
Monday, July 30, 2012

opps CHF

"CLOSE only counts in horseshoes,hand grenades and
 thermonuclear weapons." Korak the Killer (sic)

you might have noticed my less than frequent output of late
last week i could a probable cause
blocked it out at first
when your doctor tells you "don't worry"
then WORRY.
did the research and barring results from further tests
its what i have.
hereditary genetic defect apparently
so it goes. so 2012
is a crucial year for me,
one way or another.
a future of pain,extreme fatigue,
poor sleep and a possible
pacemaker someday.
don't think i'll go the heart transplant route
i've had a full Life.
give it to some kid.
i had planned to bitch about politics
but spent an hour looking for Batman
 toys and i'm exhausted,no luck there,
so fuck it.
hope y'all are having better days...

aloha2u today

our gunfighter nation...sigh

"more guns means less crime" a right wing caller to Rhandi Rhodes show today after post Columbine theater shooting.....
"Anybody who is not on the No Fly Watch List should not own a gun."(say what ???)
rep from Mayors Against Illegal Guns

just a lil more
40,00 t0 50,000 killed in "lawless Mexico" over a decade
due to cartel violence
30,000 to 40,000 killed PER Year in the USA
due to our ruthless mindsets.
plus there are more guns in the USA than people
320 million Plus.....
i think the mindset was best typified by
a male caller who claimed that if
he or his armed friends was present
at the Aurora movie theater

as a student of history i know that the glorified gunfigthers
 were usually sociopaths on both sides of the law
(Tom Horn,Pat Garrett et al)
and rarely more than 5% of any population
(like now)
just study the Gunfight at the OK Corral
or the three volume BLOODLETTERS & BADMEN
to confirm any of this.
like Israel we seem to live in an Old Testament reality
of perpetual rage and violence.
peeps it is well past time we grew da fuck up!

as someone who has carried a gun on several jobs
i found a new found well of tolerance when
it came to shooting some damn fool
but apparently i am not some sociopath who
loads up on teaR GAS,gLOCKS,SHOTGUN,
or invade an innocent country on trumped charges.
anyone recall how the Taliban offered up
Osma Bin Laden after 9-11 
if he could be tried in an Islamic court?
anyway i think i made a point in there somewhere
BTW The Batman saw both his parents murderd
by gun violence and thus NEVER uses a gun
so there.

BANE this!

Thursday, July 19, 2012

INTO THE BLEED .....spirits

"Religion is the opiate of the Masses."  Karl Marx

even before i start typing this i can hear my BFF G Man
clucking his tongue and shaking his head at my apparent foolishness
as regards PSI and the ESParanormal,
here it goes anyway...

i have written that when i was 8 or 9
i saw an hallucination of Jesus Christ before my one sunny afternoon,
like the images in my  Mother's Baptist church nearby he was an
uber Aryan blond with blue eyes and fair skin,
being a skeptical SOB even back then i turned away....
i went on to become a student of comparative folklore/religions
until i found one that fit me.

now the Baptist church or more precisely the black
version of Baptists may be unique in one regard,
the feature they called "being possessed by the Holy Spirit"
those of you familiar with Santeria or Voodoo will see where i am going with this...
it was a frequent event and not at all uncommon for some
older obese woman to be possessed and "fall out"
wioth specially trained ushers standing by to see that she
didn't hurt herself before coming to her senses again,
a type of "fainting couch" was reserved for this purpose in the basement.
no biggie right? so imagine my surprise to see my hard headed
hard boiled Mother fall out one Sunday and be clumsily transported
 to the nether regions...WOW.

she,i knew, would be mortified at the attention,
not to mention her girdle being seen by all and sundry.
so i knew this now to be 100% valid and her sielnce after she regained her senses
just added to the mystery which even her marathon
phone calls to her sister did nothing to dissipate.
in Voodoo the "loas" (plural. spirits,nature spirits)
"ride" (possess) the believer often to convey a message
or just to show their presence.
i often wondered how a Jew could look like a Nazi and
 why black people would regard him as Savior...
i would discover Jungian (sic) Archetypes much much later.

so one could say my psychic pump was primed for
the Life i would lead and my eternal fascination with The Occult;
not to mention how Charles Fort,HP Lovecraft,Arthur Machen
 and the outre Marvel comic book artist Jack Kirby
threaded their way deep into my consciousness...
even today and with decades of synchronicity and
odd events and coincidences behind me....
unlike The X Files and the I WANT TO BELIEVE poster
that hangs nearby,i am SO there still...

maybe some politics next time,we shall see...


Sunday, July 15, 2012

adress book

blood on the floor
my address book
i look down
my address book is full
of ashes, a cemetary
of dead friends.
some older but
most younger,
all dead
of natural causes....
mostly suicide.
i understand and
often envy them
 it seems my path is longer
with many gifts still left unfinished
until my name too
is crossed off somewhere
in some other
address book....

game over?

"When I use a word" Humpty Dumpty said,in a rather scornful tone,"it means just what I choose it to mean-neither more nor less." Alice in Wonderland or "Justice" Roberts on Obamcare?

"Mitt Romney is a douche." Rhandi Rhodes talkshow host

okay okay despite everything Mittens and O Bomber are still
 in a dead heat as we round out of July 4th craziness,
the Economy is still in the toilet and despite all MSM
propaganda will be for the next few years
(should CNN actually have a show called YOUR MONEY
when our peeps are living under bridges and in storm drains under Las Vegas?)

so the current meme is that 5 or 6 GOP govs like
Scott Walker/Wisc and Scott / Florida
will each shave 1 or 2% off Obama's votes
via electronic voter fraud and
its Bush V.Gore all over again and
Mittens wins 1600 Penn.(shuddery gloom)

oh forgot to mention that Scott Walker "won"
his recall vote by 7% whereas
all the vote tallys and exit polling
(which are usually very accurate)
had him losing by 4%......

we here in these Untied Snakes
of Amnesia (Gore Vidal homage)
have no mandate or fedgov law
for uniform voting machines or
methods of fair elections
so...we get W in Florida then W in Ohio
and the snakes in both parties giggle and snort
as they pull another fast one and
we the sheeple DON"T look up in horror.

sigh & cry
then look up, watch what happens
you Have been warned....

aloha 2u today

The Secret Sun: Wizards, Workings and Walk-Ins: The Ultimate Lifeform

The Secret Sun: Wizards, Workings and Walk-Ins: The Ultimate Lifeform

i have seen,experienced and interacted with "sentient ghost lights"
when i lived in Mendo and no i was not stoned any of the times it happened
so they are "real" whatever that means anymore.

Hell on earth?

looking at the Colo firestorms it looks a lot like the Christian Hell, why not?

am sitting here in Paradise (sic) with
fireworks spotting copters nosily overhead foretelling
our future domestic drone wars.
S"Cruz  is north of Vandenberg AFB where the Pentagon
launches many black space ops
so we are fairly used to nocturnal overflights
but thew Sun,she is shining, and we can see
the creepy metal beasties...this time.

finished celebrating the "Triumph of Obamacare" yet?
nowadays it feels like every so called victory is a defeat.
have turned off MSM TV for so called "progressive radio"
Rhandi Rhodes,Big Ed Schultz,Koral, Thom Hartmannn et al
it goes down easy and sometimes i learn stuff.
i listen to KRXA AM out of Monterrey but they are online too.

am dealing with life without regular PT
physical therapy
IT SUX and is extremely painful.
lots of eerie moaning and gnaSHING OF TEETH
maybe will rent myself out on Halloween,
why not?

one year at the compound here they had a mechanical teddy bear
which sang The Star Spangled Banner over and over and over again,
i much more approve the less bellicose God Bless America or O Canada
but that's just me.
traffic here has been terrible since friday as all us locals
hunker down until the dust clears.
"pay our taxes lil tuirsta monkeys,pay down our taxes".
hope you guys enjoy some of the intetnet tidbits and gems i pass along
you would NOT believe some of the weird ass crap i screen out....

have a happy jingoistic 4th y'all
BTW "Lawyers,I suppose,were children once." Charles Lamb
to the child that still lives deep inside most of us...


8 Ways America's Headed Back to the Robber-Baron Era | | AlterNet

8 Ways America's Headed Back to the Robber-Baron Era | | AlterNet

from Ayn Rand to Ron/Rand Paul.....
from child coal miners to Oliver Twist anyone?
the New UNtouchables (no not the TV show/movie,think India)