horten Brothers
of Nazi "flying wing" design fame were brought
to the USA under Operation paperclip so....
21 Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300 | Alternative
21 Goals Of The Illuminati And The Committee Of 300 | Alternative
all this from the hysterical ALEX JONES
right wingnut and possible media catspaw,it has been rumored....
all this from the hysterical ALEX JONES
right wingnut and possible media catspaw,it has been rumored....
Sunken City 12,000 Years Old, Asserts Author, Possibly Part Of Lost Continent Of Mu | Beyond Science
Sunken City 12,000 Years Old, Asserts Author, Possibly Part Of Lost Continent Of Mu | Beyond Science
BTW read most of Churchward on MU/Lemuria
and Ignatius Donnelly on Atlantis back in the 70s...
BTW read most of Churchward on MU/Lemuria
and Ignatius Donnelly on Atlantis back in the 70s...
Mind, Behavior Control Flu Vaccine | Science and Technology
Mind, Behavior Control Flu Vaccine | Science and Technology
first warned y'all about Toxo Gondii about a year back.
MSM now declares HALF OF HUMAN RACE may be infected so....
first warned y'all about Toxo Gondii about a year back.
MSM now declares HALF OF HUMAN RACE may be infected so....
The Problem With White Dolls
The Problem With White Dolls
in the 50s all my dolls and action figures were white.
as were Hopslong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger .
Ranger had Tonto (yuck) but YANCY DERRINGER
had Pahoo, a oft silent shotgun wielding menace
and then there was The Cisco Kid.
don't get me started on Amos & Andy
(done by white on radio) and BEAULUH.....
in the 50s all my dolls and action figures were white.
as were Hopslong Cassidy and The Lone Ranger .
Ranger had Tonto (yuck) but YANCY DERRINGER
had Pahoo, a oft silent shotgun wielding menace
and then there was The Cisco Kid.
don't get me started on Amos & Andy
(done by white on radio) and BEAULUH.....
Corporations Are Robbing Us Of Our Right to a Fair Trial | Alternet
Corporations Are Robbing Us Of Our Right to a Fair Trial | Alternet
it's in the Fine Print almost everywhere.
SM and i have run into this too...
it's in the Fine Print almost everywhere.
SM and i have run into this too...
Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection | Alternet
Slick, Paranoid Tea Party Video Aims for Violent Insurrection | Alternet
must have missed this during my vomit inducing CPAC viewing...
on talk radio it's amazing that all the gun nuts
on talk radio cite Second Amendments rights
to hoard guns against violent goverment takeover.
against smart bombs,cruise missiles and drones in various sizes really?
so now i see the connection clearly
O Bomber is the Antichrist....
must have missed this during my vomit inducing CPAC viewing...
on talk radio it's amazing that all the gun nuts
on talk radio cite Second Amendments rights
to hoard guns against violent goverment takeover.
against smart bombs,cruise missiles and drones in various sizes really?
so now i see the connection clearly
O Bomber is the Antichrist....
10 Ways the Public Backlash Against Killer Drones Is Taking Off | Alternet
10 Ways the Public Backlash Against Killer Drones Is Taking Off | Alternet
two toons yesterday Dilbert & Non Sequiter mocked drones
two toons yesterday Dilbert & Non Sequiter mocked drones
Conservative Morality: Free Pass for Criminal Bankers, Restrictions for Women and Gay Citizens | Alternet
Conservative Morality: Free Pass for Criminal Bankers, Restrictions for Women and Gay Citizens | Alternet
"conservative morality"? really
file this under "general fuckery"....
"conservative morality"? really
file this under "general fuckery"....
the HOST
read with wry amusement this ayem the movie review
of a new film called The Host, NO not about Catholic priest sex abuse,
the premise is that parasitic space aliens arrive on war torn Earth
to colonize our bodies and make us more peace loving.
see to recall a phrase like "a benign invasion" being tossed about.
a benign invasion to make us more humane and better people
and the film is based on fighting this,one part of a trilogy by
Stephanie Meyer the creator of the infamous Twilight series.
apparently the director has massaged the content to make it less sappy.
so why would write such a book?
might i add that those of us with a Progressive
bent oftimes feel this is the challenge we face.
there was a newstory on PBS last night that looked
at the lack of low income students in the better colleges.
are you just a dope slinging druggie or stripper pole bait
if you are raised the the ghetto or barrio?
no, i am living proof of this,i think.
The System is not designed to find pearls before swine
and many potentially great intellects are lost among the shuffle.
this is an Empire in decline...
when i was in high school i was told were taking the SATS,
which i had never heard from via any teacher or counselors.
i was told "it's just stuff you learned in biggie."
no biggie? yeah right.
so i was gobsmacked to find the focus of English
was on Shakespeare's DRAMAS
whereas i in Harlem had been taught only his COMEDIES
like boys in da hood don't know drama?
it's The System as tho no real humans were involved..
BTW have posted less of late as almost every single
doc me and SM see somehow got scheduled for this week.
next week should be less hectic...
2014 and SCOTUS is finally getting around,albeit
reluctantly to Marriage Equality?
Scalia this already.
"He has all the virtues I dislike and
none of the vices I admire."
Winston Churchill
read with wry amusement this ayem the movie review
of a new film called The Host, NO not about Catholic priest sex abuse,
the premise is that parasitic space aliens arrive on war torn Earth
to colonize our bodies and make us more peace loving.
see to recall a phrase like "a benign invasion" being tossed about.
a benign invasion to make us more humane and better people
and the film is based on fighting this,one part of a trilogy by
Stephanie Meyer the creator of the infamous Twilight series.
apparently the director has massaged the content to make it less sappy.
so why would write such a book?
might i add that those of us with a Progressive
bent oftimes feel this is the challenge we face.
there was a newstory on PBS last night that looked
at the lack of low income students in the better colleges.
are you just a dope slinging druggie or stripper pole bait
if you are raised the the ghetto or barrio?
no, i am living proof of this,i think.
The System is not designed to find pearls before swine
and many potentially great intellects are lost among the shuffle.
this is an Empire in decline...
when i was in high school i was told were taking the SATS,
which i had never heard from via any teacher or counselors.
i was told "it's just stuff you learned in biggie."
no biggie? yeah right.
so i was gobsmacked to find the focus of English
was on Shakespeare's DRAMAS
whereas i in Harlem had been taught only his COMEDIES
like boys in da hood don't know drama?
it's The System as tho no real humans were involved..
BTW have posted less of late as almost every single
doc me and SM see somehow got scheduled for this week.
next week should be less hectic...
2014 and SCOTUS is finally getting around,albeit
reluctantly to Marriage Equality?
Scalia this already.
"He has all the virtues I dislike and
none of the vices I admire."
Winston Churchill
Friday, March 22, 2013
oh Canada?
"Expectations breed disappointments." Klik & Klak on NPR
talking with Z Man yesterday for two plus hours...
found out my youngest son Mega-mind;
my youngest almost entirely apolitical son
who i don't ever recall looking up from
his PC and games to read a newspaper
or watch TV news, has decided with a friend
to move to Canada in 3-5 years
to avoid the inevitable collpase of the US economy
and the American Empire.
a situation that even Z Man thot was
i was gobsmacked and speechless
then i recalled that before S'Cruz
SM & i had considered Canada,Ecuador,
Brazil,Costa Rica and Lake Chapala Mexico.
not to avoid the Decline but
to get good weather and a safe retirement.
what happens to the Untied Snakes when even intelligent
20 somethings see no hope for them here?
we have become/becoming a desperate
broke third world country.
kill the unions,destroy public education,
destroy the tax base,ass rape The Middle Class,
foreclose on The American Dream,
morally bankrupt gridlocked Congress
and have drone killer O Bomba
steering the USA Titanic closer to the iceberg.
i am not saying that my two bright clever sons
indicate a nationwide trend but
ask around,ask any young people you know
if hearing the constant MSM drumbeat of
has had any effect on their outllok
for the future.
i'm just saying.
talking with Z Man yesterday for two plus hours...
found out my youngest son Mega-mind;
my youngest almost entirely apolitical son
who i don't ever recall looking up from
his PC and games to read a newspaper
or watch TV news, has decided with a friend
to move to Canada in 3-5 years
to avoid the inevitable collpase of the US economy
and the American Empire.
a situation that even Z Man thot was
i was gobsmacked and speechless
then i recalled that before S'Cruz
SM & i had considered Canada,Ecuador,
Brazil,Costa Rica and Lake Chapala Mexico.
not to avoid the Decline but
to get good weather and a safe retirement.
what happens to the Untied Snakes when even intelligent
20 somethings see no hope for them here?
we have become/becoming a desperate
broke third world country.
kill the unions,destroy public education,
destroy the tax base,ass rape The Middle Class,
foreclose on The American Dream,
morally bankrupt gridlocked Congress
and have drone killer O Bomba
steering the USA Titanic closer to the iceberg.
i am not saying that my two bright clever sons
indicate a nationwide trend but
ask around,ask any young people you know
if hearing the constant MSM drumbeat of
has had any effect on their outllok
for the future.
i'm just saying.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
New Economy The Case For The 21 Hour Work Week
New Economy The Case For The 21 Hour Work Week
between bitching n moaning that's about what i average...
between bitching n moaning that's about what i average...
in the Vigilant Citizen mode..
1.Rihanna has a chest wide tattoo of Isis below
both breasts as well as Horus on one ankle.
2.two of the Most Evil places i have encountered
in my life had the Masonic checkerboard floor,east & west coast.. let's assume that like many psychopaths or such groups,
using Illuminati as a catchphrase exist....How & When.
4.i have firsthand knowledge that such a group(s) exist.
be patient as i am still roughing this one out....
5.pause to Wikipedia this as i am going all multidisciplinary on this.
in Ancient Egypt between the Old Kingdom and the latter Middle Kingdom
was a terrible drought lasting decades,what few records remain
mention the populace literally eating their children to survive,
after killing the royals and priests who failed to save them.
now FREEMASONS like to claim a heritage
descended from the blue collar pyramid builders
of The Old and Middle Kingdoms
a nice image.but let's suppose that during the drought
the priests of The Old Kingdom went underground
and recognizing the vagaries of the Nile Valley stayed there
(or at least some portion thereof).
under The Old Kingdom the sacred bull was Apis
(see St.Pats chronology link) sacred to Osiris,Isis and Horus
it was assumed this ended under the rule of the Ptolemy family
(see Cleopatra) yet we find evidence of the secret cult
of Mithras among the Roman elites and even the Celts,
which called itself a revival of the ancient Egyptian worship.
(possibly bull dancers of Crete/Minoans)
so Old Kingdom Egypt to Roman Empire and
how do we bridge the gap from Rome to modern ages?
i was lost for a few seconds then the new Pope came
on TV again and again.The Roman Catholic Church,
or a subset thereof, bridges the gap quite nicely
thru The Dark Ages (ignorance fostered by the Church).
The Inquisitions and the witch burnings,
especially the persecuction of The Cathars
and later perhaps The Knights Templar,
always seem to extinguish the most Christian elements of the Faith.
BTW both Mary Magdalene (not a whore
look it up, defamed by the early Popes
and Judas preached a radically different and more
egalitarian doctrine than the sexist Church
was willing to recognize).
so the seeds of Mithras are buried amidst
the outer casing of the Church.
with a touch of Bacchus as well...
so we have worships,slavery,cruelty and
the hidden sigils that
few would ever recognize
during The Age of Enlightenment,
for reasons unknown to me,a
more secular face was put on this.
Adam Weispaut (sp?) and The Rosy Cross
and the Freemasons but beneath this
in Europe we find the various Brimstone Boys and
Hellfire Clubs who joyously mocked Chrisitianty
indulging in slavery,licentiousness, Bacchic revels,
sacrifice (like the thousands of minors
sacrifriced in Roman Era Carthage).
Ben Franklin ( and maybe Jefferson)
have been linked to Hellfire Clubs
in England and France and it is proposed
that Franklin set up the first one here in the Colonies...
many US Presidents,starting with Washington
have been Freemasons (33rd degree)
and designed DC to reflect this.
...All Seeing Eye of Horus on our currency anyone?
and now secret clubs like Skull & Bones and
The Bohemian Grove near here
openly flout their pagan roots amidst
the rich & powerful Elites.
now if you recall the big flaps last century
about Satanic worship
and the FBI debunking this and snuff films.
hundred of thousands of people move and
some vanish each year in the US.
as in the TV series THE FOLLOWING
the minions of Evil run deep and they are scattered
where they will do the best job, whether it is
The Bilderbergers or Hollywood and all steps in between.
just do a mental list of all the officials caught
with their pants down or hands in the till,
not all random Evils can be attributed to them but some perhaps...
this issue is multi generational and the problem is
they don't need 7 billion of us as
cannon fodder any longer.
look how quickly America was hollowed out
and The Middle Class evaporated under Bush 43
(Bush vs Kerry Skull & Bones vs Skull & Bones,jeez).
it is hiding in plain sight,mocking us with ridicule
and arrogance.chemtrails,Agenda 21,Georgia Guidestones ,
Alternative Three,etc etc
BTW CIA MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control
fit nicely into the jigsaw i am building.
i have no proof that Rihanna or anyone else is a Monarch Sex Kitten
but doesn't the Christian Bible say some about
"by their deeds ye shall know them"?
this is what i think about while posting links and surfing the net.
look at the two Brit vids from a paranoid perspective okay?
"What you seek is seeking you." Rumi
in the Vigilant Citizen mode..
1.Rihanna has a chest wide tattoo of Isis below
both breasts as well as Horus on one ankle.
2.two of the Most Evil places i have encountered
in my life had the Masonic checkerboard floor,east & west coast.. let's assume that like many psychopaths or such groups,
using Illuminati as a catchphrase exist....How & When.
4.i have firsthand knowledge that such a group(s) exist.
be patient as i am still roughing this one out....
5.pause to Wikipedia this as i am going all multidisciplinary on this.
in Ancient Egypt between the Old Kingdom and the latter Middle Kingdom
was a terrible drought lasting decades,what few records remain
mention the populace literally eating their children to survive,
after killing the royals and priests who failed to save them.
now FREEMASONS like to claim a heritage
descended from the blue collar pyramid builders
of The Old and Middle Kingdoms
a nice image.but let's suppose that during the drought
the priests of The Old Kingdom went underground
and recognizing the vagaries of the Nile Valley stayed there
(or at least some portion thereof).
under The Old Kingdom the sacred bull was Apis
(see St.Pats chronology link) sacred to Osiris,Isis and Horus
it was assumed this ended under the rule of the Ptolemy family
(see Cleopatra) yet we find evidence of the secret cult
of Mithras among the Roman elites and even the Celts,
which called itself a revival of the ancient Egyptian worship.
(possibly bull dancers of Crete/Minoans)
so Old Kingdom Egypt to Roman Empire and
how do we bridge the gap from Rome to modern ages?
i was lost for a few seconds then the new Pope came
on TV again and again.The Roman Catholic Church,
or a subset thereof, bridges the gap quite nicely
thru The Dark Ages (ignorance fostered by the Church).
The Inquisitions and the witch burnings,
especially the persecuction of The Cathars
and later perhaps The Knights Templar,
always seem to extinguish the most Christian elements of the Faith.
BTW both Mary Magdalene (not a whore
look it up, defamed by the early Popes
and Judas preached a radically different and more
egalitarian doctrine than the sexist Church
was willing to recognize).
so the seeds of Mithras are buried amidst
the outer casing of the Church.
with a touch of Bacchus as well...
so we have worships,slavery,cruelty and
the hidden sigils that
few would ever recognize
during The Age of Enlightenment,
for reasons unknown to me,a
more secular face was put on this.
Adam Weispaut (sp?) and The Rosy Cross
and the Freemasons but beneath this
in Europe we find the various Brimstone Boys and
Hellfire Clubs who joyously mocked Chrisitianty
indulging in slavery,licentiousness, Bacchic revels,
sacrifice (like the thousands of minors
sacrifriced in Roman Era Carthage).
Ben Franklin ( and maybe Jefferson)
have been linked to Hellfire Clubs
in England and France and it is proposed
that Franklin set up the first one here in the Colonies...
many US Presidents,starting with Washington
have been Freemasons (33rd degree)
and designed DC to reflect this.
...All Seeing Eye of Horus on our currency anyone?
and now secret clubs like Skull & Bones and
The Bohemian Grove near here
openly flout their pagan roots amidst
the rich & powerful Elites.
now if you recall the big flaps last century
about Satanic worship
and the FBI debunking this and snuff films.
hundred of thousands of people move and
some vanish each year in the US.
as in the TV series THE FOLLOWING
the minions of Evil run deep and they are scattered
where they will do the best job, whether it is
The Bilderbergers or Hollywood and all steps in between.
just do a mental list of all the officials caught
with their pants down or hands in the till,
not all random Evils can be attributed to them but some perhaps...
this issue is multi generational and the problem is
they don't need 7 billion of us as
cannon fodder any longer.
look how quickly America was hollowed out
and The Middle Class evaporated under Bush 43
(Bush vs Kerry Skull & Bones vs Skull & Bones,jeez).
it is hiding in plain sight,mocking us with ridicule
and arrogance.chemtrails,Agenda 21,Georgia Guidestones ,
Alternative Three,etc etc
BTW CIA MK Ultra and Monarch Mind Control
fit nicely into the jigsaw i am building.
i have no proof that Rihanna or anyone else is a Monarch Sex Kitten
but doesn't the Christian Bible say some about
"by their deeds ye shall know them"?
this is what i think about while posting links and surfing the net.
look at the two Brit vids from a paranoid perspective okay?
"What you seek is seeking you." Rumi
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers
How Senomyx Creates Novel Flavor Enhancers
read somewhere that Mitt Romney owns this company
and about Pepsi too ,considered the notion too too horrible
for even me to accept........jeez
read somewhere that Mitt Romney owns this company
and about Pepsi too ,considered the notion too too horrible
for even me to accept........jeez
Symbolic Pics of the Month (03/13) - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen
Symbolic Pics of the Month (03/13) - The Vigilant Citizen - The Vigilant Citizen
hmmm,usedta think this guy was full or half fulla shit but
since the St.Pats link i posted,maybe not???
hmmm,usedta think this guy was full or half fulla shit but
since the St.Pats link i posted,maybe not???
Monday, March 18, 2013
Top 10 Celebrity Spies |
Top 10 Celebrity Spies |
Korak the Killer used to drink with Sterling Hayden
when he lived above Sausalito before his death...
Korak the Killer used to drink with Sterling Hayden
when he lived above Sausalito before his death...
10 Crazy Things Heard at CPAC, the Giant Right-Wing Confab | Alternet
10 Crazy Things Heard at CPAC, the Giant Right-Wing Confab | Alternet
i'm semi retching just thinking about this...
i'm semi retching just thinking about this...
Fox News contributor ‘unnerved’ by Ashley Judd’s ‘obsession’ with rape | The Raw Story
Fox News contributor ‘unnerved’ by Ashley Judd’s ‘obsession’ with rape | The Raw Story
RAPE the unforgiving "gift" which keeps on giving...
RAPE the unforgiving "gift" which keeps on giving...
Cop Fractures Woman’s Face, Says “I’m Going to Push Your Nose Through Your Brain” | Alternet
Cop Fractures Woman’s Face, Says “I’m Going to Push Your Nose Through Your Brain” | Alternet
jeez, was she black?
learn to expect this sorta shit
when you're born black.
first time i was called Nigger by someone other than my Mother
was by black and white cops in Harlem
en route to school or YMCA....
jeez, was she black?
learn to expect this sorta shit
when you're born black.
first time i was called Nigger by someone other than my Mother
was by black and white cops in Harlem
en route to school or YMCA....
6 Ways the US Supreme Court Has Trashed and Rewritten Our Constitution | Alternet
6 Ways the US Supreme Court Has Trashed and Rewritten Our Constitution | Alternet
watched the CPAC convention on CSPAN this weekend
to see how these whackos think. am still retching over
the declaration that Sl;avery was Good
and the Tea Party are just like the Indians.
crazy crazy cuckoo Bizarro world.
watched the CPAC convention on CSPAN this weekend
to see how these whackos think. am still retching over
the declaration that Sl;avery was Good
and the Tea Party are just like the Indians.
crazy crazy cuckoo Bizarro world.
What's It Going to Take to Get Men to Stop Raping Women? | Alternet
What's It Going to Take to Get Men to Stop Raping Women? | Alternet
Rhandi Rhodes sez FUKT News has broadcast the name of the now 17
year old Ohio rape victim.guess she was "asking for it" by being female????
Rhandi Rhodes sez FUKT News has broadcast the name of the now 17
year old Ohio rape victim.guess she was "asking for it" by being female????
Friday, March 15, 2013
Glozel: the fraud or find of the 20th century?
Glozel: the fraud or find of the 20th century?
MSS Main Stream Science shrikes again.....
(shrikes are bird who impale their prey then watch them die,slowly)
MSS Main Stream Science shrikes again.....
(shrikes are bird who impale their prey then watch them die,slowly)
Top 10 Infamous Roman Emperors and Empresses |
Top 10 Infamous Roman Emperors and Empresses |
listen closely and you can hear The American Empire die.
Romney-cus Maximus would have hastend the decline and slave revolts.
maybe next time...Hillary Agrippa Clinton-us?????
listen closely and you can hear The American Empire die.
Romney-cus Maximus would have hastend the decline and slave revolts.
maybe next time...Hillary Agrippa Clinton-us?????
The Planned Obsolescence of Humanity ~ RiseEarth
The Planned Obsolescence of Humanity ~ RiseEarth
okay this one i accept, knew about Bernays & the birth of PR
from various books and docs
and when our ten year old VCR or radio broke
we were told "those parts are no longer available" sigh.
okay this one i accept, knew about Bernays & the birth of PR
from various books and docs
and when our ten year old VCR or radio broke
we were told "those parts are no longer available" sigh.
Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields – Earthing and Detoxifying ~ RiseEarth
Protecting Yourself From Electromagnetic Fields – Earthing and Detoxifying ~ RiseEarth
new site to me but seems to confirm the opinions of other sites i trust...
new site to me but seems to confirm the opinions of other sites i trust...
Frontiers of Anthropology: Lake Superior Mines, Old Copper Culture and Copper Shipments to Europe during the Bronze Age.
Frontiers of Anthropology: Lake Superior Mines, Old Copper Culture and Copper Shipments to Europe during the Bronze Age.
AMERICA UNEARTHED did a rather clumsy story of this awhile back.
AMERICA UNEARTHED did a rather clumsy story of this awhile back.
The Solar Satellite: Christopher Lee, Drive-In Heirophant
The Solar Satellite: Christopher Lee, Drive-In Heirophant
SAX ROHMER ? somebody else has read
nay even heard of Sax Rohmer
creator of the Fu Manchu series.
a man who,along with Charles Fort and Jack Kirby,
seriously twisted my young mind.
the more i know and the deeper i go
i find Sax Rohmer echoes almost everywhere,
in writing this is called "foreshadowing"...
muy thanx Sax.
SAX ROHMER ? somebody else has read
nay even heard of Sax Rohmer
creator of the Fu Manchu series.
a man who,along with Charles Fort and Jack Kirby,
seriously twisted my young mind.
the more i know and the deeper i go
i find Sax Rohmer echoes almost everywhere,
in writing this is called "foreshadowing"...
muy thanx Sax.
Frontiers of Anthropology: Bosnian Pyramids
Frontiers of Anthropology: Bosnian Pyramids
hmm, was surpirsed the aerticle did not note the standard offset
pyramid which coincide with the belt of Orion
on all the continents on which pyramids have been unearthed.
BTW the Romans "invented" our current form of concrete
and the Bosnian stuff is better. does not decompose
after a few thousand years or Ice Ages...
hmm, was surpirsed the aerticle did not note the standard offset
pyramid which coincide with the belt of Orion
on all the continents on which pyramids have been unearthed.
BTW the Romans "invented" our current form of concrete
and the Bosnian stuff is better. does not decompose
after a few thousand years or Ice Ages...
Tenebroust's The Stench of Truth
Tenebroust's The Stench of Truth
more advice to new bloggers
1.get to the point
2.don't meander
3.know when to stop
4.try to keep your reader's interest keen
as you were
more advice to new bloggers
1.get to the point
2.don't meander
3.know when to stop
4.try to keep your reader's interest keen
as you were
Thursday, March 14, 2013
Fuck the Pope
Fuck the Pope
hear hear,
BTW heard on the Stephanie Miller radio/tv show this morn
"Pual Ryan being called the samrtest guy in Congress
is like being elected Prom Queen
at the leper colony."
replace Ryan with Pope Francis I and....
hear hear,
BTW heard on the Stephanie Miller radio/tv show this morn
"Pual Ryan being called the samrtest guy in Congress
is like being elected Prom Queen
at the leper colony."
replace Ryan with Pope Francis I and....
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
Steubenville Lawyers to Argue Blacked-Out Rape Survivor Totally Consented
Steubenville Lawyers to Argue Blacked-Out Rape Survivor Totally Consented
sounds like roofies & "slut shaming" to me....
sounds like roofies & "slut shaming" to me....
15 Hilariously Menacing Church Signs -
15 Hilariously Menacing Church Signs -
having some heart issues,
hope to blog again soon....please stay tuned.
having some heart issues,
hope to blog again soon....please stay tuned.
Friday, March 8, 2013
The Illuminati Agenda - 7 billion sheeple under mind control of a few shepherds ~ RiseEarth
The Illuminati Agenda - 7 billion sheeple under mind control of a few shepherds ~ RiseEarth
jeez, i sure hope this is wrong.
a very nicely formatted page tho.kudos.
jeez, i sure hope this is wrong.
a very nicely formatted page tho.kudos.
NWO, Agenda 21 Mission Statement: : Goal, Depopulation Of The Earth To 500 Million People (Video) | Politics
NWO, Agenda 21 Mission Statement: : Goal, Depopulation Of The Earth To 500 Million People (Video) | Politics
this is the overall far right bugaboo, this and George Soros
who is apparently either Satan or the Antichrist
when O Bomber isn't...
this is the overall far right bugaboo, this and George Soros
who is apparently either Satan or the Antichrist
when O Bomber isn't...
UFO - Alternative Energy, Magnetic Propulsion Drive | Free Energy
UFO - Alternative Energy, Magnetic Propulsion Drive | Free Energy
see "vimanas:"of ancient India .....
see "vimanas:"of ancient India .....
Iran Battles Plague Of Giant Genetically Mutated Rats | Disinformation
Iran Battles Plague Of Giant Genetically Mutated Rats | Disinformation
in case you're wondering
my blog is very ad hoc ,sometimes i find links
that reinforce my content but more often not,
today is a bonanza of bad juju.
in case you're wondering
my blog is very ad hoc ,sometimes i find links
that reinforce my content but more often not,
today is a bonanza of bad juju.
climate spare change?
"No good deed shall ever go unpunished." French adage
Wall $treet,sigh.
a lil backstory, when you "sell short"
you are betting a stick will fail/tank
and you will make money on that.
when W tanked the US/world economy the banksters
made billions shorting the housing industry and
incidentally ruining millions of lives.
collateral damage run amok.
there is an article that the infamous
Hedge Fund Managers (Google this it's complicated)
unlike their GOP climate denier stooges in DC,
have decided that Climate Change is real,
and we have passed the tipping point of Inevitability
so they are selling short by....
-investing in Green Jobs and Energy?
-selling short on the fossil fuel industry?
-investing in remdial clean ups?
-selling short on the nuclear industry?
-brainstorming with the EPA/DOE?
they are selling short the future of humanity
and investing in sectors which will make a profit off...
rising sea levels
global warming
extreme weather
climate refugees
food scarcity
and whichever Horseman of the Apocalypse
can turn a tidy profit.
words fail me...
and loathsome
just seem so inadequate.....
so now you know.
aloha 2u today
Wall $treet,sigh.
a lil backstory, when you "sell short"
you are betting a stick will fail/tank
and you will make money on that.
when W tanked the US/world economy the banksters
made billions shorting the housing industry and
incidentally ruining millions of lives.
collateral damage run amok.
there is an article that the infamous
Hedge Fund Managers (Google this it's complicated)
unlike their GOP climate denier stooges in DC,
have decided that Climate Change is real,
and we have passed the tipping point of Inevitability
so they are selling short by....
-investing in Green Jobs and Energy?
-selling short on the fossil fuel industry?
-investing in remdial clean ups?
-selling short on the nuclear industry?
-brainstorming with the EPA/DOE?
they are selling short the future of humanity
and investing in sectors which will make a profit off...
rising sea levels
global warming
extreme weather
climate refugees
food scarcity
and whichever Horseman of the Apocalypse
can turn a tidy profit.
words fail me...
and loathsome
just seem so inadequate.....
so now you know.
aloha 2u today
Thursday, March 7, 2013
Earth's Unsolved X-files 2013 (Part 1) , page 1
Earth's Unsolved X-files 2013 (Part 1) , page 1
Kasper Hauser reminds me of many older Mexican children
found wandering in San Diego over the last few years .
altho healthy they have no tho they have
been held captive and speechless over their lifetimes...
there are rumors aplenty but few facts
Kasper Hauser reminds me of many older Mexican children
found wandering in San Diego over the last few years .
altho healthy they have no tho they have
been held captive and speechless over their lifetimes...
there are rumors aplenty but few facts
Watch: ‘BigDog’ robot throws cinder block across a room | The Raw Story
Watch: ‘BigDog’ robot throws cinder block across a room | The Raw Story
one step closer to Killer Robots, wonderful (sic)......
one step closer to Killer Robots, wonderful (sic)......
Roger Ailes: Obama Is ‘Lazy,’ Biden ‘Dumb As an Ashtray’
Roger Ailes: Obama Is ‘Lazy,’ Biden ‘Dumb As an Ashtray’
Sarah Palin loves this site and vice versa, that's enuff right?
Sarah Palin loves this site and vice versa, that's enuff right?
American teenager designs compact nuclear reactor | The Raw Story
American teenager designs compact nuclear reactor | The Raw Story
wonderful, just fucking wonderful...
wonderful, just fucking wonderful...
Former DEA chiefs worry Obama abandoning drug war | The Raw Story
Former DEA chiefs worry Obama abandoning drug war | The Raw Story
yeah right, as the Aussies say
"pull the other one and make them even."
yeah right, as the Aussies say
"pull the other one and make them even."
Hey all you gun grabbers, guess what? The police are not obligated to protect you!, page 1
Hey all you gun grabbers, guess what? The police are not obligated to protect you!, page 1
actually this true to job of the cops is to REPORT CRIME,not STOP it or PROTECT you
4 raped coeds in DC on 911 call, got no response then got raped again by the courts....
so now you know.
actually this true to job of the cops is to REPORT CRIME,not STOP it or PROTECT you
4 raped coeds in DC on 911 call, got no response then got raped again by the courts....
so now you know.
Ancient & Lost Civilizations Discussion Forum Topic List
Ancient & Lost Civilizations Discussion Forum Topic List
China massive fireball and mushroom cloud
in 1626. WTF???
China massive fireball and mushroom cloud
in 1626. WTF???
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
Democracy Now!
Democracy Now!
Hugo Chavez dead at 58.
conspiracy nuts are already declaring it CIA poisoning
so it goes.
Hugo Chavez dead at 58.
conspiracy nuts are already declaring it CIA poisoning
so it goes.
love & work
the IMHO infamous Sigmund Freud once said
the purpose of man is "to love and work"...
looks like the failed economy
has taken care of half that equation (snark)...
have been mulling this over for a few days and it took
an odd turn this morning to Harlem.
LOVE ( & alcohol) meant routine beatings,bruises,
black eyes and the infrequent broken jaw.
my Aunt Bessie,who routinely slept with her pastors,
once took a hot steam iron to the face of her sleeping husband.
his crime? frequently screwing his nubile underage doottirs?
no, it was screwing a legal age woman he met in church.
even during my childhood it was almost routine for
the husband to get a few furious slaps before
the husband KO'd the wife whereas the
other woman sometimes got a surprise lye facial
or public shaming.
my cousin Barbara, who became a welfare mom
-Puerto Rican babymaker in Spanish Harlem,
as a child would eat razor blades and light bulbs
and "act the fool", so as not to be molested.
did not hear of too many instances of incest
outside the Deep South where she and Bessie
and her sisters grew up.
underage sex among consenting minors was
more or less the norm in Harlem.
there was a girl named Tina
who was "slow" but whoaslo really really
liked sex. among the thousand or so
underage boys,and some men,
in the Abraham Lincoln Projects of Harlem
i was one of a mere handful who did NOT have sex with her.
not that she didn't offer,several times,but it was like
kicking a puppy or kitten...instead i had sex with
the minor sister K of two brothers, friends of mine,
often.i was 8 or 10 and she but a few years younger.
later when we were both adults and K
was a former street whore and longtime junkie
she asked whether we could do it again.
thought about it but sadly declined.
on a tangent many of the girls and many many boys who
did not go to 'Nam, fell to the scourge of heroin,
"flying on the ground" in druggie slang,
and would end up selling their bodies for sex
((vaginal,anal or oral gay & srtr8)
in the dark byways off Times Square
(pre Guliani). i was often warned against getting
free handjobs/blowjobs (mostly from white men)
in the balcony of many
grindhouse Times Square movies.
junkies,some got clean and were
welcomed home like the Prodigal Son
but many more did not.
one of my best friends Micheal,
his dad owned a dry cleaners in Harlem,
moves his family from the Harlem projects
to Long Island where Micheal and his lil sister
Alice then became junkies (sigh).
think this blog was ignited by the Superbowl commercial,
now running frequently.where a kid in the back seat asks
"Where do babies come from?"
and the father gives a preposterous answer about
a Baby Planet and spaceships
and when challenged the father quickly
switches the topic to some kids song.
the usual bloodless WASP prudery? this why so many of their lily white
dottirs "experiment" with black men?
by making The Other FORBIDDEN
you also make it almost inevitable.
my cousin Jessie , the only college going
black man i knew then,dated white wimmin exclusively
until they got what they really wanted from their parents
-usually a new car or trip to Europe,
then they dropped him like maggoty fruit.
he became very angry and probe to depression,
in Harlem slang he was "snowblind"
his mother was a well known carousing slut
"she was fast" who lied about her age but i liked her.
when i was a young black boy growing up in the ghetto
and seeing dog eared copies of Playboy
passed around,it never occurred to me to
ever sleep with white wimmin.
there was one white woman in our building ,
who met her black soldier husband in Italy during WWII,
and her unhappiness radiated off her like flies on shit.
even as a child i could see it.
when i moved to L.A. was the first of
many times i was hit on by white wimmin,
i was so naive i had no idea what was happening
but i soon wised up. my Mother had so
damaged my self esteem and made me feel worthless
for so long that the thot of a strange
white woman wanting to get nekkid
with me or even just date me
was outside,waaaay outside my worldview.
just as the first time i was hit on by gay men in frisco
i was equally clueless until i "experimented"....
being gay in Harlem in the 50s
meant you were "funny" and apparently
did not carry the same onus it did in the white community.
back Freud, the purpose of Life to me is
"to aspire,love and work" for
where are we without our dreams?
aloha2u today
the purpose of man is "to love and work"...
looks like the failed economy
has taken care of half that equation (snark)...
have been mulling this over for a few days and it took
an odd turn this morning to Harlem.
LOVE ( & alcohol) meant routine beatings,bruises,
black eyes and the infrequent broken jaw.
my Aunt Bessie,who routinely slept with her pastors,
once took a hot steam iron to the face of her sleeping husband.
his crime? frequently screwing his nubile underage doottirs?
no, it was screwing a legal age woman he met in church.
even during my childhood it was almost routine for
the husband to get a few furious slaps before
the husband KO'd the wife whereas the
other woman sometimes got a surprise lye facial
or public shaming.
my cousin Barbara, who became a welfare mom
-Puerto Rican babymaker in Spanish Harlem,
as a child would eat razor blades and light bulbs
and "act the fool", so as not to be molested.
did not hear of too many instances of incest
outside the Deep South where she and Bessie
and her sisters grew up.
underage sex among consenting minors was
more or less the norm in Harlem.
there was a girl named Tina
who was "slow" but whoaslo really really
liked sex. among the thousand or so
underage boys,and some men,
in the Abraham Lincoln Projects of Harlem
i was one of a mere handful who did NOT have sex with her.
not that she didn't offer,several times,but it was like
kicking a puppy or kitten...instead i had sex with
the minor sister K of two brothers, friends of mine,
often.i was 8 or 10 and she but a few years younger.
later when we were both adults and K
was a former street whore and longtime junkie
she asked whether we could do it again.
thought about it but sadly declined.
on a tangent many of the girls and many many boys who
did not go to 'Nam, fell to the scourge of heroin,
"flying on the ground" in druggie slang,
and would end up selling their bodies for sex
((vaginal,anal or oral gay & srtr8)
in the dark byways off Times Square
(pre Guliani). i was often warned against getting
free handjobs/blowjobs (mostly from white men)
in the balcony of many
grindhouse Times Square movies.
junkies,some got clean and were
welcomed home like the Prodigal Son
but many more did not.
one of my best friends Micheal,
his dad owned a dry cleaners in Harlem,
moves his family from the Harlem projects
to Long Island where Micheal and his lil sister
Alice then became junkies (sigh).
think this blog was ignited by the Superbowl commercial,
now running frequently.where a kid in the back seat asks
"Where do babies come from?"
and the father gives a preposterous answer about
a Baby Planet and spaceships
and when challenged the father quickly
switches the topic to some kids song.
the usual bloodless WASP prudery? this why so many of their lily white
dottirs "experiment" with black men?
by making The Other FORBIDDEN
you also make it almost inevitable.
my cousin Jessie , the only college going
black man i knew then,dated white wimmin exclusively
until they got what they really wanted from their parents
-usually a new car or trip to Europe,
then they dropped him like maggoty fruit.
he became very angry and probe to depression,
in Harlem slang he was "snowblind"
his mother was a well known carousing slut
"she was fast" who lied about her age but i liked her.
when i was a young black boy growing up in the ghetto
and seeing dog eared copies of Playboy
passed around,it never occurred to me to
ever sleep with white wimmin.
there was one white woman in our building ,
who met her black soldier husband in Italy during WWII,
and her unhappiness radiated off her like flies on shit.
even as a child i could see it.
when i moved to L.A. was the first of
many times i was hit on by white wimmin,
i was so naive i had no idea what was happening
but i soon wised up. my Mother had so
damaged my self esteem and made me feel worthless
for so long that the thot of a strange
white woman wanting to get nekkid
with me or even just date me
was outside,waaaay outside my worldview.
just as the first time i was hit on by gay men in frisco
i was equally clueless until i "experimented"....
being gay in Harlem in the 50s
meant you were "funny" and apparently
did not carry the same onus it did in the white community.
back Freud, the purpose of Life to me is
"to aspire,love and work" for
where are we without our dreams?
aloha2u today
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
Florida woman brandishes gun at Walmart staff over rejected $1 coupon | The Raw Story
Florida woman brandishes gun at Walmart staff over rejected $1 coupon | The Raw Story
hope they gave her the correct change?
wait, she's 61??? old enuff to know better.
hope they gave her the correct change?
wait, she's 61??? old enuff to know better.
Monday, March 4, 2013
illuminati in music! see whats happening right now! -must see!! unravelling live...., page 1
illuminati in music! see whats happening right now! -must see!! unravelling live...., page 1
say what? KILTS & The Illuminati??????
i'm screwed.
say what? KILTS & The Illuminati??????
i'm screwed.
Activist Post: Obama's Clean, Green Fukushima Plumegate Machine
Activist Post: Obama's Clean, Green Fukushima Plumegate Machine
O Bomber and his news DOE nimineee see nuclear energy,
as Green Energy ,what bullshit!
cuppa plutonium and nuclear waste anyone,anyone?
O Bomber and his news DOE nimineee see nuclear energy,
as Green Energy ,what bullshit!
cuppa plutonium and nuclear waste anyone,anyone?
High Heels Hurt Like Hell: Do Women Wear Them to Signify Class and Status? | Alternet
High Heels Hurt Like Hell: Do Women Wear Them to Signify Class and Status? | Alternet
became awre of this while watching Chelsea Handler
and her 4 inch spikes then noting her female guests doing same ..
became awre of this while watching Chelsea Handler
and her 4 inch spikes then noting her female guests doing same ..
The Neo-Confederate Supreme Court Gearing Up to Restore White Rule Over America | Alternet
The Neo-Confederate Supreme Court Gearing Up to Restore White Rule Over America | Alternet
on "racial entitlements"
George Carlin "It's not a RIGHT if somebody can take it away from you."
on "racial entitlements"
George Carlin "It's not a RIGHT if somebody can take it away from you."
Sunday, March 3, 2013
Quantum Mechanics & Telepathy - Is Everything Connected? -
Quantum Mechanics & Telepathy - Is Everything Connected? -
YES yes it is,think Shamanic for once....
YES yes it is,think Shamanic for once....
Vatican Prophecy, the End of Religion, and Shift to Universal Consciousness, page 1
Vatican Prophecy, the End of Religion, and Shift to Universal Consciousness, page 1
Archons as ancient non human intelligences, why should we trust them?
Archons as ancient non human intelligences, why should we trust them?
Friday, March 1, 2013
100 Million Years Old Giant Skull And Teeth Found Embedded In Coal | Pakalert Press
100 Million Years Old Giant Skull And Teeth Found Embedded In Coal | Pakalert Press
100 million years old, in dinosaur country???
the cult of THEOSOPHY posits
several "root races" inhabitng this earth
before modern humanity...
100 million years old, in dinosaur country???
the cult of THEOSOPHY posits
several "root races" inhabitng this earth
before modern humanity...
Chemtrails and Depopulation – An Insider Speaks Out | Pakalert Press
Chemtrails and Depopulation – An Insider Speaks Out | Pakalert Press
alarmist claptrap?
but please noe the Georgia Guidestones
called for a 500 million
world population MAX.
alarmist claptrap?
but please noe the Georgia Guidestones
called for a 500 million
world population MAX.
Demons, Souls, The Matrix, and the Pentagon | Mysterious Universe
Demons, Souls, The Matrix, and the Pentagon | Mysterious Universe
BTW is not just Scientologists who believe
that nuclear weapons destroy SOULS....
GNOSTIC Archons are a sort of demon?
BTW is not just Scientologists who believe
that nuclear weapons destroy SOULS....
GNOSTIC Archons are a sort of demon?
15 Uncanny Examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature
15 Uncanny Examples of the Golden Ratio in Nature
the Golden Ratio, the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE
also see PYTHAGORAS...
the Golden Ratio, the FIBONACCI SEQUENCE
also see PYTHAGORAS...
Otherworldly News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9
Otherworldly News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9
can we indeed THINK High Strangeness into "existence"?
can we indeed THINK High Strangeness into "existence"?
An 'alternative universe' will eventually destroy ours, says Higgs researcher
An 'alternative universe' will eventually destroy ours, says Higgs researcher
my physical "universe' dies with the physical "me"...
my physical "universe' dies with the physical "me"...
This is not a Birkeland Current |
This is not a Birkeland Current |
of course TESLA said the Universe was indeed electric...
of course TESLA said the Universe was indeed electric...
The UFO Iconoclast(s): Project Stork and the Real MJ-12 Group
The UFO Iconoclast(s): Project Stork and the Real MJ-12 Group
see short lived TV series "Dark Skies"
see short lived TV series "Dark Skies"
Tv recap News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9
Tv recap News, Videos, Reviews and Gossip - io9
are why i stay up thurs nite
and have you watched THE AMERICANS on FX yet?
the KGB sleeper agents in Reagan's Amerikkka.
plus THE FOLLOWING which is gory fun
plus CONTINUUM a Canadian series about time travel on Syfy
plus BEING HUMAN same channel a remake of a BBC series
plus JUSTIFIED & FACE OFF on tues
SHAMELESS and the return of GAME OF THRONES sundays
and that's about it for my TV watching now.
are why i stay up thurs nite
and have you watched THE AMERICANS on FX yet?
the KGB sleeper agents in Reagan's Amerikkka.
plus THE FOLLOWING which is gory fun
plus CONTINUUM a Canadian series about time travel on Syfy
plus BEING HUMAN same channel a remake of a BBC series
plus JUSTIFIED & FACE OFF on tues
SHAMELESS and the return of GAME OF THRONES sundays
and that's about it for my TV watching now.
Are you in danger of spontaneously combusting? The risk factors according to a 1799 physician
Are you in danger of spontaneously combusting? The risk factors according to a 1799 physician
according to MSM a guy went up in flames in Oklahoma last month
"salamanders" of yore were mystical fire beings
kind of like djinn?
just a thot
according to MSM a guy went up in flames in Oklahoma last month
"salamanders" of yore were mystical fire beings
kind of like djinn?
just a thot
When Brain Damage Unlocks The Genius Within | Popular Science
When Brain Damage Unlocks The Genius Within | Popular Science
"genius" & Madness linked yet again.....
"genius" & Madness linked yet again.....
130 Years of Parapsychology – Graham Nicholls
130 Years of Parapsychology – Graham Nicholls
as a youth had the so called RHINE DECK
which i found to be worthless ESP wise,
the Tarot was much much better
for me at least.
as a youth had the so called RHINE DECK
which i found to be worthless ESP wise,
the Tarot was much much better
for me at least.
Declassified: America's Secret Flying Saucer - Popular Mechanics
Declassified: America's Secret Flying Saucer - Popular Mechanics
now as good as the article a few years back
about our saucers in earth orbit with H Bombs...
now as good as the article a few years back
about our saucers in earth orbit with H Bombs...
Are there UFOs in hidden hangars at Papoose Dry Lake?
Are there UFOs in hidden hangars at Papoose Dry Lake?
there and Dulce N.Mex and the Mojave at the Skunkworks and...?
there and Dulce N.Mex and the Mojave at the Skunkworks and...?
Does Fear Drive Kids' Paranormal Experiences? : Discovery News
Does Fear Drive Kids' Paranormal Experiences? : Discovery News
we adults CLOSE ourselves off from much reality
we adults CLOSE ourselves off from much reality
TEDx Talk: Rupert Sheldrake on 'The Science Delusion' | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History
TEDx Talk: Rupert Sheldrake on 'The Science Delusion' | TDG - Science, Magick, Myth and History
i love this guy, a true original.bought his first book
in hardcover even tho i had lil $
i love this guy, a true original.bought his first book
in hardcover even tho i had lil $
on Commnets again
thank you thank you thanx for the compliments.
as i have mentioned before
i am only Facebbok because of the Stone Boyz
which consider non pictorial e-mail
sooo last century.i post lil
of note there asn they put links to my blog
whenever they feel the urge or whatever.
LINKEDIN IMHO a nusiance.
TWITTER i am not a follower
altho i do write haiku,
which i might even share someday.
all my enrgu is in this blog
and a sparse wordless digest
of disability interests.
have neither the stamina
nor the energy for a scattergun
approach to blogging..
this is my best shot folks,
glad you enjoy.
as i have mentioned before
i am only Facebbok because of the Stone Boyz
which consider non pictorial e-mail
sooo last century.i post lil
of note there asn they put links to my blog
whenever they feel the urge or whatever.
LINKEDIN IMHO a nusiance.
TWITTER i am not a follower
altho i do write haiku,
which i might even share someday.
all my enrgu is in this blog
and a sparse wordless digest
of disability interests.
have neither the stamina
nor the energy for a scattergun
approach to blogging..
this is my best shot folks,
glad you enjoy.
MST n 'food scarcity'
"Life is a disease,and the only difference between one man
and another is the stage of the disease at which he lives."
George Bernard Shaw (like a sr8 Oscar Wilde my hero too)
its 70+ degrees here in bullet riddled "Paradise",
and yeah we made the MSM national news
for our bloody cop killings a few days ago.
but what urged me to write today was two arrticles
i found in today's SF CHRONICLE.
a new term to me MST
"military sexual trauma" for those
who join and don't get PTSD from combat
there MST from getting raped.assaulted,
or stalked or whatever
from the 'don't ask n don't tell'
all volunteer (sic) army.
aside from that the main thrust
(no pun intended) of the article
was homeless female vets.
sigh...the VA apparently is lacking
when it comes to housing, accomadating
homeless female vets with kids.
with kids if you can imagine that....
"food scarcity" is the new euphemism
depending upon your source
either 1 in 4 or 1 in 6 children in
"the greatest country in the world"
go to bed hungry.either number is
unforgivable and appalling.
takes an in depth personal look at this.
i have written that,aside from
illegal drone strikes,
the US produces enough food
for every person on the planet,
all 7 billion plus.but the reason (sigh)
for "food scarcity" is both greed and
access. enough food is thrown away
from grocery and food servers
to feed all of the US hungry
adequately. there are laws against
re-selling food but not against giving it
to the Food Pantry nearby.
NBC ran a story recently about college kids
doing just this from school cafeterias.
i used to work a block from the SF Opera
and after the shows
the caterers would bring
platters of goodies to the legions of homeless
camped in our doorways. i have already
detailed the idiocy of the SFPD
kicking over kettles of fresh made soup into the gutters
for lack of unobtainable 'permits'.
what else?
apparently Mayor Jean Quan
if Oakland is an idiot
for posting,or allowing to be posted,
on her website complete details on lock picking
-in case you get locked out of your house
or do not carry a second set of keys.....
need i mention that Oaktown
has been a haven for burglars
be kind
and another is the stage of the disease at which he lives."
George Bernard Shaw (like a sr8 Oscar Wilde my hero too)
its 70+ degrees here in bullet riddled "Paradise",
and yeah we made the MSM national news
for our bloody cop killings a few days ago.
but what urged me to write today was two arrticles
i found in today's SF CHRONICLE.
a new term to me MST
"military sexual trauma" for those
who join and don't get PTSD from combat
there MST from getting raped.assaulted,
or stalked or whatever
from the 'don't ask n don't tell'
all volunteer (sic) army.
aside from that the main thrust
(no pun intended) of the article
was homeless female vets.
sigh...the VA apparently is lacking
when it comes to housing, accomadating
homeless female vets with kids.
with kids if you can imagine that....
"food scarcity" is the new euphemism
depending upon your source
either 1 in 4 or 1 in 6 children in
"the greatest country in the world"
go to bed hungry.either number is
unforgivable and appalling.
takes an in depth personal look at this.
i have written that,aside from
illegal drone strikes,
the US produces enough food
for every person on the planet,
all 7 billion plus.but the reason (sigh)
for "food scarcity" is both greed and
access. enough food is thrown away
from grocery and food servers
to feed all of the US hungry
adequately. there are laws against
re-selling food but not against giving it
to the Food Pantry nearby.
NBC ran a story recently about college kids
doing just this from school cafeterias.
i used to work a block from the SF Opera
and after the shows
the caterers would bring
platters of goodies to the legions of homeless
camped in our doorways. i have already
detailed the idiocy of the SFPD
kicking over kettles of fresh made soup into the gutters
for lack of unobtainable 'permits'.
what else?
apparently Mayor Jean Quan
if Oakland is an idiot
for posting,or allowing to be posted,
on her website complete details on lock picking
-in case you get locked out of your house
or do not carry a second set of keys.....
need i mention that Oaktown
has been a haven for burglars
be kind
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